zondag 19 november 2023

Nu in Israëlische kranten. Uit politieonderzoek blijkt:


Complottheorie blijkt alweer waarheid. Nu in Israëlische kranten. Uit politieonderzoek blijkt: - Hamas was tijdens de 7 oktober uitbraak niet op de hoogte van het muziekfestival - Een Israëlische gevechtshelicopter zou zeer goed verantwoordelijk kunnen zijn geweest voor de dood van festivalgangers - Hamas kwam niet door het hek, maar langs de snelweg En als ik even terugreken lijkt het erop dat het festival toestemming kreeg nadat buitenlandse veiligheidsdiensten hadden gewaarschuwd voor de Hamas aanval. Ga er maar vanuit de het ware verhaal van wat er gebeurd is bij de Kibbutz nu ook snel naar buiten komt. haaretz.co.il/news/politics/ In the security system, it is estimated that the terrorists who carried out the massacre on October 7 did not know in advance about the Nova festival held near a bad kibbutz, and decided to arrive on the scene after discovering that a mass event was taking place. The security system's assessment relies, among other things, on terrorist investigations and the investigation of the incident in the police, from which it appears that the terrorists intended to reach a bad kibbutz and kibbutzim in the area. According to a police official, an investigator of the incident also revealed that an IDF fighter helicopter arriving at the base of David's level fired at the terrorists and apparently also hit some of the celebrants who were at the scene. According to police, 364 people were killed at the festival. Officials estimate that Hamas found out about the party's existence through skimmers or parachutes, and prepared the terrorists for a place in their contact system. In a video from a body camera of one of the terrorists, he sounds like asking a captured citizen to reach the bad guys, even though he was in another area. One of the findings that reinforces the assessment, according to police and other security officials, is that the first terrorists arrived at the party from Highway 232 and not from the fence. In addition, according to police sources, the party was scheduled to take place on Thursdays and Fridays, and on Tuesday evening that week, the army approved the event organizers to hold on Saturday, after the organizers' request. The last-minute change reinforces the assessment that Hamas did not know about the incident."At the event, about 4,400 people were present in our estimation, most of whom managed to escape following a decision to disperse the incident four minutes after the missile barrage," says a senior police officer. Police analysis shows that many of the party participants managed to escape because it was decided to stop the party about half an hour before shots were heard.

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