maandag 19 oktober 2020

Chris Kijne en de Gesubsidieerde Onwetendheid 17

Donderdag 1 oktober 2020 verklaarde Ian Buruma in zijn NRC-column:

Debat, oppositie, botsende belangen, zijn onontbeerlijk in een democratisch systeem. Niet alleen onontbeerlijk; daar draait eigenlijk alles om. Het systeem van politieke vertegenwoordiging is een manier om conflicten op vreedzame manier op te lossen. Maar dat lukt alleen als alle partijen het eens zijn over de regels van het spel, en elkaar misschien niet mogen maar wel beschouwen als legitieme spelers. Vandaar die ‘my honorable friend’ in het parlement van Westminster.

Om kennelijk het nog in het duister tastend kwaliteitspubliek te overtuigen van het belang van zijn truïsme, wees professor Buruma op de ‘totale minachting’ van zijn politieke tegenstanders voor enig decorum en voor het bestel in zijn geheel. Hij stelt dat het ‘eerste wat demagogen’ in het Westen:

doen om naar de macht te grijpen is de legitimiteit van openbare instellingen ondermijnen… Het doel is om de liberale democratie en de onafhankelijke rechtspleging te vervangen met het ‘Führerprinzip,’ de grote leider die zich vereenzelvigt met de gezonde volksgevoelens.

Hoewel de argumentatie van mijn oude vriend zelden subtiel is, had hij hier toch weer een nieuw   dieptepunt bereikt. Zijn redenering bezat het raffinement van een 'breekijzer'  waarnaar de kop boven zijn opiniestuk verwees, en waarmee hij hoopt het ‘fatsoen’ in de zogeheten ‘democratie’ te redden. Maar zijn reuzenstap van Thierry Baudet naar Adolf Hitler getuigt absoluut niet van intellectuele verfijning. Sterker nog: hier wordt de lezer geconfronteerd met dezelfde grofheid die Buruma claimt te willen bestrijden. Zonder in te gaan op de groeiende scepsis over de huidige lichting politici, vormen Buruma’s kwalificaties niet meer dan een schoolvoorbeeld van een ordinaire scheldpartij. Men kan in een democratie moeilijk de kiezers verwijten dat zij andere politici willen. Net zomin als een keizer een ander volk kan kiezen, kan het volk democratisch gedwongen worden zich aan de willekeur van de volksvertegenwoordigers te onderwerpen. De enige zinnige conclusie vandaag de dag is allereerst dat de voortdurende propaganda van de ‘corporate press’ heeft gefaald. Vervolgens zal de mainstream-pers het voor de hand liggende feit moeten accepteren dat een parlement, waarvan een substantieel deel van de bevolking meent dat het gecorrumpeerd is, zijn legitimiteit verliest. 

De neoliberale pers kan nu wel het afvallige publiek voor rotte vis uitmaken, en zijn leiders voor potentiële Hitler’s, maar wat denkt zij daarmee te bereiken? Het is weliswaar juist dat zij zich daarmee verzekerd van schouderklopjes van haar gefortuneerde opdrachtgevers, en hun houding garandeert hen inderdaad een glanzende carrière, maar tegelijkertijd maakt de mainstream-pers zich voor eeuwig belachelijk. Waar is het zelfrespect van zelfgenoegzaam klinkende opiniemakers als Ian Buruma? Waarom zouden bijvoorbeeld ‘wij’ allen, zoals Ian stelt,  ‘met weemoed’ moeten ‘terugkijken’ op de voorbije hoogtijdagen van de totalitair opererende neoliberale ideologie? Deze doctrine is tevens verantwoordelijk  voor ‘a climate crisis’ en ‘an inequality crisis,’ zoals twee Amerikaanse hoogleraren in een commentaar schreven in The New York Times van zaterdag 26 januari 2019. Het tweetal wees erop dat in het zogenaamde ‘rijkste land ter wereld’:

more than a generation, the lower half of income distribution has been shut out from economic growth: Its income per adult was $16,000 in 1980 (adjusted for inflation), and it still is around $16,000 today. At the same time, the income of a tiny minority has skyrocketed. For the highest 0.1 percent of earners, incomes have grown more than 300 percent; for the top 0.01 percent, incomes have grown by as much as 450 percent. And for the tippy-top 0.001 percent — the 2,300 richest Americans — incomes have grown by more than 600 percent.

Dit alles is het resultaat van de Amerikaanse parlementaire ‘democratie,’ die Buruma zo lang als een ‘force for good’ heeft bejubeld. Hier gaat op wat de joods-Hongaarse Nobelprijswinnaar Literatuur Imre Kertész in zijn essay ‘De overbodige intellectueel,’ als volgt verwoordde:

Wie ooit met de macht heeft gespeeld of zich vrijwillig als speelgoed van de macht heeft laten gebruiken, is nooit meer in staat over iets anders te denken, te dromen, te praten en te zedenpreken dan over de macht. We begrijpen niets als we ons slechts op de vaktermen van de politicologie verlaten en de verschrikkelijke, ziekelijke angst van de overbodige intellectueel niet als het ware in onze zenuwdraden voelen.

Om als overtollige burger een plaats te verwerven in het neoliberaal kapitalisme is de intellectueel gedwongen zich dienstbaar te maken aan de elite. De groeiende onderkaste heeft namelijk geen behoefte aan ‘slap gelul,’ de middenklasse heeft geen tijd voor uiteenzettingen waar zij toch niets mee aankan, en de rijken weten allang hoe de kaarten geschud zijn, aangezien zij dit bepalen. De enige rol die de intellectueel wordt gegund, is die van de deskundige die de massa moet overtuigen dat het huidige neoliberalisme het enige levensvatbare ‘alternatief’ is op aarde. Alleen op die manier is de intelligentsia bruikbaar voor de elite. Vandaar dat intellectuelen overal opduiken, en keer op keer worden gelauwerd met prestigieus klinkende prijzen. Maar hoe dienstbaarder zij zijn, des te corrupter de Buruma’s, Smeetsen, Kijne’s, Makken, en Heijne’s te werk gaan. Een aanzienlijk deel van het publiek is door eigen ervaringen wijs geworden en als gevolg van de toegankelijkheid van internet voor brede lagen van de bevolking is men  wantrouwig geworden tegenover de reguliere media, het dagelijks podium voor de neoliberale ideologie. Dus als Ian Buruma in de NRC van 6 februari 2016 beweert dat ‘Westerse samenlevingen nu democratischer dan ooit [zijn],’ terwijl gedupeerde westerlingen zich afvragen waarom er al jarenlang op hen bezuinigd wordt, en rijken in dezelfde periode immens veel rijker werden, dan zijn er weinig individuen die er werkelijk van overtuigd zijn dat Buruma de waarheid spreekt. De overgrote meerderheid ziet in hem als opiniemaker eerder de traditionele ‘con man,’ de ‘snake oil peddler,’ de ‘kwakzalver,’ die vroeger op marktpleinen en jaarmarkten de boeren, burgers en buitenlui allerlei rotzooi aansmeerden, en die vandaag de dag via de media neoliberale propaganda verkopen. Dit laatste verzin ik hier niet ter plaatse, maar is de werkelijkheid die ieder intelligent mens overal kan waarnemen waar de macht zich concentreert. Zo benadrukte de uiterst invloedrijke Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) al in zijn Jaarlijks Rapport van 1951:  

In speaking of public enlightenment, it is well to bear in mind that the Council has chosen as its function the enlightenment of the leaders of opinion. These in turn, each in his own sphere, spread the knowledge gained here in ever-widening circles.

De Amerikaanse CFR prijst zichzelf aan als: 

a leading foreign policy organization with a robust individual and corporate membership. Individual members include many of the most prominent leaders in international affairs who come together to engage in nonpartisan conversation on the most salient policy and governance issues of the day. The corporate membership program provides a unique forum for business leaders to interact with CFR members and other global influencers, noted thinkers, and experienced practitioners,

zoals ondermeerCondoleezza Rice, oud-minister buitenlandse zaken, Dick Cheney, voormalig vicepresident, Zbigniew Brzeziński, oud Veiligheidsadviseur van Jimmy Carter, Alan Greenspan, 19 jaar lang voorzitter van de FEDJohn McCain, de oorlogszuchtige Republikeinse senator, George Soros, beursspeculant, miljardair, kortom de top van de westerse politieke, ideologische, commerciële en financiële macht. Interessant in dit verband is dat de schatrijke:

David Rockefeller had a lifelong association with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) when he joined as a director in 1949. In 1965, Rockefeller and other businessmen formed the Council of the Americas to stimulate and support economic integration in the Americas. In 1992, at a Council sponsored forum, Rockefeller proposed a ‘Western Hemisphere free trade area,’ which became the Free Trade Area of the Americas in a Miami summit in 1994. His and the Council's chief liaison to President Bill Clinton in order to garner support for this initiative was through Clinton's chief of staff, Mack McLarty, whose consultancy firm Kissinger McLarty Associates is a corporate member of the Council, while McLarty himself is on the board of directors.

Bovendien is belangwekkend dat: 

David Rockefeller (June 12, 1915 – March 20, 2017) was an American banker who served as chairman and chief executive of Chase Manhattan Corporation. He was the oldest living member of the third generation of the Rockefeller family, and family patriarch from August 2004 until his death in March 2017. Rockefeller was the youngest child of John D. Rockefeller Jr. and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, and a grandson of John D. Rockefeller and Laura Spelman Rockefeller.

He was noted for his wide-ranging political connections and foreign travel, in which he met with many foreign leaders. Displeased with the refusal of Bilderberg Group meetings to include Japan, Rockefeller helped found the Trilateral Commission in July 1973. 

Welnu, de langdurige voorzitter van de Council on Foreign Relations was een kleinzoon van: 

John Davison Rockefeller Sr. (July 8, 1839 – May 23, 1937) an American business magnate and philanthropist. He is widely considered the wealthiest American of all time, and the richest person in modern history.

Rockefeller was born into a large family in upstate New York that moved several times before eventually settling in Cleveland, Ohio. He became an assistant bookkeeper at age 16 and went into several business partnerships beginning at age 20, concentrating his business on oil refining. Rockefeller founded the Standard Oil Company in 1870. He ran it until 1897, and remained its largest shareholder.

Rockefeller's wealth soared as kerosene and gasoline grew in importance, and he became the richest person in the country, controlling 90% of all oil in the United States at his peak… Furthermore, Rockefeller gained enormous influence over the railroad industry which transported his oil around the country. Standard Oil was the first great business trust in the United States… His company and business practices came under criticism, particularly in the writings of author Ida Tarbell.

The Supreme Court ruled in 1911 that Standard Oil must be dismantled for violation of federal antitrust laws. It was broken up into 34 separate entities, which included companies that became ExxonMobil, Chevron Corporation, and others — some of which still have the highest level of revenue in the world…

Rockefeller became the country's first billionaire, with a fortune worth nearly 2% of the national economy. His peak net worth was estimated at US$418 billion (in 2019 dollars; inflation-adjusted) in 1913. His personal wealth was estimated at $900 million at the time in 1913, which was almost 3% of the US GDP of $39.1 billion that year. 

De bekende Amerikaanse film-historicus Richard Schickel schreef in 2007:

The difference between the gangsters and, say, John D. Rockefeller, was that their methods of eliminating the competition was, shall we say, somewhat more strenuous (onverdroten. svh), and that ultimately they paid a deadly price for their depredations (plunderingen. svh).,8599,1679805,00.html 

Het is niet overdreven te stellen dat John D. Rockefeller een man was die mafiapraktijken gebruikte om hem destijds de rijkste man ter wereld te maken. Belangrijk is te weten dat John D.’s vader de ‘con artist William Avery Rockefeller’ was, bijgenaamd Devil Bill, ‘a traveling salesman’ die ‘elixirs’ verkocht, en die: 

[u]nshackled by conventional morality, led a vagabond existence and returned to his family infrequently. Throughout his life, Bill was notorious for shady schemes,

Devil Bill Rockefeller was een ‘oplichter’ die:

loaned money to farmers at twelve percent, but tried to lend to farmers who could not pay so as to foreclose (beslag leggen. svh) and take the farms. Two of his sons were Standard Oil co-founders John Davison Rockefeller Sr. and William Avery Rockefeller Jr.’

Deze ‘con-man,’ werd ook nog op 26 juli 1849 ‘in the city of Auburn, New York, indicted for a rape which had occurred at gunpoint. Because of the allegations, William sold the Moravia home and moved to Owego, New York… William assumed the title Doctor Bill Levingston and worked as a traveling snake oil specialist.

Het verhaal van deze zwendelaar, die eens opschepte ‘I cheat my boys every chance I get. I want to make them sharp,’ is te exemplarisch voor de mentaliteit van de ‘super-rich’ en de wijze waarop zij hun fortuin weten te vergaren, om hier niet uitgebreid te citeren. Daar gaan we:

The Rockefellers, and their financial rise was based largely on a near global control of oil refining right?  As many people believe the Rockefellers began their fortune with oil. The Rockefellers also had large interests in other monopolies. Anthony Sutton,  a British and American economist, historian, and writer; notes ‘[Rockefeller] controlled the copper trust, the smelters trust and the gigantic tobacco trust, in addition to having influence in some [JP] Morgan properties such as the U.S. Steel Corporation as well as in hundreds of smaller industrial trusts, public service operations, railroads and banking institutions. National City Bank was the largest of the banks influenced by Standard Oil-Rockefeller, but financial control extended to the U.S. Trust Co. and Hanover National Bank [and] major life insurance companies — Equitable Life and Mutual of New York’ (Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, 1981)

However to have been able to obtain this great monopoly of oil, it was the initial wealth from Dr. Bill Levingston, a ‘Celebrated Cancer Specialist’ of the late 1800’s, who sold miracle drugs that enabled them to invest in oil and create their vast fortune. Dr. Levingston was your run-of-the-mill snake oil huckster (doorsnee oplichter. svh), someone who had no issues about preying on the weak and the innocent in his pursuit of wealth and power.

And like every snake oil salesman, he had a cure-all tincture to sell. He called it Rock Oil and charged $25 a bottle for it, equivalent at the time to two months’ salary for the average American worker. Claiming it could cure all but the most terminal cancers, there were always desperate souls in every town who could be duped into buying a bottle.  Dr. Livingston, having abandoned his first wife and their six children, started a bigamous marriage in Canada at the same time as he fathered two more children by a third woman. And later was even charged for raping a young girl. In fact, that although he did not first get married until the age of 27, by being a bigamist Dr. Levingston was able to be married a total of 103 years even though he died at the ripe old age of 96.

As near as anyone can tell, ‘Rock Oil’ was in fact just a mixture of laxative, petroleum, and heroin and had no effect whatsoever on the cancer of the poor townsfolk he conned into buying it. But ‘Dr. Bill’ didn’t have to worry about the consequences when his customers discovered they’d been had; he never stayed in any one place for very long. This was also the same time that the German Bayer Company began mass production of heroin and marketed it as a new health remedy. Bayer described the new drug, heroin, as a non-addictive panacea for adults and infants respiratory diseases. Trace amounts of opium was also found to have been used in Bayer Aspirin, which saw huge gains in the market and sales following The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937.  ( see The Decline and Fall of the United States of America, Part 1 - By Anthony Kishko)

William Avery Rockefeller, the Con Artist ‘Scoundrel’ Who Fathered a Dynasty

Who Was Dr. Levingston


Yes, in almost every respect, Dr. Levingston was your typical snake oil huckster of the times, someone who had no problems about preying on the weak and the innocent in his pursuit of wealth and power. 

There was one thing that set him apart however. His name was not in fact ‘Levingston.’ That was an identity he had assumed after being indicted for raping a girl in Cayuga in 1849. 

His actual name was William Avery Rockefeller, and he was the father of John D. Rockefeller, founder of the infamous Rockefeller dynasty.

The official histories of the Rockefeller family, many commissioned or approved by the Rockefellers themselves or produced by public television stations owned and managed by family members, downplay the significance of the dynasty’s snake oil lineage and the lives lost or destroyed by their family.

William Avery Rockefeller who hawked remedies and medications that had opiate bases. He was literally a traveling salesman, a ‘hack doctor’ and a trickster. In fact if this was going on today, Attorney General Jeffrey Session would have him arrested as a drug dealer.

He called himself a ‘cancer specialist,’ and eventually, with the sales of his elixirs and growing ‘snake oil fortune,’ was able to give large amounts of money to his son, John Davison Rockefeller, who used that money to start an oil business.

John Rockefeller saw that oil was going to bring in even bigger profits than ‘snake oil elixirs.’ He played the railroad companies against each other, eventually gaining ‘control.’ The railroads and cheap transportation were key to transporting the oil; refiners who could ship his oil for less would put the others out of business.

The Standard Oil Company 

In 1865, Rockefeller bought out his partners in the kerosene business for $72,500. In 1870, he and a few others, organized The Standard Oil Company, with capital of $1 million. He built his company by buying out competitors, price cutting and controlling secondary businesses related to pipelines, trains, oil terminals and barrel making. By 1880, his monopoly controlled the refining of 95% of America’s oil. In 1885, 70% of Standard Oil’s sales were overseas, largely to northern Europe and Russia. All of its properties were merged into the Standard Oil Trust with an initial capitalization of $70 million, and by 1900 Rockefeller controlled about two-thirds of the entire world’s oil supply. He was also a director of the U.S. Steel Corp when it formed in 1901.

With the railroad the only reasonable option for traversing the vast expanses of the US in a reasonable time, the American frontier was built up around the railroads. Along with the invention and widespread adoption of the ‘horseless carriage’ meant that the new modern America would be built up around the automobile, and it was the 20th century snake oil salesman like the Rockefellers who stood to profit from it.

Now, it would be difficult to imagine an industrialized nation without oil. All the cars we drive- cars burning fuels derived from oil, running on tires derived from oil, or to go to the store to buy plastic goods derived from oil in plastic packaging derived from oil. Big Pharma uses oil as a basis for many pharmaceuticals, Big Agra uses oil in for fertilizers, Big Food uses oil for additives. If they could- they’d have us dunking our Oreo’s (koekjes dompelen. svh) in a glass of Oil. 

What is never thoroughly explored in the Rockefeller histories and always left out by the mainstream press, however, are the ways that viable alternatives to Big Oil have been systematically suppressed by the snake oil salesman and their lackeys in the positions of political power that have long since been bought and paid for through the Washington lobbyists.

Henry Ford, in 1925, told the New York Times:

‘The fuel of the future is going to come from fruit like that sumach (een rood bloeiende onkruid. svh) out by the road, or from apples, weeds, sawdust — almost anything. There is fuel in every bit of vegetable matter that can be fermented.’

This was not merely a pipe dream (waandenkbeeld. svh). The original Model T could run on either ethanol or gasoline. In 1941, Ford produced a vehicle made of cellulose fibers derived from hemp which ran on hemp ethanol. The dream of an agrarian revival and an alternative to petroleum, however, was soon squelched by the snake oil salesmen, and gasoline became the de facto standard, preserving the mind-boggling fortunes of the oil barons.

Rockefeller’s only son, John Davison Rockefeller, Jr., used the fortune to launch a number of crusades of his own, including financing a large part of the movement to prohibit alcohol in the United States. Although his crusade against alcohol ultimately failed, he was not discouraged from public enterprises. He built Rockefeller Center at the height of the Depression as a monument to the family’s enterprise, and encouraged his second-eldest son, Nelson, to enter public life.

Rockefellers Invisible Hand

Nelson Rockefeller first learned the techniques of propagating and controlling information when he was appointed coordinator of inter-American affairs at the age of thirty-two by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and given the responsibility of running a $150-million propaganda agency in Latin America. The archives for the inter-American affairs reveals that to gain complete control over the media of Latin America, Rockefeller engineered a ruling from the United States Treasury which exempted from taxation the cost of advertisements placed by American corporations that were ‘cooperating’ with Rockefeller in Latin America. This tax-exempt advertising eventually constituted more than 40 percent of all radio and television revenues in Latin America. 

By selectively directing this advertising toward newspapers and radio stations that accepted ‘guidance’ from his office, he was effectively able to control the images that the newspapers and radio stations of Latin America projected about America during World War 11. By 1945 more than 75 percent of the news of the world that reached Latin America originated from Washington, where it was tightly controlled and shaped by Rockefeller’s office. In developing this mode of psychological warfare, Rockefeller learned not only the vulnerabilities of the press but the techniques of manipulating news. By supplying a daily diet of some 30,000 words of ‘news’ — including editorials, articles, news photographs, and ‘exclusive features’ — to the media of Latin America, Rockefeller came to appreciate the reality that journalists acted mainly as messengers of dramatic and titillating stories, rather than as any sort of independent investigators. As long as Latin Americans were spoon-fed manufactured anecdotes and dramatic happenings that fell within the generally accepted definition of ‘news,’ they would not question the interest or politics that lay behind the disclosure of this information to them. This education in the management and manipulation of news was to prove invaluable to Nelson Rockefeller in his political career after World War II. (Agency of Fear – Opiates and Political Power in America, Edward Jay Epstein)

It was this manipulation of the media that also had a ‘invisible-hand’ in hemp prohibition.

Rockefeller Jr. wanted cannabis/hemp gone. He knew that it was a huge threat to his oil industries and chemical investments. The strategy of controlling narcotics was his edge to getting hemp farming prohibited.  With the help of his father, he was able to use his business sense to strategize and prohibit some medications, which gave him control over the whole medical system. Prohibiting only certain medications guaranteed that HIS pharmaceutical companies would continue to flourish.

Because hemp was known to be an excellent alternative to fossil oil, and known to have excellent healing properties, it was a tremendous threat to Big Oil and pharmaceutical investments.

“Despite Industrial Hemp having 50,000 uses, Dupont, Rockefeller, Hearst, Mellon (Amerikaanse miljardairs. svh) and their constituents cornered the industrial and medicinal market with political propaganda… so big business and capitalist politics thrived and outlawed the hemp plant that had sustained the United States of America, since the days of our founding fathers and all for someone else’s selfish monopolistic goals.[Malmo-Levine, David]

It’s Reefer Madness.

Thus, the propaganda flourished, hemp was classified to be ‘dangerous as marijuana’ and this lead to the production of the propaganda film ‘Reefer Madness.’

‘Reefer Madness: High-school principal Dr. Alfred Carroll (Josef Forte) relates to an audience of parents that marijuana can have devastating effects on teens. In his story, a drug supplier entices several restless teens, including sister and brother Mary (Dorothy Short) and Jimmy Lane (Warren McCollum) and Mary's boyfriend, Bill (Kenneth Craig), into frequenting a ‘reefer’ house. Gradually, Bill and Jimmy are drawn into smoking dope, which affects their family lives and leads to a terrible crime. Release date: 1936 (USA) Director: Louis J. Gasnier Story by: Lawrence Meade Production company: George A. Hirliman Productions.’

Like many exploitation films of the time, ‘Reefer Madness’ tried to make a quick buck off of a forbidden subject while skirting the Motion Picture Production Code of 1930. The Code forbade the portrayal of immoral acts like drug use. (The illegal drug traffic must not be portrayed in such a way as to stimulate curiosity concerning the use of, or traffic in, such drugs; nor shall scenes be approved which show the use of illegal drugs, or their effects, in detail.)

Dr. Levingston would no doubt approve of the stain his legacy has left on our society. This is the trick by which John D. and the Rockefeller dynasty and all of their ilk have transformed themselves from two-bit peddlers of phoney cure-alls to multi-trillionaire controllers of our economic reality. William Rockefeller seemed so proud of his perverse double-life as a fake doctor and was even buried as William Avery Levingston on the headstone.

 Rockefeller Centre op Manhattan.

Dit alles is de context waarin David Rockefeller opgroeide, een context die hem één van de machtigste mensen op aarde maakte. Als mede-oprichter van de Trilaterale Commissie (1973) en decennialang voorzitter van de Council on Foreign Relations, zag hij nauwlettend erop toe dat de belangen van de schatrijke westerse elite ongeschonden bleven. Dankzij onder andere de steun van journalistieke ‘con-men’ als mainstream-opiniemaker Ian Buruma, a fellow of the European Council of Foreign Relations,’ is er tot nu toe geen verandering opgetreden in deze situatie. En zo is de cirkel weer rond. Waar het hier om draait is datgene wat in 1979 in een brochure van de Trilateral Commission als volgt werd geformuleerd:

above national and international bureaucracies and beyond the brief tenures of most elected governments, a useful level of meetings and exchanges of views has come into being — a sort of European-Japanese-American Establishment. Problems can be attacked there that are beyond the narrow scope of nation-state interests and transcend the time horizons of a legislative session,

waardoor het toekomstig beleid kan worden ontwikkeld, voorgesteld, en — eenmaal geïmplementeerd — worden geëvalueerd, zonder enige hinderlijke tussenkomst van democratische parlementen, laat staan het publiek op straat.

In verband met de lengte, stop ik hier. Volgende keer meer. 

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