woensdag 11 september 2024

Israel caught in not one, not two, but three huge lies


Israel caught in not one, not two, but three huge lies

Can anyone remember the last time Israel told the truth?


You’re going to want to sit down for this one: Israel has been caught lying again

An Israeli newspaper called Yedioth Ahronoth has revealed that Israel manipulated one Hamas document and forged another, then leaked them to the media to manipulate public opinion. The documents falsely indicated that Hamas planned to smuggle hostages out of Gaza via tunnels in the Philadelphi corridor, with the intention of sending them to Iran.

This was an excuse for Israel to back away from peace talks and keep control of the Gaza side of the Egyptian border. The implication was that Hamas was not interested in a ceasefire so Israel had no choice but to keep fighting. This lie was apparently intended to alleviate pressure on the government from the families of the hostages, and create confusion abroad, undermining the narrative that Israel was the obstacle to peace.

Permanent Israeli control of the Philadelphi Corridor would not just deepen the blockade of Gaza but present a security threat to Egypt, so needless to say, the Egyptians are not happy about this idea. The Camp David Accordsforbid a permanent Israeli presence, and if the IDF doesn’t pull out, it will be in violation of the 1979 Egypt-Israel peace treaty.

One of Egypt’s biggest concerns is that Israel might use the opportunity to drive Palestinians into the Sinai Desert, leaving Egypt responsible for the refugees, as well as any attacks from Hamas. This could theoretically lead to war between Israel and Egypt, and given Israel’s favourite hobby is bombing its neighbours, war is hardly unthinkable. There are even concerns Israel is planning to build a canal through Israel and Gaza that would rival the Suez Canal, threatening the Egyptian economy. This would obviously be a huge no-no.

From the Palestinian perspective, the Philadelphi Corridor is an essential trade route and presents an opportunity to get aid into Gaza and injured people out for treatment. All of this would be made much harder by Israeli control of the border.

Given the above, you would think any documents that support Israel’s goals would be treated with scepticism by any self-respecting journalist, but two western newspapers were foolish enough to publish the documents, one being German newspaper Bild, and the other the being the UK-based Jewish Chronicle. 

The Jewish Chronicle is a propaganda rag for the Israeli state with a record of lying that’s almost as extensive as Israel’s. A group of 15 people who have won IPSO complaints or libel settlements against the newspaper have demanded an investigation from the regulator into its editorial conduct, but whereas our country loses its mind about “Russian misinformation”, Israeli misinformation is just fine.

Yedioth Ahronoth reports that Israel’s Military Intelligence Directorate confirmed they have no knowledge of one of the documents and the other is real, but Bild published a fabricated quote from the document. The Israeli newspaper explained:

“An examination of all the databases of seized materials collected since the start of the ground manoeuvre in Gaza revealed that no one in the military intelligence unit to which this material is directed, and the intelligence community in general, has any idea about it or who is behind it.”

In other words, pro-genocide propaganda was published in a German and a British newspaper, but if you talk about Israel’s lie, it’s probably anti-Semitism or something.

You will be unsurprised to hear the leaked document story was not the only lie Israel was caught making in the last 24 hours. Israel justified the Al Mawasi massacre by claiming it attacked senior Hamas leaders in a “command centre”, using precision armaments to “safeguard civilian lives” and Hamas lied about casualty numbers. This was, of course, bullshit.

Israel bombed tents in a refugee camp again, with five explosions leaving thirty-feet deep craters and throwing up sand which buried people alive. Israel used US-made MK-84 bombs in the attack, but rest assured, these bombs were delivered by the “lesser of two evils” and Kamala cried about the people she helped kill, so it’s fine.

Does this look like a precision strike to you?

After the attacks, there was a scramble to dig people out of the sand before they suffocated and miraculously some were retrieved alive. The death toll is unclear but severed limbs were scattered everywhere. Nineteen have been confirmed dead so far, and the initial Hamas claim of 40 dead and 60 injured looks like it will be an underestimate. Most of the dead are women and children.

Does this look like a Hamas command centre?

You would be forgiven for thinking that would be enough Israeli lies for one day, but no, Israel has also been caught lying about the murder of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi.

The Israeli military claimed their soldier accidentally shot Aysenur when aiming for the instigator of a “riot”. Aside from the fact a bullet is not a reasonable response to a stone, and the fact shooting into a crowd and hoping you hit the right target is insane, it turns out Israel’s claim is bullshit. 

Three eye witnesses told Haaretz that Israeli snipers were so far from the protest, they couldn’t possibly have been hit by stones. They also confirmed there was no stone throwing and everything was calm when the sniper shot. Yet Israel has miraculously investigated the matter in record time and exonerated its sniper.

A super-fast Israeli inquiry found “it is highly likely that she [Eygi] was hit indirectly and unintentionally by fire which was not aimed at her, but aimed at the key instigator of the riot.” 

Does this sound like the outcome of a credible inquiry to you?

The fact is the country that has bought our politicians and is so depraved, it rapes its prisoners to death, should not be trusted by anyone. We are at the point where anyone who takes Israel at face value is so ignorant they should be ignored or so evil they should be opposed as strongly as the Zionist entity. These non-stop lies cannot be allowed to stand.

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