zondag 16 september 2012

Iran 366

'Engineering Consent For An Attack Iran
Netanyahu: Iran six to seven months from nuclear bomb capability

The Israeli premier called the U.S. to spell out limits that Tehran must not cross or else face military action - something Obama has refused to do.

By The Associated Press and Reuters
September 16, 2012 "Haaretz" -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Sunday that Iran would be on the brink of nuclear weapons capability in six to seven months, adding new urgency to his demand that President Barack Obama set a clear "red line" for Tehran in what could deepen the worst U.S.-Israeli rift in decades.
Taking his case to the American public, Netanyahu said in U.S. television interviews that by mid-2013, Iran would be 90 percent of the way toward enough enriched uranium for a bomb. He urged the United States to spell out limits that Tehran must not cross or else face military action - something Obama has refused to do.
"You have to place that red line before them now, before it's too late," Netanyahu told NBC's "Meet the Press" program, saying that such a U.S. move could reduce the chances of having to attack Iran's nuclear sites.
The unusually public dispute - coupled with Obama's decision not to meet with Netanyahu later this month - has exposed a deep U.S.-Israeli divide and stepped up pressure on the U.S. leader in the final stretch of a tight presidential election campaign.
America's ambassador to the United Nations says there's "no daylight" between the United States and Israel when it comes to stopping Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. But Susan Rice also says U.S.-Israeli intelligence indicates that the two nations have "considerable time" before that happens.
Rice tells CNN's "State of the Union" that economic sanctions are working.
Tehran insists its program is peaceful.
Rice says President Barack Obama has been clear that it stands with Israel and "will do what it takes" to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. But, she adds, "we are not at that stage yet."
Netanyahu to demand red lines for Iran on ‘Meet the Press’

WATCH: Interview part of PM’s campaign to garner American public support for his position on Iran.

By Jonathan Lis

September 16, 2012 "
Haaretz" -- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will begin a campaign to win American public support to draw “red lines” for Iran, regarding to the Islamic Republic’s nuclear aspirations. As part of his campaign, Netanyahu recorded interviews for American media programs on CNN and NBC.

During his interviews, Netanyahu will attempt to convince the American public that drawing red lines for Iran will not only discourage the nation from obtaining nuclear weapons, but also reduce the chances of a broader armed conflict.

Netanyahu is expected to mention recent attacks against American embassies in the Middle East. In a preview clip of the interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press”, Netanyahu said, speaking on what he called Iranian fanaticism, “it’s the same fanaticism that you see storming your embassies today. Do you want these fanatics to have nuclear weapons?”

Aides close to Netanyahu said on Saturday that the prime minister intends to stress that the is convinced that discussions of red lines will forge clear boundaries for Iran, and make it that much more difficult for the Islamic Republic to obtain nuclear weapons.

Also on Saturday, Foreign Policy published an interview with United States Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, who also discussed the ongoing debate between the U.S. and Israel regarding the setting of "red lines" for Iran.

He said that "Leaders of these countries don't have, you know, a bunch of little red lines that determine their decisions," he said. "Red lines are kind of political arguments that are used to try to put people in a corner.”'

1 opmerking:

Sonja zei

MEK decision: multimillion-dollar campaign led to removal from terror list

The campaign to bury the MEK's bloody history of bombings and assassinations that killed American businessmen, Iranian politicians and thousands of civilians, and to portray it as a loyal US ally against the Islamic government in Tehran has seen large sums of money directed at three principal targets: members of Congress, Washington lobby groups and influential former officials.


Weeklog Dennis de Jong: Iraans verzet

"Als Europarlementariër zit je gelukkig niet alleen in vergaderzaaltjes over wetsvoorstellen te vergaderen. Dat kan wel, maar voor je het weet, zit je dan opgesloten in een ivoren toren. Daarom zei ik onmiddellijk ja, toen Harry van Bommel en Tiny Kox mij vroegen of ik de SP zou kunnen vertegenwoordigen bij de bijeenkomst van het Iraans verzet, die gisteren in Parijs werd gehouden. ... En bij aankomst in Parijs werd ik niet teleurgesteld: tienduizenden Iraanse vluchtelingen waren er vanuit de hele wereld samengekomen om hun protestgeluid tegen het Iraanse regime duidelijk te laten horen. Ongelofelijk hoe mensen die vaak naaste familieleden hebben verloren als gevolg van de harde onderdrukking in Iran, toch de moed erin houden."


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