zaterdag 25 juli 2009

11 september 2001 (50)

Ik zet het allemaal nog even op een rijtje:

11 september 2001 (48)

Geachte collega's,

Voor degenen die rotsvast geloven in de juistheid van de officieel gepropageerde complottheorie betreffende 11 september 2001.

FBI says, it has “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11”

By Ed Haas

06/18/06 "Muckraker Report " - June 6, 2006 –

This past weekend, a thought provoking e-mail circulated through Internet news groups, and was sent to the Muckraker Report by Mr. Paul V. Sheridan (Winner of the 2005 Civil Justice Foundation Award), bringing attention to the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist web page for Usama Bin Laden.[1] In the e-mail, the question is asked, “Why doesn’t Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted poster make any direct connection with the events of September 11, 2001?” The FBI says on its Bin Laden web page that Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998 bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. According to the FBI, these attacks killed over 200 people. The FBI concludes its reason for “wanting” Bin Laden by saying, “In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorists attacks throughout the world.”

On June 5, 2006, the Muckraker Report contacted the FBI Headquarters, (202) 324-3000, to learn why Bin Laden’s Most Wanted poster did not indicate that Usama was also wanted in connection with 9/11. The Muckraker Report spoke with Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI. When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page, Tomb said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”

Surprised by the ease in which this FBI spokesman made such an astonishing statement, I asked, “How this was possible?” Tomb continued, “Bin Laden has not been formally charged in connection to 9/11.” I asked, “How does that work?” Tomb continued, “The FBI gathers evidence. Once evidence is gathered, it is turned over to the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice than decides whether it has enough evidence to present to a federal grand jury. In the case of the 1998 United States Embassies being bombed, Bin Laden has been formally indicted and charged by a grand jury. He has not been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11 because the FBI has no hard evidence connected Bin Laden to 9/11.”

It shouldn’t take long before the full meaning of these FBI statements start to prick your brain and raise your blood pressure. If you think the way I think, in quick order you will be wrestling with a barrage of very powerful questions that must be answered. First and foremost, if the U.S. government does not have enough hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11, how is it possible that it had enough evidence to invade Afghanistan to “smoke him out of his cave?” The federal government claims to have invaded Afghanistan to “root out” Bin Laden and the Taliban. Through the talking heads in the mainstream media, the Bush Administration told the American people that Usama Bin Laden was Public Enemy Number One and responsible for the deaths of nearly 3000 people on September 11, 2001. Yet nearly five years later, the FBI says that it has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.

Next is the Bin Laden “confession” video that was released by the U.S. government on December 13, 2001. Most Americans remember this video. It was the video showing Bin Laden with a few of his comrades recounting with delight the September 11 terrorist attacks against the United States. The Department of Defense issued a press release to accompany this video in which Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said, “There was no doubt of bin Laden’s responsibility for the September 11 attacks before the tape was discovered.”[2] What Rumsfeld implied by his statement was that Bin Laden was the known mastermind behind 9/11 even before the “confession video” and that the video simply served to confirm what the U.S. government already knew; that Bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

In a BBC News article[3] reporting on the “9/11 confession video” release, President Bush is said to have been hesitant to release the tape because he knew it would be a vivid reminder to many people of their loss. But, he also knew it would be “a devastating declaration” of Bin Laden’s guilt. “Were going to get him,” said President Bush. “Dead or alive, it doesn’t matter to me.”

In a CNN article[4] regarding the Bin Laden tape, then New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said that “the tape removes any doubt that the U.S. military campaign targeting bin Laden and his associates is more than justified.” Senator Richard Shelby, R-Alabama, the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said, “The tape’s release is central to informing people in the outside world who don’t believe bin Laden was involved in the September 11 attacks.” Shelby went on to say “I don’t know how they can be in denial after they see this tape.” Well Senator Shelby, apparently the Federal Bureau of Investigation isn’t convinced by the taped confession, so why are you?

The Muckraker Report attempted to secure a reference to the U.S. government authenticating the Bin Laden “confession video”, to no avail. However, it is conclusive that the Bush Administration and U.S. Congress, along with the dead stream media, played the video as if it was authentic. So why doesn’t the FBI view the “confession video” as hard evidence? After all, if the FBI is investigating a crime such as drug trafficking, and it discovers a video of members of a drug cartel opening talking about a successful distribution operation in the United States, that video would be presented to a federal grand jury. The identified participants of the video would be indicted, and if captured, the video alone would serve as sufficient evidence to net a conviction in a federal court. So why is the Bin Laden “confession video” not carrying the same weight with the FBI?

Remember, on June 5, 2006, FBI spokesman, Chief of Investigative Publicity Rex Tomb said, “The FBI has no hard evidence connecting Usama Bin Laden to 9/11.” This should be headline news worldwide. The challenge to the reader is to find out why it is not. Why has the U.S. media blindly read the government-provided 9/11 scripts, rather than investigate without passion, prejudice, or bias, the events of September 11, 2001? Why has the U.S. media blacklisted any guest that might speak of a government sponsored 9/11 cover-up, rather than seeking out those people who have something to say about 9/11 that is contrary to the government’s account? And on those few rare occasions when a 9/11 dissenter has made it upon the airways, why has the mainstream media ridiculed the guest as a conspiracy nut, rather than listen to the evidence that clearly raises valid questions about the government’s 9/11 account? Why is the Big Media Conglomeration blindly content with the government’s 9/11 story when so much verifiable information to the contrary is available with a few clicks of a computer mouse?

Who is it that is controlling the media message, and how is it that the U.S. media has indicted Usama Bin Laden for the events of September 11, 2001, but the U.S. government has not? How is it that the FBI has no “hard evidence” connecting Usama Bin Laden to the events of September 11, 2001, while the U.S. media has played the Bin Laden - 9/11 connection story for five years now as if it has conclusive evidence that Bin Laden is responsible for the collapse of the twin towers, the Pentagon attack, and the demise of United Flight 93?

No hard evidence connecting Usama Bin Laden to 9/11… Think about it.

Freelance writer / author, Ed Haas, is the editor and columnist for the Muckraker Report. Get smart. Read the Muckraker Report.

[1] Federal Bureau of Investigation, Most Wanted Terrorists, Usama Bin Laden, [Accessed May 31, 2006]

[2] United States Department of Defense, News Release, U.S. Releases Videotape of Osama bin Laden, December 13, 2001, [Accessed June 5, 2006]

[3] BBC News, Bin Laden video angers New Yorkers, December 14, 2001, Peter Gould, [Accessed June 5, 2006]

[4] CNN, Bin Laden on tape: Attacks ‘benefited Islam greatly”, December 14, 2001, [Accessed June 5, 2006]

Comments section added on July 23, 2009

11 september 2001 (49)

FBI says, it has “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11”


Bin Laden vond tien vliegtuigen te veel voor 11/9

artikel | Maandag 22-09-2003 | Sectie: Buitenland | Pagina: 5
WASHINGTON, 22 SEPT., De eerste ideeën voor wat de aanslagen van 11 september 2001 zouden worden, werden in 1996 aan Osama bin Laden gepresenteerd. Dat heeft Khaled Sheikh Mohammed, brein van de zelfmoordaanslagen met vier vliegtuigen in New York en in Washington, aan zijn Amerikaanse ondervragers verteld

Wat moet de NRC-lezer hier allemaal van denken? Terwijl de 'kwaliteitskrant' zich toch afficheert als de 'slijpsteen voor de geest'. Zal de NRC deze valse informatie nu ruim drie jaar later eindelijk eens gaan weerleggen door te melden dat de FBI 'geen harde bewijzen' heeft?Ik blijf benieuwd.

Nog een ander punt. Voor mijn boek 11 september. het keerpunt citeerde ik op dinsdag 4 oktober 2001 het volgende bericht uit de Volkskrant: 'Nederland heeft dinsdag in de NAVO-raad vergeefs bedenktijd gevraagd om het bewijsmateriaal over de betrokkenheid van Bin Laden bij de aanslagen in de VS te bestuderen. NAVO-ambassadeur Patijn kreeg nul op het rekest. Volgens diplomaten in Brussel beschikken de VS niet over harde bewijzen tegen Bin Laden, hooguit over sterke aanwijzingen... Patijn vroeg dinsdag op verzoek van minister Van Aartsen van Buitenlandse Zaken een uur bedenktijd nadat de Amerikaanse gezant Frank Taylor de NAVO-raad bewijzen had overlegd van de betrokkenheid van Bin Laden bij de terroristische aanslagen. Ook enkele andere landen, waaronder Luxemburg, vroegen om een "stilteprocedure" ... Volgens goed geinformeerde bronnen wees NAVO-chef Robertson het verzoek meteen af met de woorden dat een NAVO-bondgenoot om onvoorwaardelijk vertrouwen vroeg en dat dit onverwijld gehonoreerd moest worden... Het "bewijs" tegen Bin Laden dat Taylor de NAVO-raad presenteerde, zou in een rechtszaal nooit standhouden... Dit stellen diplomaten en ambtenaren bij de NAVO en ministers van Buitenlandse Zaken die de presentatie bijwoonden... Bij de NAVO brengen diplomaten daar tegenin dat "we op dit moment geen rechtzaak aan het voeren zijn. Dus juridisch spijkerhard hoeft het ook niet te zijn. We staan voor een politiek besluit, dat politieke argumenten behoeft. En die hebben we voldoende gekregen," meent een diplomaat ... Dat is ook het verweer van de Amerikaanse regering. "Het is niet terecht om een puur juridisch criterium te hanteren," zegt een Amerikaanse functionaris... De Amerikaanse regering wil de beschikbare gegevens niet openbaar maken,' aldus de Volkskrant destijds.

Ik schreef erbij: 'Met andere woorden: om 1 misdadiger op te hangen of te vergassen moet de VS een "spijkerhard juridisch bewijs" overleggen van de schuld van de ter dood veroordeelde, maar om een heel land te kunnen bombarderen is "het niet terecht om een puur juridisch criterium te hanteren". In 1 vergadering is de mensheid weer terug bij af en kan het zwaar bevochten internationaal recht terzijde worden geschoven. En men is er nog eerlijk over ook, het argument is domweg dat "we voor een politiek besluit staan," en daarbij staat het recht alleen maar in de weg,' aldus de tekst in mijn boek.

Kortom: Waarom zit het Nederlandse leger in Afghanistan?

Waarom onderzoeken de Nederlandse commerciele massamedia dit niet? Er worden miljarden aan belastinggeld aan dit zinloze geweld besteed. Me dunkt dat dit toch een doorslaggevend argument is voor Nederlanders die altijd bang zijn dat er teveel geld wordt uitgegeven aan buitenlanders, of ze nu vluchteling zijn of niet.

Oke, zelfs de grootste dwaas kan zien dat er iets niet klopt. Het handelt hier niet om een futiliteit, om een akkefietje, om een detail. Het betreft hier de kern van ons systeem. De parlementaire democratie, voor wat het waard is, is bedrogen op grote schaal. Tienduizenden mensen zijn als gevolg van die leugen vermoord of zijn zwaar verminkt geraakt, het kost de belastingbetaler miljarden om de leugen in stand te houden. Iedereen speelt het spel mee, de politici, de generaals, de ambtenaren, het bedrijfsleven, en niet te vergeten, de meesten van mijn collega's, die uit lafheid, uit financiele noodzaak of uit onnozelheid het spel meespelen. Tot straks de wal het schip gaat keren, want 1 ding kan geen van de spelers veranderen, en dat is het natuurlijke proces van oorzaak en gevolg. De corruptie gaat net zolang door tot het zichzelf geheel uitgehold heeft. Zo is het altijd geweest.

Ik vertrek maandag met mijn 19-jarige zoon Dylan naar New York en Washington, naar het centrum van de moderne macht. Ik wil hem de symbolen van de macht laten zien, het machtsspel zelf heeft hij inmiddels al door. De symbolen van de macht, want de macht kan niet zonder symbolen. De machtelozen wel, de machtigen nooit. Sterker nog: een deel van de macht ontleent de macht juist aan die symbolen. Bij omwentelingen gaan dan ook altijd de symbolen van de macht er het eerst aan. Ik zal een tijdje weg zijn, ik wens u een prettige zomer.

September 1, 1939

by W. H. Auden

I sit in one of the dives

On Fifty-second Street

Uncertain and afraid

As the clever hopes expire

Of a low dishonest decade:

Waves of anger and fear

Circulate over the bright

And darkened lands of the earth,

Obsessing our private lives;

The unmentionable odour of death

Offends the September night.

Accurate scholarship can

Unearth the whole offence

From Luther until now

That has driven a culture mad,

Find what occurred at Linz,

What huge imago made

A psychopathic god:

I and the public know

What all schoolchildren learn,

Those to whom evil is done

Do evil in return.

Exiled Thucydides knew

All that a speech can say

About Democracy,

And what dictators do,

The elderly rubbish they talk

To an apathetic grave;

Analysed all in his book,

The enlightenment driven away,

The habit-forming pain,

Mismanagement and grief:

We must suffer them all again.

Into this neutral air

Where blind skyscrapers use

Their full height to proclaim

The strength of Collective Man,

Each language pours its vain

Competitive excuse:

But who can live for long

In an euphoric dream;

Out of the mirror they stare,

Imperialism's face

And the international wrong.

Faces along the bar

Cling to their average day:

The lights must never go out,

The music must always play,

All the conventions conspire

To make this fort assume

The furniture of home;

Lest we should see where we are,

Lost in a haunted wood,

Children afraid of the night

Who have never been happy or good.

The windiest militant trash

Important Persons shout

Is not so crude as our wish:

What mad Nijinsky wrote

About Diaghilev

Is true of the normal heart;

For the error bred in the bone

Of each woman and each man

Craves what it cannot have,

Not universal love

But to be loved alone.

From the conservative dark

Into the ethical life

The dense commuters come,

Repeating their morning vow;

"I will be true to the wife,

I'll concentrate more on my work,"

And helpless governors wake

To resume their compulsory game:

Who can release them now,

Who can reach the deaf,

Who can speak for the dumb?

All I have is a voice

To undo the folded lie,

The romantic lie in the brain

Of the sensual man-in-the-street

And the lie of Authority

Whose buildings grope the sky:

There is no such thing as the State

And no one exists alone;

Hunger allows no choice

To the citizen or the police;

We must love one another or die.

Defenceless under the night

Our world in stupor lies;

Yet, dotted everywhere,

Ironic points of light

Flash out wherever the Just

Exchange their messages:

May I, composed like them

Of Eros and of dust,

Beleaguered by the same

Negation and despair,

Show an affirming flame.

16 opmerkingen:

Sonja zei

Volkskrant 23 mei 2006 Bin Laden: Moussaoui had niets te maken met ‘9/11'
Bin Laden, leider van het islamitische terreurnetwerk Al Qa'ida, stelt dat hij persoonlijk opdracht heeft gegeven aan negentien aanvallers voor de bloedige aanslagen op New York en Washington.

Sonja zei

Goede reis! Hopelijk kom je grens over...

Anoniem zei

Fijne dagen, gezellig zo, samen op stap!


Bert Erends zei

Symbolen beïnvloeden mensen via onbewuste, dus onvrije processen en proberen mensen in het gebied van het 'niet weten' te houden.
Over hoe beïnvloeding plaats kan vinden, een artikel van Huib Kraaijeveld:
Als je de inhoud van het artikel niet direct tot je binnen kan laten komen, zegt Huib Kraaijeveld, "helpt misschien een klein raadsel. Wie zei dit? "Er bestaat een groot kwaad dat iedere man, vrouw en kind van deze geweldige staat bedreigt. We moeten stappen nemen om onze nationale veiligheid te garanderen en ons vaderland te beschermen." Verrassing: dit was niet Bush, maar Hitler die de oprichting van de Gestapo aankondigde. Dit gebeurde nadat hij zelf de Reichstag in brand had laten steken en daar de communisten de schuld van gaf."
(Bron tijdschrift 'Apokalyps nu!', Assen, zomer 2009)
De Amerikaanse symbolen van de macht zijn nog niet vernietigd, er heeft dus nog geen omwenteling plaats gevonden.

Een fijne tijd met je zoon toegewenst.


Anoniem zei

Een uitstekend boek:"De Bin Ladens"van Pulitzerprijswinnaar Steve Coll.Uitgever Mouria

Zolang het maar symbolen van de macht zijn ontkomen zelfs de nummerplaten van de auto's er niet aan.Iets anders mag er niet op.

Fijne tijd met je zoon Stan

Anoniem zei

Stuivertje wisselen met jarenlange onderhandelaar Dennis Ross. Belooft niet veel goeds.

News Analysis: Key week in Israeli-U.S. relations
World 2009-07-26

by David Harris, Xu Gang

The Obama approach to Syria argues that talking could possibly persuade Syria to turn its back on its partner Iran, the Hezbollah group in southern Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The United States also wants Syria to no longer act as a host for what Washington deems terror movements.

The United States believes that such steps, along with an end to any perceived interference in Lebanese politics, and with a resumption of peace talks with Israel, will allow Syria to once again become a full member of the family of nations.(lees verder World)

The fact that Jones will be in town, accompanied by the National Security Council's Middle East guru Dennis Ross, suggests that Iran takes center stage in some of the discussions.


Ko zei

Als je je even verdiept in 911, kom je er achter dat 911 niet anders was dan een Media Job, zeg maar de Brainwash Media van de Massamoordenaars. "No planes" on 911.

TV Fakery is het kernwoord bij 11 september 2001.

Lees en bekijk/beluister de items op mijn DrogBlog er maar op na.

Unknown zei

Goede reis Stan en Dylan.
Ik zal je blog erg missen Stan. Wou dat ik een vader gehad had die zoiets samen met me deed...

Anoniem zei


Ik ga het lezen.


Anoniem zei

You tube Clinton Rips Fox on Osama Bin Laden


Anoniem zei

Afghanistan’s graveyard of empire

Written by Satinder Singh World Aug 9, 2009 Obama is hoping for a turnaround in US fortunes in Afghanistan – but any new strategy will need more troops and more treasure

Throughout its history, Afghanistan has been known as a graveyard of empires. But it is here that President Barack Obama is focusing America’s war effort, dispatching tens of thousands of US troops and staking his presidency on a dramatic turnaround.

Yet, as one senior US military official recently conceded, the fight in Afghanistan is “tough and getting tougher”. With violence at its highest since the 2001 invasion, a continuing absence of reliable Afghan security forces and the thriving poppy trade funding the Taliban insurgency, the US is in for a long battle that will inevitably require a greater military presence. While the number of US troops there will reach 68,000 by the end of this year, that figure still pales in comparison with the 130,000 stationed in Iraq – from where American forces are gradually being drawn down. (lees verder Pakistan Daily)


Anoniem zei

Vampires hovering over Islamic Iran

Written by Farooq Hussain World Jul 29, 2009

“The American foreign policy in the Middle East is oriented not around Afghanistan or Iraq – but Iran. It’s irrational to think that Iran is threat to the US. Like Afghanistan and Iraq – Iran is no threat to the US. Iranian threat to the US is the perception based on Israel Lobby’s view of Iran…..” – Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski PhD (USAF, 1993-2003). Karen, who was assigned to NESA (2002-03) – has this to say about the agency: ” The heads of NESA and OSP were Deputy Undersecretary William Luti and Abram Shulsky, respectively.
(lees verder Pakistan Daily)


Anoniem zei

Pakistan daily

Terrorism Theirs and Ours

Written by Abhijay Patel Blog Aug 11, 2009

John Feffer is a co-director of ‘Foreign Policy in Focus’, a US think tank. In his August 6, 2009 article titled Their Martyrs and Our Heroes wrote: “We have our suicide bombers – we call them heroes. We have our culture of indoctrination – we call it basic training. We kill civilians, we call it collatoral damage….We have been indoctrinated to view the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a legitimate military target and 9/11 as a heinous crime against humanity. We have been trained to see acts like the attack in Tripoli as American heroism and attack at USS Cole as rank barbarism (though carried out by Israeli agents). Explosive vest is a sign of exremism; Predator missiles, of advanced sensibility….. Remove the occupying force and the suicide missions would disappear. It is not a stretch, then, to conclude that we, the occupiers (the US, Russia, Israel), through our actions, have played a significant part in formenting the very suicide missions that we now find so alien and comprehensible in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Palestine, Lebanon, and elsewhere…..The fact is: Were we to end our occupation policies, we would go a long way toward eliminating “their” suicide bombers. But when and how will we end our own cult of martyrdom?” (lees verder Pakistan Daily)


Anoniem zei

kom je eigenlijk nog terug stan?
hoop snel weer iets te lezen.
tot die tijd uiteraard veel plezier.

Sonja zei

Ik mis het knallen van je zweep Stan!

Sam zei

ah... n teken van leven. mijn bericht verwijderd. hoop door stan zelf en niet de cia ;)

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