woensdag 1 april 2009

Het Neoliberale Geloof 389

Published Mar 25 2009 by The Oil Drum
Where we are headed: Peak oil and the financial crisis
by Gail Tverberg


Nearly all of the economic analyses we see today have as their basic
premise a view that the current financial crisis is a temporary aberration.
We will have a V or U shaped recovery, especially if enough stimulus is
applied, and the economy will soon be back to Business as Usual.

I believe this assumption is basically incorrect. The current financial
crisis is a direct result of peak oil. There may be oscillations in the
economic situation, but generally, we can't expect things to get much
better. In fact, there is a very distinct possibility that things may get
very much worse in the next few years.

In this post, I will put together some of the pieces I see. This post is
based on a presentation, so includes more than the usual amount of
graphics. The post repeats many things I have said before, but I wanted to
bring more of the pieces together into more of an overview article. This is
a link to a PDF version of the presentation.

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