vrijdag 3 april 2009

De Pro Israel Lobby 113

Israel Launches New 'Soft War'
By MEL FRYKBERG (Middle East Times)Published: March 11, 2009

GAZA'S NEW WAR FRONT -- A Palestinian father and his two sons pass by the ruins of a house in Jabaliya, northern Gaza on March 2, which was attacked during Israel’s 23-day war on the Gaza Strip. The bombs have stopped, but 'war' continues through the Internet. As the head of an Israeli PR organization explains, "This is Internet advocacy on a war footing and we are making a significant difference.” (Sipa Press via Newscom)

JERUSALEM -- Shortly after the guns fell silent over Gaza, during Operation Cast lead, Israel's three-week bloody onslaught over the coastal territory which left over 1,400 Palestinians dead and over 5,000 wounded, most of them civilian, the Israeli Foreign Ministry stepped up its 'soft war.'
This 'soft war' or intensive public relations campaign was meant to try and undo some of the damage done to Israel's reputation abroad as an international chorus of condemnation expressed disgust at the indiscriminate attacks on Gaza's mostly civilian population, which was trapped with nowhere to run.

The Israeli foreign ministry sent six ministers on a blitz tour of European and American cities to try and explain to politicians and media groups Israel's version of events in Gaza.

The Jewish State has one of the most organized and efficient publicity machines abroad known as Hasbara, which means 'explanation' in Hebrew.

For years Hasbara has operated from Israeli embassies and consulates abroad disseminating pro-Israeli propaganda.

Several pro-Israeli public relations organizations also work for Hasbara and are involved in intensive letter-writing and talk-back radio call campaigns aimed at challenging any views critical of Tel Aviv.

Many journalists covering the Middle East will confirm that this area is one of the touchiest in regard to hyper-sensitive lobby groups.

Editors too are regular recipients of a flurry of mail protesting any articles deemed too critical of Israel.

Students, supportive of Israel, on university campuses throughout the United States have also been supplied with the Hasbara Handbook, which details how to promote Israel and counter criticism of the country.

While Hasbara has been active for many years, the movement went into overdrive in the light of Operation Cast Lead.'
Lees verder: http://www.metimes.com/International/2009/03/11/israel_launches_new_soft_war/4604/

3 opmerkingen:

Abe Bird zei

I wish you were correct when suggested that the "Hasbara" really works. But it is a myth. "Hasbara"'s budget is only 10m$, what you can explain by that amount?
Muslims and other Anti Semites pour billions of $$$$ to lie about Israel.
By the way.... Israel's Capitol is Jewrusalem and not Tel Aviv. Why lying?

Anoniem zei

Vandaag, zaterdag, heeft Trouw 4 pagina's M. van Praag. "De aanvankelijke lieveling". Valt uitstekend te benoemen als Israel-propaganda. Israel is niet kolonialistisch, niet expanionistisch, niet racistisch en niet terroristisch.
Trouw zou een volgende zaterdag eveneens 4 pagina's moeten geven aan een opponent. Bijv. jij, Stan. Of Robert Soeterik. Allebei een uitstekend beok geschreven over Istael-Palestina.

Anoniem zei

Abe Bird

Hoeveel er uit is gegeven voor Hasbarah, maakt niet meer uit. De feiten spreken voor zich. Niet alleen heeft de wereld kennis kunnen maken d.m.v. Gaza van de gruwelijke methodes van Israel, maar komen (mede hierdoor) steeds meer andere verzwegen gebeurtenissen aan het licht. Steeds meer mensen zijn gaan beseffen wat er zich afspeelt. De waarheid heeft geen PR nodig, alleen onafhankelijke journalisten en gefundeerde informatie.


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