vrijdag 9 juni 2006

Palestina 2

Dit is de verwoesting van het Palestijnse vluchtelingenkamp bij Jenin na de Israelische inval in 2002. Inter Press Service bericht: 'Children rummage through garbage cans for discarded food for their one meal during the day. Families wait to buy discount-priced vegetables left unsold in the evening. These are not locally exaggerated accounts of the situation in Palestinian areas, but an official account by the World Food Programme. Next month the World Food Programme (WFP), a United Nations agency, will have to feed 25 percent more people -- 600,000 in all -- in the Palestinian territories because they have no other way of finding food. But only next month; the organisation has no money left to feed people after that. "We're going to have a pipeline break then," Kirstie Campbell from the WFP told IPS by phone from Jerusalem. "There has been a cut in funding after withdrawal of tax payments from Israel," Campbell said. "Also, donors are not funding the Palestinian Authority." Palestinians are evidently paying for exercising their democratic choice and voting a Hamas government into power. And it is the poorest among them who will pay the price.' Lees verder: http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=33471
De Nederlandse regering steunt de boycot tegen de Palestijnse bevolking.

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