dinsdag 6 juni 2006

Het Neoliberale Geloof 6

Het neoliberalisme is een systeem van roofbouw dat alles op zijn weg vernietigt. Ooit zei chief Seattle: 'All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth.'

En een andere Indiaan, Wovoko, verklaarde: 'You ask me to plow the ground. Shall I take a knife and tear my mother's bossom? Then when I die she will not take me to her bosom to rest. You ask me to dig for stones! Shall I dig under her skin for her bones? Then when I die I cannot enter her body to be born again.' Via Thruthout kunt u kijken naar een korte film over landschapsverwoesting. 'Almost Level, West Virginia. A Film by Rebecca MacNeice.

As the destruction of America's Appalachian Range accelerates in the mad rush for cheap energy, activist Doris "Granny D" Haddock and former Congressman Ken Hechler act as our tour guides as we fly over regions of mind-boggling devastation. Truthout filmmaker Rebecca MacNeice is aboard a SouthWings flight. SouthWings provides flyovers of mountain top removal sites to promote conservation through aviation.' Zie: http://www.truthout.org/multimedia.htm

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