donderdag 26 januari 2006

Martelen 17

Gisteren ontving ik het volgende email van Amnesty International: 'The Council of Europe's interim report, published today, made clear that the response from some European countries has not been sufficient. The governments of both the UK and Romania, for example, have cited their confidence in assurances offered by the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice. AI believes that such assurances cannot be regarded as adequate protection against abuse. AI reiterates its call to the UK Government to launch an immediate, thorough and independent investigation into evidence that its territory has been used to assist in unlawfully transporting detainees to countries where they risk torture. The Polish authorities must make the findings of their enquiry into the alleged existence of secret CIA detention centres available to the Council of Europe. The authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina must provide more information about how six Bosnians came to be abducted by American agents on Bosnian soil and taken to Guantánamo Bay. The report also casts doubt on the Italian Government's denial that it was informed about the operation in which at least 25 foreign agents abducted an Egyptian citizen in the middle of Milan. The Italian authorities clearly have more explaining to do. As Dick Marty points out in the report, "the fact that detention and interrogation centres have been relocated to other countries is proof that the authorities are fully aware that the methods used are incompatible with the American legal system." Amnesty International strongly endorses his call that Europe must "clearly and unambiguously declare that it refuses outright to tolerate such doings in its territory, or anywhere else."' Lees verder:

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