zondag 30 juni 2024

A mentally unwell Palestinian who went missing in Gaza has been found with life-threatening injuries.


CRITICAL CONDITION DETAINEE: Family of critically injured man in hashtagGaza allege torture in Israeli custody. June 30, 2024. https://lnkd.in/eKt7CtH2

A hashtagmentally unwell hashtagPalestinian man who went missing in Gaza has been found with life-threatening injuries.

His family says Israeli forces detained him for two weeks, leaving him with a fractured skull, damaged vision and multiple gunshot wounds that require urgent treatment abroad.

hashtagStopStarvingGaza hashtagStopGenocideInGaza hashtagStopKillingChildren
hashtagStopEthnicCleansing hashtagStopArmingIsrael hashtagCrimesAgainstHumanity

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