zondag 20 augustus 2023

Ollongren's Miljarden Verspilling ten Koste van Nederland

 🇺🇦 After a lot of begging, Western masters finally let Zelensky get a whiff of an F-16, parked in military base in Netherlands.

Possibly going to his regime...any day now.

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1 opmerking:

Bauke Jan Douma zei

Wie was eigenlijk die Neder-Nazi die "watch your head" zei, tegen cokehead Zelensky?
Dat moet niet moeilijk uit te vissen zijn.

"Shalom, Shalom from the children of Gaza"

  Syrian Girl  @Partisangirl BREAKING "Shalom, Shalom from the children of Gaza" - Israeli Mossad agent and businessman Ziv Kippe...