woensdag 16 november 2022

De Misdadigheid van de Nederlandse Politici en Pers

Al in 2012 berichtte ik op mijn weblog dat de NAVO-landen betrokken waren bij het financieren van anti-Assad terroristen in Syrië. Ik was daarop attent gemaakt door de Franse journalist, Thierry Meyssan. Drie jaar daarvoor  verklaarde Hillary Clinton: 

Let’s remember here, the people we are fighting today, we funded twenty years ago, and we did it because we were locked in this struggle with the Soviet Union… There is a very strong argument, which is — it wasn’t a bad investment to end the Soviet Union, but let’s be careful what we sow because we will harvest.

Aldus de toenmalige Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken op 23 april 2009 tegenover leden van het Huis van Afgevaardigden. Drie jaar later, op 12 februari 2012, schreef Hillary Clinton’s politiek adviseur Jake Sullivan  in een e-mail aan haar: ‘AQ (Al Qaeda] is on our side in Syria.’ Dat het Westen terroristen in Syrië steunde, was al bekend in augustus 2012 toen de prominente Franse journalist Thierry Meyssan van Voltaire Network berichtte:

No one doubts that terrorism in Syria is being sponsored by NATO and the GCC (Samenwerkingsraad van de Arabische Golfstaten. svh) but until now it was being carried out behind a veil of hypocrisy. Unable to bombard and raze the country because of the Russian and Chinese double veto, the Western powers and their Arab partners decided to bleed the country while setting it up for an attack by mercenaries. Then on February 12 came the call to jihad issued by Ayman al-Zawahiri. Suddenly, NATO, the GCC and al-Qaeda found themselves pursuing the same objective. Notwithstanding, Brussels took the view that the Egyptian sheik’s declarations were his alone and were therefore unworthy of comment as if to underline that NATO doesn’t revise its positions in response to such fatwas. This rationale remained unconvincing because it ignored the issue of the common objectives shared by the self-proclaimed advocates of democracy, on the one hand, and Islamism, on the other. It did allow appearances to be preserved. The masks are now off. The Western powers have acknowledged their links with terrorists.


Burgers die door het Westen gesteunde islamitische terroristen in brand werden gestoken.

Desondanks wisten de Nederlandse mainstream-media dit feit tot medio 10 september 2018 te verzwijgen. Pas nadat duidelijk was geworden dat de terroristen van Al Qaida dan wel Al Nusra of ISIS, c.q. Daesh -- of hoe men deze terroristische bendes ook wil noemen -- in Syrië verslagen waren, werd in Nederland bericht dat opeenvolgende Nederlandse kabinetten terroristen in dat land hadden gesteund. Een samenwerking die vanzelfsprekend tot stand kwam in overleg met de zelfbenoemde ‘Joodse staat,’ waarvan de strijdkrachten sinds enige tijd  deelnemen aan NAVO-oefeningen, in het kader van wat officieel ‘The War on Terror’ heet. Om de wrange ironie compleet te maken was bovendien bekend dat het zionistisch regime gewonde terroristen in veldhospitalen op Israelisch grondgebied medisch liet behandelen, opdat zij weer snel hun terreur tegen de burgerbevolking in Syrië konden hervatten. 
Hoewel er zelfs foto’s circuleerden van premier Netanyahu die de hand schudde van gewonde islamitische terroristen in een Noord-Israelisch veldhospitaal onderzocht de commerciële polderpers ook niet de volgende beschuldiging van Syrische autoriteiten, in begin oktober 2015: 

De Syrische minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Walid al-Muallem heeft tijdens de 70e Algemene Vergadering van de Verenigde Naties gezegd dat Israël de terroristen in Syrië bewapent en gewonde militanten in haar eigen ziekenhuizen behandelt.

De minister was kritisch over de houding van de internationale gemeenschap, die stilzwijgend toekijkt. Muallem zei tijdens zijn toespraak dat Israël Syrië blijft aanvallen, terwijl de wereld toekijkt hoe het land terroristen bewapent en gewonden in haar ziekenhuizen opneemt.

‘Als de terreurgroepen tijdens schermutselingen met het Syrische leger verliezen lijden, grijpt het regime in Tel Aviv in door middel van lucht- of artillerieaanvallen op Syrische bodem,’ aldus de Syrische minister.
Het is zeker niet overdreven te stellen dat ook de Nederlandse ‘corporate press’ door dit alles jarenlang niet te onderzoeken, medeplichtig is geweest aan steun aan terreur. Geen van mijn mainstream-collega’s durfde zichzelf de vraag te stellen waarom de  fundamentalistische terroristen in Syrië nooit Israel hebben aangevallen. De collaboratie van de Nederlandse mainstream-journalistiek was totaal. Desondanks is niemand van de ‘vrije pers’ op het idee gekomen om de redenen van deze vorm van journalistieke corruptie te onderzoeken. Integendeel, de twee journalisten die pas in 2018 over de Nederlandse steun aan terroristen berichtten, kregen in 2019 de prestigieus geachte Anne Vondelingprijs voor hun ‘onthulling.’ Hoewel deze ‘prijs voor heldere politieke journalistiek’ bedoeld is, blijkt hier in feite sprake te zijn van precies het tegenovergestelde, aangezien de vraag niet is opgeworpen waarom de Nederlandse mainstream-journalisten zo lang hebben gezwegen over de steun van twee opeenvolgende kabinetten aan terroristen die vele tienduizenden  burgers in Syrië hebben vermoord. De Tweede Kamer berichtte zelf:

Vanaf 2015 leverde Nederland zogenoemde niet-dodelijke steun aan oppositiegroepen in Syrië. In september 2017 bleek dat gesteunde groepen zich schuldig hebben gemaakt aan samenwerking met jihadisten en schending van de mensenrechten. De geleverde goederen bleken bovendien tegen de afspraken in gebruikt te worden in de militaire strijd. In april 2018 heeft minister Blok het programma stopgezet… Na een verzoek op grond van de Wet openbaarheid van bestuur is onder meer bekend geworden welke groepen in Syrië zijn gesteund. Blok betreurt het zeer dat daarbij onbedoeld vertrouwelijke informatie is verstrekt. Hij heeft de stukken weer ingetrokken om die passages te schrappen. 

Vrijwel alle door Nederland geleverde goederen zijn ingezet in de militaire strijd, constateert Karabulut (SP). De regering heeft de Kamer daarover keer op keer voorgelogen, meent zij. Van Helvert (CDA) en Van der Graaf (ChristenUnie) wijzen erop dat de schending van de voorwaarden al langer bekend was…

Blok zegt dat de informatie uiterlijk eind april weer openbaar wordt. Hij zal dan ook het resultaat bekendmaken van het onderzoek naar het ten onrechte verstrekken van vertrouwelijke informatie.

De Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken en de Commissie van advies inzake volkenrechtelijke vraagstukken zullen advies uitbrengen over een toetsingskader voor steun aan niet-statelijke, gewapende groepen…

De Kamer sprak eerder op 2 oktober 2018 over de steun aan Syrische rebellen. Aansluitend aan het debat wordt een motie van wantrouwen van de SP verworpen. SP, PvdD, DENK en PVV stemmen voor.


De gecorrumpeerde Nederlandse parlementsleden zowel als de polderpers zijn schaamteloos, en laten zich nu wederom gebruiken door het Amerikaans miliotair-industrieel complex en zijn NAVO,  en werken nu samen in de strijd van onder andere neo-nazi-troepen in Oekraïne. De geschiedenis herhaalt zich. Leest u zelf maar:

Direct Terrorist Collusion: Over One Dozen Videos Capture White Helmets Working Side-By-Side With Terrorist Groups in Syria

The videos below shows over a dozen occasions where the White Helmets are directly operating alongside armed terrorist groups in Syria. It also features the Saudi cleric leader of al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria) stating on record that the White Helmets (civil defence) are mujahideen (Islamic jihadists). Additionally, it features videos of the White Helmets lead propaganda disseminator Hadi Abadallah working alongside numerous radical Islamic terrorist groups. At the conclusion of the post, some of the best western voices reveal the truth about the US and UK support for the FSA terrorists in Syria.

Direct collusion……

The two videos directly above can also now both be found at the following links:

White Helmets Caught On Camera Celebrating Al-Nusra Front (Al-Qaeda) Takeover of Idlib, Syria in 2015 

White Helmets Caught Celebrating On Camera With Al-Nusra Front Terrorist Group (Al-Qaeda in Syria) 

Terrorist video from 2015 shows White Helmets operating directly alongside armed al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria) terrorists. al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria) flag displayed in upper left corner of video.


Abdullah al-Muhaysini,, the Saudi cleric leader of al-Nusra Front in Syria declares that the White Helmets (civil Defense) are Mujahideen brothers in holy war (jihadists).

Abdullah al-Muhaysini, the Saudi cleric leader of al-Nusra Front in Syria asks ISIS to join him in jihad (holy war).

The video above has been removed from You Tube. A copy of the same video can be found at the following Live Leak link:

Live Leak – Saudi Leader of Al-Nusra Front in Syria Asks ISIS To Join His FSA Linked Terror Group

WHITE HELMETS WITH TERRORIST MUHAYSINI IN HAMA (Short Version) -Ahrar Al Sham are included in the Fatah Al Sham (Army of Conquest) alongside Nusra Front and led by child-suicide-bomber-trainer, Riyadh educated Sheikh Abdullah Muhaysini. The following short clip is taken from a video filmed in the Hama countryside earlier this year, featuring Fatah Al Sham fighters, White Helmets and Muhaysini welcoming terrorists from Daraya.

John Cantle who was captured by ISIS and held in Islamic State territory is shown on video with White Helmets in the background.

Additional link to John Cantle’s pro-ISIS video here: John Cantle in ISIS Video Proves White Helmets Work for ISIS (NEVER BEFORE SEEN)

White Helmets meeting held at FSA HQ directly links them to Free Syrian Army which is comprised of dozens of terrorist groups and has been filmed on camera on numerous occasions conducting atrocities and working directly in conjunction with al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria)  terrorists.

Video directly above showing White Helmets meeting at FSA headquarters has been removed from You Tube. A cached version of the exact same video can be found here:

Video Links White Helmets Who Received Oscar Directly to FSA Terror Groups

Video of Hadi Abdallah, the lead propaganda disseminator for the White Helmets directly colluding with al-Nusra Front terrorists….

Video above showing Hadi Abadallah colluding with terrorists has been removed form You Tube. A cached version including many other clips is included here:

Hadi and The White Helmet Boys – Hero’s by Day, Terrorists by Night!

Video below shows that Hadi Abdallah was also involved with the White Helmets for the chemical event in Idlib, Syria on April 4, 2017.

Additional Clarity of Signal links on Hadi Abdallah:



Additional videos linking Hadi Abdallah to al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria):

Hadi Abdallah Embraces al-Nusra Front Jihadists

Live Leak Links to White Helmets videos linking them to FSA and terror groups

Live Leak Video Links White Helmets Who Received Oscar Directly to FSA Terror Groups

New Footage of White Helmets Caught on Camera Working with Terrorists and Western NGO 

Ben Swann’s Reality Check Exposes the Truth About US Support For FSA Terrorists (al-Qaeda) in Syria

Dr Marcus Papadopoulos reveals the truth about the White Helmets on the BBC

US Congressional Representative Tulsi Gabbard conducts interview with Mumina, a victim of the FSA who beheaded members of her family.

Tyranny Unmasked Uncovers the true face of the White Helmets

White Helmets filmed colluding with al- Nusra terrorist’s disposing of corpses in shovel of a tractor in 2015.

Final video shows White Helmets attending an August 2016 rally led by Abdullah al-Muhaysini the Saudi cleric leader of al-Nusra Front terrorist group (al-Qaeda in Syria).

New video has been uploaded that feature a White Helmets member participating in unloading a truck filled with beheaded Syrian soldiers. Shown below are two videos of the truck. The 1st video is from Twitter and shows a blue shirted White Helmet member with the group logo on the back unloading beheaded corpses. The 2nd video shows the same truck at the time of the loading of the bodies.

White Helmets Film Themselves Participating in Beheading of Syrian Soldiers

Pt 1 Beheaded soliders in truck. Note broken rear window, center brake light, broken left tail light verifies it as the same truck with SAA bodies.

The 2nd video of the truckload of dead and beheaded Syrian soldiers has now been removed from You Tube, fortunately I downloaded and copied it to Live Leak. The same video can now be found here:

Truckload of Beheaded Syrian Soldiers Transported By White Helmet Associated Terrorists

Video featuring over 10 additional occasions where the White Helmets are caught on camera operating alongside terrorists in al-Nusra Front held areas.

When viewing the material above, please keep in mind that western media and government organizations have the ability to conduct the same type of research that I have conducted in regards to the White Helmet terrorists. With their infinite resources and operational capability they could have conducted a proper investigation from the very beginning of this deceptive ruse that has been enacted upon the unaware people of the world. Alas, they have no desire to do such because, quite simply put, they are, and always have been, in bed with the terrorists. Their goal is to use the terrorists for regime change and to deceive the people of the world into following a deceptive, murderous path that is based entirely upon intentional misleading propaganda that serves the interest of a select few global elitists that constantly enrich themselves through endless war, killing, weapons sales, MIC contracts, surveillance controls, insider trading, imperialism, and chaos. Think please…..think clearly. The people that do this are the worst of humanity. They are the dregs of society. They are cloaked in robes. They are the rulers of the world……..and they know their time is short. Wake up. Wake up your friends and neighbors. The time is now to expose this war and madness. The time is now to expose that the war on terror is actually a war against all humanity. It is a ruse carried out by the elitist Powers That Be to blind, enslave and control the people of the world. The corrupt mainstream media have been part and parcel of this deception, as have western and Gulf State leaders, along with Israel, Jordan, Turkey, Japan and others. Think clearly moving forward. The censorship and propaganda are only going to get worse from here on out. Exposing the truth is the quickest way to making the world a better place. Do not prolong your own suffering, nor that of your children and future generations. Put aside your political team bias/status and help get the word out for the sake of ALL humanity.

Final video includes a large compilation of lead White Helmets propaganda disseminator

Hadi Abdallah as he works alongside ISIS, al-Qaeda and the White Helmets.

Screen Shot 2018-08-18 at 11.08.37 AM.png

Link to video from screenshot above from White Helmets Exposed on Twitter:

White Helmets and al-Qaeda Together in Jisr Shoughour Idlib, 2015


Direct activity alongside al-Qaeda…2nd video below includes over 50 on camera instances of colluding with al-Qaeda.


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