donderdag 19 mei 2022

Hoe Oekraïense- en Amerikaanse 'Hofjoden' Gebruikt Worden 13

In zijn boek The Nazis Next Door. How America Became A Safe Haven For Hiler’s Men (2014), zet de geprezen joods-Amerikaanse onderzoeksjournalist Eric Lichtblau uiteen dat:

by the early 1950s, Allen Dulles at the CIA, J. Edgar Hoover at the FBI, and a handful of other senior American intelligence officials had in place around the globe a formidable network of their own of loosely linked and far-flung ex-SS men and Nazi operatives. They were the spy agencies’ foot soldiers in the Cold War. In Europe, in the Middle East, in South America, and in the United States, hundreds of junior Karl Wolffs — ex-Nazis with ties to Hitler’s brutality who were seen, nonetheless, as a bulwark against the Soviets — were now working for the Americans. 

The network grew of its own momentum. One ex-Nazi agent recruited to work for the United States would lead to the next, and the next; one anti-Communist spy ring made up of scores of ex-SS men would produce another, and another. The field was dense by the time Eisenhower, the former World War II hero, became president in 1953. From Munich to New York and points in between, hundreds of Nazi officers who were the nation’s sworn enemies just years earlier were now ostensibly on America’s side as spies, informants, and intelligence 'assets': fed and housed; paid and protected; dispatched and debriefed; code-named, cleansed, and coddled by their American handlers. That they had once worked for Hitler’s Third Reich was of little concern.

‘We knew what we were doing,' said Harry Rositzke, a CIA officer who ran the agency’s Soviet spy section in Munich in the early 1950s. ‘It was a visceral business of using any bastard as long as he was anti-Communist… The eagerness or desire to enlist collaborators means that sure, you didn’t look at their credentials too closely.’ Wrote another CIA officer in 1953: ‘The West is fighting a desperate battle with the East, with the Soviets, and we will pick up any man who will help us defeat the Soviets — any man no matter what his Nazi record was.’

Wat bij de polderpers doorgaat voor complotdenken heet in de grote mensenwereld gewoon wat het is, namelijk geopolitiek. Zo is het altijd geweest, alleen na de Tweede Wereldoorlog moest dit verhult worden om zo de schijn van democratie en mensenrechten te kunnen hooghouden. Maar niet alleen nazi-oorlogsmisdadigers werden door de Amerikaanse inlichtingendiensten met open armen ontvangen, ook fundamentalistische moslimterroristen werden door de elite in Washington ingehuurd om de Sovjet Unie uiteen te laten vallen. Zo berichte op 20 augustus 2021 de prominente Franse onderzoeksjournalist Thierry Meyssan dat 'de directeur van de buitenlandse geheime dienst van Frankrijk, Alexandres de Marenches,’ zijn Amerikaanse ambtgenoot had voorgesteld ‘een Sovjet-interventie in Afghanistan uit te lokken om hen daar in de val te lokken.’ De nationale veiligheidsadviseur van president Carter, Zbigniew Brzeziński, ontmoette in het kader daarvan: 

de anticommunistische miljardair Osama Bin Laden in Beiroet en vroeg hem Arabische huurlingen aan te voeren in een terreurcampagne tegen de communistische regering van Afghanistan. Bin Laden was in Beiroet voor een ontmoeting met de voormalige Libanese president Camille Chamoun, een lid van de Wereld Anti-Communistische Liga (en een Maronitische Christen. svh). Washington koos Bin Laden om twee redenen: Ten eerste was hij lid van een geheim genootschap, de Moslimbroederschap, waardoor hij strijders kon rekruteren; ten tweede was hij een van de erfgenamen van het grootste bouwbedrijf in de Arabische wereld. Als zodanig had hij de mannen en de know-how om de ondergrondse rivieren van de Hindu Kush in militaire communicatieroutes te veranderen. 

Op 6 december 1993 berichtte de Britse krant The Independent enthousiast ‘Anti-Soviet warrior puts his army on the road to peace,’ en aldus werd Osama bin-Laden destijds een held van de westerse elite, zoals ondermeer bleek uit het feit dat in diezelfde tijd ‘de Heritage Foundation (Washington), de denktank van president Reagan, T-shirts met zijn (bin Laden’s. svh) beeltenis en de slogan “Hij vecht voor onze vrijheden”’ verspreidde. Meyssan voegde hieraan toe dat:

Later, the same Osama bin Laden served as a military adviser to the Bosnian president, Alija Izetbegović, in 1992-94. His fighters followed him there. They abandoned the name ‘Mujahideen’ for the ‘Arab Legion.’ His camp was visited by Russian commandos, who were taken prisoner there. However, before they were arrested, they had time to search his command room and found that all the military documents were written in English and not in Arabic. 

Nog later: ‘gebruikte Osama bin Laden zijn strijders voor ad hoc operaties. Hij deed een beroep op hen door hen overeenkomstig zijn behoeften te kiezen uit zijn ‘database,’ in het Arabisch ‘Al-Qaeda’ (القاعدة).

Het staat dan ook buiten kijf dat Osama Bin Laden jarenlang een agent van de Verenigde Staten was. De VS beweren echter dat hij zich tegen hen heeft gekeerd, waarvoor absoluut geen bewijs is. In ieder geval was Osama Bin Laden ernstig ziek. Hij had dagelijkse verzorging nodig in een steriele kamer. Daarom werd hij in juli 2001 in het Amerikaanse ziekenhuis in Dubai verzorgd, zoals Le Figaro heeft onthuld. Deze informatie werd door het genoemde ziekenhuis ontkend, maar werd mij bevestigd door Sjeik Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyane (de huidige president van de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten), die mij verzekerde dat hij hem daar had bezocht in aanwezigheid van de plaatselijke stafchef van de CIA. Uiteindelijk werd Osama bin Laden behandeld in het militaire hospitaal in Rawalpindi (Pakistan) waar hij in december 2001 overleed. Zijn begrafenis werd gehouden in Afghanistan, bijgewoond door twee vertegenwoordigers van de Britse MI6 die een rapport over de zaak schreven.

Eveneens onweerlegbaar strijdig met de theorie dat Osama bin Laden zich tegen zijn CIA-werkgevers had gekeerd, was het feit dat hij tot 1999 — d.w.z. na de aan hem toegeschreven aanslagen op de Khobar Towers in Saudi-Arabië en de VS-ambassades in Nairobi (Kenia) en Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) — een public-relationsbureau in Londen had. Het was vanuit dit kantoor dat hij zijn oproep tot de Jihad tegen de Joden en de kruisvaarders lanceerde.

Het feit dat wij tien jaar lang opnames hebben gehoord en gezien van mensen die beweerden Osama Bin Laden te zijn, misleidt alleen degenen die het willen geloven: de Zwitserse deskundigen van het ‘Dalle Molle Institute of Perceptive Artificial Intelligence,’ dat indertijd door de grote banken werd gebruikt in gevoelige zaken, waren stellig. Deze opnamen zijn vervalsingen (waaronder de door het Pentagon vrijgegeven opname waarin hij de verantwoordelijkheid opeist voor de aanslagen van 9/11) en komen niet overeen met de echte Bin Laden. Was gezichts- en stemherkenning destijds een specialiteit, nu is het een gangbare techniek. U kunt het zelf controleren met software die overal verkrijgbaar is.

Zie ook:

Na de dood van Bin Laden werd Ayman al-Zawahiri de emir van Al Qaeda. Hij bekleedt deze positie nog steeds. Deze laatste – die de moord op de Egyptische president Anwar Sadat regelde – woonde na 2001 een aantal jaren in de Amerikaanse ambassade in Bakoe (Azerbeidzjan). Hij werd, althans gedurende deze periode, beschermd door de Amerikaanse mariniers. Zijn huidige verblijfplaats is onbekend, maar er is geen reden om aan te nemen dat hij niet meer onder bescherming van de VS staat. 

Dit complot met als hoofdrolspelers enerzijds Brzezinski en de CIA, anderzijds moslim-terroristen en islamitische inlichtingendiensten werd najaar 2017 bij toeval ontdekt door de BBC. Lees: 

Eind november van hetzelfde jaar schreef de joods-Canadese emeritus hoogleraar Michel Chossudovsky op de website GlobalResearch:

Defense Secretary James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis confirmed in May Washington’s resolve to annihilate the ISIS-Daesh terrorists:

‘Our intention is that the foreign fighters do not survive the fight to return home to north Africa, to Europe, to America, to Asia, to Africa. We are not going to allow them to do so…’ (emphasis added, quoted in the BBC report entitled Raqqa’s Dirty Secret)

That was the ‘political narrative’ of the Pentagon. The unspoken truth is that Uncle Sam had come to the rescue of the Islamic State. That decision was in all likelihood taken and carried on the orders of the Pentagon rather than the US State Department.

Confirmed by a BBC report entitled 'Raqqa’s Dirty Secret, the US-led coalition facilitated the exodus of ISIS terrorists and their family members out of their stronghold in Raqqa, Northern Syria.’

Screen Shot of BBC Report

While the BBC report focussed on the details of the smuggling operation, it nonetheless acknowledges the existence of a ‘Secret Deal’ involving the US and its indefectible British ally to let the terrorists escape from Raqqa.

Screenshot BBC Report

‘The deal to let IS fighters escape from Raqqa — de facto capital of their self-declared caliphate — had been arranged by local officials. It came after four months of fighting that left the city obliterated and almost devoid of people. It would spare lives and bring fighting to an end. The lives of the Arab, Kurdish and other fighters opposing IS would be spared.

But it also enabled many hundreds of IS fighters to escape from the city. At the time, neither the US and British-led coalition, nor the SDF, which it backs, wanted to admit their part.

Has the pact, which stood as Raqqa’s dirty secret, unleashed a threat to the outside world — one that has enabled militants to spread far and wide across Syria and beyond?

Great pains were taken to hide it from the world. But the BBC has spoken to dozens of people who were either on the convoy, or observed it, and to the men who negotiated the deal…

This wasn’t so much an evacuation – it was the exodus of [the] so-called Islamic State.

(Quentin Sommerville and Riam Dalati, Raqqa’s Dirty Secret, BBC, November 2017, emphasis added)

US-led coalition warplanes had been monitoring the evacuation of the ISIS terrorists, but visibly the convoys of buses and trucks were not the object of coalition bombings.

‘The coalition now confirms that while it did not have its personnel on the ground, it monitored the convoy from the air. [but no actual aerial bombardment of the convoys took place]…

In light of the BBC investigation, the coalition now admits the part it played in the deal…’ (Ibid)

If they had wanted to undermine the ISIS convoy of buses and trucks, this would have been a simple operation for the US Air Force. On the other hand, they could have chosen to block rather than destroy the convoys of trucks and buses (to minimize the loss of life) and detain and incarcerate the foreign fighters…

What is revealing is that most of the ISIS fighters were foreign from a large number of countries pointing to a carefully organized recruitment and training program:

‘There was a huge number of foreigners. France, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Yemen, Saudi, China, Tunisia, Egypt…’

‘Most were foreign but there were Syrians as well.’ […]

In this business, clients don’t take kindly to inquiries. But Imad says he’s had ‘French, Europeans, Chechens, Uzbek.’

‘Some were talking in French, others in English, others in some foreign language,’ he says. (Ibid)

Screenshot of BBC article

The BBC report suggests a carefully formulated plan to ensure the safe evacuation of the terrorists. The official explanation was that the deal has been brokered by the US supported Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The US-led coalition ‘let it happen,’ they did not intervene militarily to prevent the exodus and smuggling of the foreign fighters out of Raqqa.

This should come as no surprise. From the very outset in 2014, ISIS-Daesh was supported by the US-led coalition, with the active support of Saudi Arabia. The US and its allies are the State sponsors of the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh).

Weapons, training, logistics: the ISIS is a US intelligence construct. The ISIS-Daesh terrorists are the foot-soldiers of US-NATO.

The US-led bombings of Iraq and Syria–under the guise of a phony ‘war on terrorism’ — were not directed at ISIS-Daesh. The terrorists were protected by the US led Coalition. The unspoken objective was to kill civilians and destroy the civilian infrastructure of both Syria and Iraq.

Déjà Vu:  

Exodus of ISIS from Raqqa, Syria (2017) vs. Exodus of Al Qaeda ‘Enemy Combatants’ out of  Kundus, Afghanistan (2001)

Is there a pattern in the evacuation of U.S. sponsored terrorists?

Flashback to another US led war. Afghanistan 2001. The objective for the U.S. is ultimately to protect their ‘intelligence assets.’

The October 2017 ‘Raqqa exodus’ bears a canny resemblance to the November 2001 ‘Getaway’ out of Kunduz, ordered by Donald Rumsfeld. In both cases the objective was for the Pentagon and the CIA to organize the escape (and relocation) of US sponsored foreign jihadist fighters.

In late November 2001, according to Seymour M. Hersh, the Northern Alliance supported by US bombing raids took control of the hill town of Kunduz in Northern Afghanistan:

‘[Eight thousand or more men] had been trapped inside the city in the last days of the siege, roughly half of whom were Pakistanis. Afghans, Uzbeks, Chechens, and various Arab mercenaries accounted for the rest.’ (Seymour M. Hersh, The Getaway, The New Yorker, 28 January 2002.

Also among these fighters were several senior Pakistani military and intelligence officers, who had been sent to the war theater by the Pakistani military. The presence of high-ranking Pakistani military and intelligence advisers in the ranks of Taliban/ Al Qaeda forces was known and approved by Washington.

President Bush had intimated: ‘We’re smoking them out. They’re running, and now we’re going to bring them to justice.’ (see CNN, November 26, 2001). They were never smoked out. They were airlifted to safety.

On the orders of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the exodus (airlifting) of Al Qaeda fighters had been facilitated by US forces in liaison with the Pakistan military:

‘The Administration ordered the US Central Command to set up a special air corridor to help insure the safety of the Pakistani rescue flights from Kunduz to the northwest corner of Pakistan’ […] According to a former high-level American defense official, the airlift was approved because of representations by the Pakistanis that ‘there were guys- intelligence agents and underground guys who needed to get out.’ (Seymour Hersh, op cit)

In other words, the official story was: it was not our decision: ‘we were tricked into it’ by the Pakistani ISI (belangrijkste Pakistaanse inlichtingendienst. svh).

Out of some 8000 or more men, 3300 surrendered to the Northern Alliance, leaving between 4000 and 5000 men ‘unaccounted for.’ According to Hersh’s investigation, based on Indian intelligence sources, at least 4000 men including two Pakistani Army generals were evacuated. (Ibid)

The same sense of denial prevailed. US officials admitted, however, that

‘what was supposed to be a limited evacuation apparently slipped out of control, and, as an unintended consequence, an unknown number of Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters managed to join in the exodus.’  (quoted in Hersh op cit)

‘Unintended evacuation’ of Al Qaeda fighters?


‘Terrorists’  and ‘Intelligence Assets’ 

Compare Seymour Hersh’s account in the ‘Getaway’ out of Kunduz pertaining to the US sponsored evacuation of  hard core Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters to the ‘Escape’ of ISIS-Daesh fighters out of the besieged city of Raqqa in Northern Syria.

The foreign and Pakistani Al Qaeda fighters were flown to North Pakistan, to the areas which were subsequently the object of US drone attacks. Many of these fighters were also incorporated into the two main Kashmiri terrorist rebel groups, Lashkar-e-Taiba (‘Army of the Pure’) and Jaish-e-Muhammad (‘Army of Mohammed’).

What is the next destination of the foreign fighters who have been evacuated out of Raqqa, with the support of the US Military?

To read the complete BBC report entitled Raqqa’s Dirty Secret,by Quentin Sommerville and Riam Dalati click here 

The original source of this article is Global Research

Copyright © Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 2017

Deze werkelijkheid wordt al enkele decennia bewust verzwegen door de westerse ‘corporate press,’ in dienst van degene die hen betaalt, en voor wie zij zoveel mogelijk winst dienen te maken. Op die manier heeft de journalistieke zelfcensuur een hoge vlucht genomen. Zelfstandig ter plaatse onderzoek verrichten is er nauwelijks meer bij, mijn collega’s kwaken elkaar na, zijn vele honderden kilometers verwijderd van het front, doen niet meer aan hoor en wederhoor, en weten weinig tot niets van de historische context van datgene waarover zij berichten. Kortom, zij vormen een collectief van corrupte, opiniemakende opportunisten, die verzwijgen dat bijvoorbeeld Zelensky het schoolvoorbeeld is van een CIA-pion, die op zijn beurt weer gebruik maakt van neo-nazi's, en wiens opdracht is de oorlog in Oekraïne zo lang mogelijk  voort te zetten om een regime change in Rusland te forceren, ook al kost dit tienduizenden mensenlevens, een verwoest land, en loopt de mensheid het gevaar van een Derde Wereldoorlog. Volgende keer meer. 

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky poses for a picture with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.


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