maandag 4 april 2022

Remember: Now that COVID's over, we're all getting blasted with fake news about Ukraine—and it's working


Now that COVID's over, we're all getting blasted with fake news about Ukraine—and it's working 

How many lies can the press pump out, before people see they're all lies?

The videos I’ve shared today, about what’s happening in Ukraine, have drawn some heated comments from subscribers whose perception of the conflict, and idea of Putin’s purposes, are either based entirely on the US media’s depiction of what’s happening, or strongly colored by it. They’re basically convinced that it’s the bloodbath we’ve all seen “reported” by the media, and (therefore) that “Putin = Stalin.”

The problem there, of course, is that the Western media is now lying as egregiously as it has been vis-a-vis “the virus” since the latter’s rollout in January, 2020, and as it’s lied (and lied, and lied) about so many other episodes involving Russia, as well as Iraq, Libya, Syria, Venezuela, Bolivia, Honduras (a list that could go on and on). You can’t believe a single claim they make—as we apparently must keep relearning time and time again. 

Here are two hot-off-the-presses compilations of fake stories that “our free press” has pumped out about Ukraine. They’re all aspects of a Big Lie that’s potentially more lethal even than the Big Lie(s) promoting the “vaccines,” since this one could conceivably help start a nuclear war, which would do instantaneously what the “vaccines” are doing incrementally, dispersedly and therefore imperceptibly (to all those who want not to see it). Below those two links you’ll find Glenn Greenwald’s first-rate Substack on the particular ferocity and off-the-charts mendacity of this sudden propaganda drive attacking Russia. 

These writings should make clear that we all very badly need to stop believing what we read and see and hear non-stop, on any subjectbecause the Western media today is just as brazenly deceptive as the Nazi press—in this case an especially apt analogy, because this latest propaganda drive has totally blacked out the neo-Nazi current in the history of Ukraine, especially since 2014; and if we don’t know about that, we cannot fully grasp what’s happening over there. 

(This is not to deny the possibility that Putin is as cynical a player as any other head of state, or that he too may be working to promote the globalist agenda. I don’t pretend to know what’s going on as far as he’s concerned. All I do know for sure is that the story we’re all getting from “our free press” is demonstrably untrue.)

7 FAKE NEWS stories coming out of Ukraine 

In times of fast-paced media pouring out content, these are timely reminders to never believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see.

Kit Knightly

More Misinformation Coming from the Ukraine Front – Kinzinger Gets Punked Again

By Joe Hoft
Published February 27, 2022 at 12:41pm

Glenn Greenwald
War Propaganda About Ukraine Becoming More Militaristic, Authoritarian, and Reckless
In the weeks leading up to the Russian invasion of Ukr…
Read more

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