zaterdag 22 mei 2021

Dutch academics boycott Israeli universities


Photo: Shutterstock 

Dutch academics boycott Israeli universities

Approximately 500 researchers and lecturers are boycotting Israeli academic institutions because of their ties to Israel’s military. They want the Netherlands to express support for the Palestinians by cutting all economic, political and military ties with Israel for the time being.

Read in Dutch

The group’s petition (available in English and Dutch) has already been signed by 491 academics associated with Dutch universities and 550 students. They argue that there is an inherent power imbalance in the current armed conflict. According to the petition, Palestinians live as second-class citizens in a system of segregation, under military occupation. The signatories believe that this is the cause of the escalation of violence now taking place in Israel.

Furthermore, the petition calls on the Dutch government to cut “all economic, political and military relations with Israel, until such a time as all sections of the Palestinian people are afforded their rights”. The signatories declare they are heeding their Palestinian colleagues’ call to boycott Israeli academic institutions because of their ties to the country’s military. However, they do not intend to suspend cooperation with individual Israeli academics.

1 opmerking:

Bauke Jan Douma zei

Beetje vreemd.

Die academici en studenten hebben de overheid niet nodig om nu al een boycott te effectueren: beinvloed het bestuur van je faculteit en universiteit om dat te doen. Maar het komt er daarbij op aan dat je juist wel hier en daar, en dat bedoel ik letterlijk, individuen zult moeten boycotten.

Altijd maar weer de overheid oproepen dit of dat te doen, schuift de eigen verantwoordelijkheid nogal makkelijk terzijde; je kunt er 's avonds tevredener bij in slaap vallen, maar we weten allemaal dat de Nederlandse overheid, net als alle andere overheden, a-moreel is en derhalve in zeker 50% van alle gevallen immoreel handelt.

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