woensdag 19 september 2018

Paul Craig Roberts 298

Bob Woodward Says Russiagate Is Devoid of Evidence

Bob Woodward Says Russiagate Is Devoid of Evidence
John V. Walsh points out that the presstitutes and Democratic Party are making a sensation out of Bob Woodward’s book, Fear, but ignore Woodward’s most sensational statement. Woodward says that for two years he searched as hard as he could to uncover evidence of a Trump/Russia connection and totally failed.  https://russia-insider.com/en/woodward-no-evidence-trump-russia-collusion-i-searched-hard-two-years/ri24797 
You can bet your life that if any such evidence existed, the CIA, NSA, and FBI would have given it to Woodward.
As I have said from the beginning, “Russiagate” is a political orchestration for the purpose of making it impossible for President Trump to normalize US/Russian relations. The purpose of “Russiagate” is to protect the budget and power of the military/security complex. The Democrats are using it to take the government away from President Trump.

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