zondag 2 september 2018

Hebron Freedom Fund

Working for Peace and Justice
Dear stan --
We send out newsletters twice a month to keep you informed about what is happening in Hebron, Occupied Palestine.

Help us grow by making a $10, $25, $50, $100 or more donation.

Hebron August 16-31

August 24


Activists from Nabi Saleh and Bethlehem came to Hebron to celebrate Eid ah-Adha with with us. Over dinner we discussed unity, nonviolent civil disobedience and the principles of freedom and justice we strive for together. Eid ah-Adha honors the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son as requested by God. But before Ibraham carried out the sacrifice his, God provided a lamb for Ibraham to kill instead. In commemoration of this, every year during Eid al-Adha, Muslims sacrifice a lamb. The meat is divided into three parts: one third for the poor and needy, one third as a gift to relatives and one third to be eaten by the immediate family. Relatives and friends visit each other and love, gifts and holiday greetings are exchanged. 

Screen_Shot_2018-08-31_at_5.54.59_AM.pngAugust 26

A 12- year-old girl in Hebron was forced to climb a fence to get in to her house because the soldiers had closed and the gate surrounding her neighborhood by the Ibrahimi Mosque. The fencing in of Saliyme neighborhood in Hebron is one of the most blatant forms of apartheid in Palestine.

Screen_Shot_2018-08-31_at_5.44.55_AM.pngAugust 27

A celebration was held in Hebron for Palestinians returning from Hajj in Saudi Arabia. Hajj is an annual pilgrimage to Mecca, considered the holiest city of the Islamic faith. It is a mandatory religious duty for adult Muslims to visit Mecca at least once in their lifetimes.

August 27

AN Israeli soldier stole a 12-year-old's bicycle in Hebron. The child has not been able to retrieve his property. Many of the Palestinian families in Hebron are extremely poor. A child's bicycle is a large purchase and usually cannot be replaced if it is stolen.


August 28

Israeli settlers attacked four Jewish Israeli activists from the grassroots organization Ta'ayush. The attack took place near the illegal settlement of Mitzpe Yair, in the southern occupied West Bank district of Hebron.

August 28

Hebron Freedom Fund and Youth Against Settlements had another volunteering day where we worked to fix up a Palestinian home near the Tel Rumeida settlement. At this particular home settlers like to throw bags of soiled toilet paper. We were there to clean the area and plant gardens so the new family could move in. Unfortunately, as usually happens when we try to have a community improvement event, soldiers came with guns and closed military zone orders. 
Refusing to leave, despite the vile methods settlers use, and restoring empty Palestinian homes, is one of the strongest acts of resilience and resistance. We at Hebron Freedom Fund are proud to help with resources and labor. You can help by making a donation to support our work.

Check out all the stories from our Humans of Hebron project. Humans of Hebron collects stories from the Palestinian community in Hebron: work, studies, interests, hobbies hopes and dreams. Even under the most repressive conditions of occupation, life continues one. People remain resilient and hopeful that someday freedom will come. Read the stories of Aysha, AbedRula,RamidMays and Zainab and then share our Humans of Hebron project on Facebook and Twitter. Forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to join our mailing list.
Hoh_18_Aysha.jpeg Hoh_22_Abed_Abu.jpeg Hoh_17_Rula.jpeg Hoh_26_Ramid.jpeg Hoh_25_Mays.jpeg Hoh_16_Zainab_.jpeg

Support freedom, equality and the Sumud (steadfastness) of the Palestinian community of Hebron by making a $10, $25, $50, $100 or more donation now.

Please forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to sign up to get our newsletters.

Towards freedom, 

Everyone at Hebron Freedom Fund

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