zondag 1 april 2018

Jewish Israeli Fascism

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Israeli army posted a tweet accepting full responsibility and admitting that massacre in Gaza was planned, deliberate and premeditated. Then they deleted it. made a copy.

4 opmerkingen:

Ron zei

Footage GAZA demonstration.Fascist Israel shoots Palestinian boys in the back ,kills them like rabbits....
Beelden die je nooit bij onze staatsomroep de NPO zal zien.......waarom zal dat nu zijn?

Ron zei

Fascistisch Israël !!!
Vreedzame Palestijnse demonstranten worden gewoon doodgeschoten door Israëlische sluipschutters; zie moment 1.03.27 van deze video en huiver.......
("The man who was just standing at my side got shot...another one got shot" etc.etc.)

Ron zei

" Israel Opens Fire on Palestinian Protesters in Gaza; Trump Envoy Blames “Hostile March” "


Ron zei

(....en nog 1 vlakbij de camaraman op 1.07.57 )

"Shalom, Shalom from the children of Gaza"

  Syrian Girl  @Partisangirl BREAKING "Shalom, Shalom from the children of Gaza" - Israeli Mossad agent and businessman Ziv Kippe...