maandag 12 september 2016

Mevrouw Clinton 'Oververhit' Geraakt

‘Overheated’ Hillary Clinton Leaves 9/11 Event Early, Is Diagnosed With Pneumonia (Video) 

Posted on Sep 11, 2016

   Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton waves after leaving an apartment building on Sunday in New York. (Andrew Harnik / AP Photo)
Update: 3:07 p.m. PDT: Clinton’s doctor has provided a reason for the Democratic nominee’s wobbly showing at the 9/11 commemoration event: She had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday and put on antibiotics, CNN reported Sunday afternoon:
Clinton was diagnosed on Friday with pneumonia, and “was put on antibiotics, and advised to rest and modify her schedule,” Dr. Lisa Bardack said in a statement.
“While at this morning’s event, she became overheated and dehydrated. I have just examined her and she is now re-hydrated and recovering nicely,” said Bardack, chairman of internal medicine at the Mount Kisco Medical Group.
This tweet posted by Zdenek Gazda shows the moment Clinton faltered as she left Sunday’s ceremony:

Hillary Clinton 9/11 NYC

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton made an abrupt exit from a 9/11 memorial ceremony in New York on Sunday after feeling “overheated,” The New York Times reports.
Video shown on Twitter pages appears to show Clinton waiting at the curb as an official vehicle pulls up. As she is being led to the vehicle, she stumbles, her legs buckle and she is supported by aides before being helped into the vehicle. Witnesses said she lost a shoe in the incident.
Shortly afterward, Clinton appeared outside the home of her daughter, Chelsea. The Times reports:
At about 11:40 a.m., Mrs. Clinton, wearing sunglasses, emerged from the apartment in New York’s Flatiron district. She waved to onlookers and posed for pictures with a little girl on the sidewalk.
“I’m feeling great,” Mrs. Clinton said. “It’s a beautiful day in New York.”
The incident is renewing focus on Clinton’s general health.The campaign of Donald Trump, her Republican opponent for the presidency, has raised questions about her “stamina,” and internet rumors have circulated that the 68-year-old former secretary of state is unwell. According to the Times, “Mrs. Clinton’s campaign has tried to bat away rumors about the candidate’s health, including releasing a letter from Mrs. Clinton’s doctor saying she was in ‘excellent health.’ Aides have dismissed such questions as a way to distract from the issue of Mr. Trump not releasing his tax returns.”
While aides kept the candidate out of sight or reporters, Politico noted the implications of the event:
Even as reporters waited for more details about the health scare, supporters – for the first time – were quietly pressuring a candidate who has been reluctant to share details about her health and personal life to become more transparent to avoid a drip-drip of doubt that could help an even less forthcoming Trump.
The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza notes that Clinton’s health will now be the hot political topic:
Whereas Clinton and her campaign could laugh off questions about her health before today, the “overheating” episode makes it almost impossible for them to do so. Not only has it come at a time when there was growing chatter — with very little evidence — that her health was a problem but it also happened at a 9/11 memorial event — an incredibly high-profile moment with lots and lots of cameras and reporters around.
Asked about the incident by an NBC reporter, Trump, who attended the 9/11 ceremony with Clinton

1 opmerking:

Bauke Jan Douma zei


Sinds wanneer sta je met longontsteking stokstijf als een katatonisch lijk, van de kaart,
en alleen op de wereld gehouden door een betonnen paal en een houdgreep op de rug?

Sinds wanneer tuimelt je romp, de beentjes dwarrelend meesleurend, als een gevelde boom
voorover zo gauw als die houdgreep even loslaat?

En dan ook nog die allergy, zoals ze het zelf noemde, een paar dagen geleden op
Labor Day, als oorzaak van die kuchbuien.

Wat opvalt in die video's is het overwegende van het sinistere zwart. In alles.
Het is het zwart van de fascistische politiestaat, de Staat van verhullen, smoren, van
leugen, bedrog.
De Zwarte Dood.

We mogen de persoon die die video maakte en publiceerde wel bedanken.

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