dinsdag 14 juni 2016

Orlando Shooters Father

Orlando Shooters Father Worked For The CIA

The father of the terrorist who shot dead 50 people in an Orlando nightclub on Saturday, has been revealed as a longtime CIA asset. 
Seddique Mateen, father of Orlando Shooter Omar Mateen, is a well known political personality having hosted a TV show and having been a former presidential candidate for Afghanistan.
Madcowprod.com reports:
This morning President Obama called him a “home-grown” terrorist.  In a series of phone interviews Monday morning, Donald Trump responded that “there’s something going on” with the President’s  reaction to the Orlando shooting.
I guess even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

“It’s like calling Blackwater XE”
Orlando shooter Omar Mateen’s father said his son was not motivated by Islamist radical ideology, but in a Facebook video posted early Monday he said, “God himself will punish those involved in homosexuality.”
My own suspicion was first awakened on Monday morning when U.S. news outlets uniformly reported that the father’s TV show aired on  “a U.S.-based Afghan satellite channel.”
That sort of circumlocution is typical when something is being hidden which the corporate media prefers we not ask questions about.
The name of the nameless Afghan satellite channel, Payam Afghan, is said to be widely-known in Southwest Asia as a CIA-Pakistani ISI construct, as this picture from Flicker shows.
The identification of shooter Omar Mateen also involved deception. He was said to work for a security company called G4S, which few have ever heard of. However, “G4S” is merely a re-branded “Wackenhut Corporation,” a name with a storied reputation for scandal in the U.S. and around the world.
Rohrabacher has stated that he sees radical Islam as the source of a major terrorist threat to the U.S. Calls to his office today to request comment on whether he views CIA assets relocated in the U.S. as a terrorist threat have not been returned.

Onderzoek aan de University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg bracht ernstige misstanden aan het licht in de Mangaung-Gevangenis bij Bloemfontein waarvan de bewaking aan G4S uitbesteed was. Zo maakten G4S-bewakers zich onder anderen schuldig aan marteling van gevangenen met stroomstoten.

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

'AMY GOODMAN: Joining us now is Imam Daayiee Abdullah, executor director of Mecca Institute, one of the first openly gay imams in the Western Hemisphere.

Welcome to Democracy Now! Can you show your thoughts, Imam Daayiee Abdullah, about what took place in Orlando, Florida, this weekend?

IMAM DAAYIEE ABDULLAH: Yes. Thank you, Amy, for inviting me. And I’m wearing black today because I’m still in mourning, because I want to give out condolences to the families and friends of the—and the community there—of the victims there in Orlando, and basically to say that, overall, violence is never the answer to any type of response, but there are a number of different issues that, in intersection, lead to a major question as to why these things happen. It’s not just because of an individual with just hate, but there are things that underlie the reasoning behind them so that they can choose to use violence as a way to make a statement.' Read More at DemocracyNow.org

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