zaterdag 25 juli 2015

Paul Craig Roberts 103

The Politics of Timber Theft

Steal a Tree, Go to Jail; Steal a Forest, Meet the President

By Jeffrey St. Clair

Republished here with permission is a chapter from Jeffrey St. Clair’s 2008 book, Born Under A Bad Sky.  St. Clair has provided an outstanding report of corrupt government at work.  Even environmentalists in the Forest Service who are appointed to protect our national forests are part of the looting corporatocracy.

The power of money can be stronger than the power of government. We can see the power of money in the looting of our national forests. Even the environmental agencies established by Congress to protect the environment have fallen under corporate control.

Elected politicians, even if they intend otherwise, end up serving the corporatocracy. 

The impotence of government to serve the public interest and general welfare is an important lesson both for progressives, who believe in the curative powers of government, and libertarians, who believe that government is inimical to private interests. 

As both parties serve the corporatocracy,  elections can change nothing.

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