dinsdag 14 april 2015

Paul Craig Roberts 75

Guest Column by Robert Barsocchini — US Abandons Own Citizens in Yemen but Rescues Saudi Bombers

Guest Column by Robert Barsocchini — US Abandons Own Citizens in Yemen but Rescues Saudi Bombers — http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article41527.htm 
If reports are true that the US government has refused to rescue US citizens stuck in a war zone in Yemen  http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2015/04/09/262695/desperation-for-americans-in-yemen.html, what could be the reason? Is Washington hoping that Americans will be killed so that Washington can use their deaths to rally the country to yet another war?
Washington would not save US citizens in Yemen, so Russia did. Washington turned our backs to the plight of our fellow citizens in Yemen, but America’s “enemy” Russia rescued our countrymen and those of our European vassals who support Washington’s aggression against Russia.http://russia-insider.com/en/russian-navy-ship-evacuates-308-people-yemen/5548

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Liberals Support Zionist Genocide.Zionist War has Moved to the USA

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