vrijdag 25 juli 2014

Zionist Fascism 75

Morgen hangt op alle gebouwen van de overheid de vlag halfstok. Ook worden op verschillende momenten klokken geluid: nos.nl/l/678095
22 jul.

Premier Rutte heeft woensdag 23 juli uitgeroepen tot dag van nationale rouw.

Wat voor leger is het dat kinderen vermoordt? Eenderde van de Palestijnse slachtoffers is kind en de conclusie kan geen andere zijn dan dat het Joods-Israelische leger net zo laf is als het zionistische politieke regime, gesteund door de westerse pro-Israel lobby en haar 'democratisch' gekozen volksvertegenwoordiging. Er heerst grote verontwaardiging en woede over een fout van Oekraïense separatisten die een burgervliegtuig neerschoten, terwijl op precies hetzelfde moment het vermoorden van Palestijnse burgers in het concentratiekamp Gaza door het Westen wordt gesteund en door sommigen zelfs wordt toegejuicht. Een dag rouw voor de slachtoffers van een fout, en geen seconde stilte voor de honderdduizenden door het Westen veroorzaakte slachtoffers in Irak, Afghanistan, Libië, Syrië, Oekraïne, etc, waar de westerse plutocratie een 'regime change' met grootscheeps geweld probeert te forceren. Ronduit weerzinwekkend is de hypocrisie in het opportunistische polderland nu Nederlanders slachtoffer zijn geworden van de gewelddadige chaos die de Europese Unie en de Verenigde Staten in Oekraïne hebben veroorzaakt. Miljarden hebben de NAVO-lidstaten besteedt aan de gewelddadige verdrijving van de democratisch gekozen regering van dit Oost-Europese land en om zodoende Rusland politiek buiten spel te zetten en nog verder te omsingelen met NAVO-bases. De veronderstelling dat deze neoliberale realpolitiek voor de westerling geen consequenties zal opleveren, en dat alleen burgers buiten Europa de dupe zullen blijven, is op niets gebaseerd. Het westerse geweld wordt steeds minder geaccepteerd als normaal, en sinds 11 september 2001 kan iedereen met een beetje verstand beseffen dat de aloude westerse hegemonie niet meer onaanvechtbaar is. Zelfs de zelfbenoemde kleinburgerlijke 'politiek-literaire elite' in Nederland en de bevolking in het algemeen zal moeten leren dat als er in hun naam elders geweld wordt gepleegd — massaal geweld dat zij als de normale gang van zaken zijn gaan beschouwen — hun misdadige houding niet langer meer consequentieloos zal blijven. Vanuit Zuid-Europa waar ik nu ben, kijk ik met verwondering naar de hysterie van de Nederlanders die altijd zo prat gaan op hun nuchtere houding van doe maar normaal dan doe je al gek genoeg. De doden van het vliegtuig-ongeval zijn tragisch, maar niet minder tragisch zijn de Palestijnse doden van het zionistisch fascisme in Gaza. Zolang de Nederlandse burger de steun van zijn eigen regering aan de Joods-Israelische terreur blijft accepteren, bezit hij niet het morele recht om een fout van anderen te veroordelen. De propagandistische berichtgeving van de polder mainstream media die lezers van mijn weblog mij doorsturen is schrikbarend. Mijn collega's gebruiken de taal als gif, net zoals de nazi's destijds deden. Victor Klemperer, die vanwege zijn joodse achtergrond de nazi's moest vrezen, bestudeerde hun taal en concludeerde over 'Language as Poison' in Lingua tertii imperii.(1947):
it’s not simply that language composes poetry and thinks for me, it also drives my feelings, it directs my entire spiritual being, the more self-evidently, the more unconsciously I give myself up to it. So what happens when the language of the educated is composed of poisonous elements, or bears poisons? Words may be little doses of arsenic: they are consumed without being noticed; they seem at first to have no effect, but after a while, indeed, the effect is there. After a while when one uses the word 'fanatical' for 'heroic' or 'virtuous,' he actually comes to believe that a fanatic is a virtuous hero; that without fanaticism one can not be heroic. The words 'fanatical' and 'fanaticism' were not created by the Third Reich, but it did transform the essential meaning of these words and it made more frequent use of them in a single day than in other times they would have been used in a course of years… It is more than just the stuff of a schoolhouse pedant to expose the poison of the language of the Third Reich and to warn about it. When a believing Jew believes that a piece of tableware has been used in a ritually impure way, then he will bury it in the earth in order to purify it. In the same way the many words which were placed in common linguistic usage by the Nazis must be placed in a mass grave for a long time, and some of them forever.

Gezien het werk van de commerciële massamedia dienen woorden als 'democratie' en 'mensenrechten' te worden begraven, aangezien ze vandaag de dag precies het tegenovergestelde zijn geworden van wat ze ooit eens betekenden. Laat al die brave burgers die zich slachtoffer voelen, zichzelf de vraag stellen: 'Wat voor leger is het dat kinderen vermoordt? En waarom steun ik dit als rechtschapen burger?'

Israeli strike on Gaza school kills 15 and leaves 200 wounded

UN condemns shelling of UNRWA school, saying it asked IDF for time to evacuate civilians, which was not given

• Gaza crisis: Israeli strike kills at least 15 – live updates

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Link to video: Gaza hospital overwhelmed with survivors of Israeli strike on UN shelter
International scrutiny of Israel's assault on the Gaza Strip intensified on Thursday when more than 15 Palestinians were killed and 200 injured in a strike on a UN school in northern Gaza crowded with hundreds of displaced civilians.
Most of the injured were women and children. Among the dead was a mother and her one-year-old baby. UN staff had been attempting to organise the school's evacuation when the attack took place.
Ban Ki-moon, secretary general of the UN, condemned the attack, which came hours after the agency had warned that Israel's actions in the Palestinian enclave could constitute war crimes. "Today's attack underscores the imperative for the killing to stop and to stop now," Ban said.
The Israeli military first claimed, in a text sent to journalists, that the school could have been hit by Hamas missiles that fell short. Later, a series of tweets from the Israel Defence Forces appeared to confirm the deaths were the result of an Israeli strike.
"Today Hamas continued firing from Beit Hanoun. The IDF responded by targeting the source of the fire."
"Last night, we told Red Cross to evacuate civilians from UNRWA's shelter in Beit Hanoun btw 10am & 2pm. UNRWA & Red Cross got the message. Hamas prevented civilians from evacuating the area during the window that we gave them."
Israel shells UN shelter in Beit HanounThe attack was condemned by Ban Ki-Moon, who said 'Today's attack underscores the imperative for the killing to stop and to stop now.' Photograph: Nidal Alwaheidi/Demotix/Corbis
Chris Gunness, spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works agency said there had earlier been "firing around the compound" and his organisation had asked the Israeli army for time to evacuate civilians. "We spent much of the day trying to negotiate or to coordinate a window so that civilians, including our staff, could leave. That was never granted … and the consequences of that appear to be tragic." Gunness said the Israeli military were supplied with coordinates of UN schools where those displaced were sheltering. UN sources told the Guardian a call was placed to the Israeli military at 10.55am requesting permission to evacuate but their call was not returned.
The deaths in Beit Hanoun raised the overall Palestinian death toll in the conflict that began on 8 July to at least 751. Israel has lost 32 soldiers – all since 17 July, when it widened its air campaign into a full-scale ground operation – and three civilians.
Israel shells Gaza schoolThe majority of those injured in the attack on the school were women and children. Photograph: Lefteris Pitarakis/AP
Hours after the attack, a trail of bloody footprints could be seen crossing a deserted playground littered with abandoned possessions. There were pools of blood both inside and outside the school building; more blood splashed over wooden school desks.
The Israeli military, which said it was "reviewing the incident", claimed the incident had occurred during "heavy combat" in the area and accused "terrorists" of "using civilian infrastructure and international symbols as human shields".
Although missiles belonging to Hamas and other armed Palestinian groups in Gaza do sometimes fall short, there was no visible evidence of debris from broken Palestinian rockets in the school. The injuries and the number of fatalities were consistent with a powerful explosion that sent shrapnel tearing through the air, in some cases causing traumatic amputations.
The surrounding neighbourhood bore evidence of multiple Israeli attacks, including smoke from numerous artillery rounds and air strikes. One building was entirely engulfed by flames.
Israel shells school in GazaThe attack happened as the playground was crowded with families waiting to be ferried to safety. Photograph: Adel Hana/AP
Thursday's assault on the school – one of the grimmest incidents of the war – occurred at about 2.50pm as the playground was crowded with families waiting to be ferried to safety. According to survivors, one shell landed in the schoolyard followed by several more rounds that hit the upper stories of the building.
Most of the wounded were moved initially to a local hospital where terrified women and children clung to each other, waiting for news of relatives. A shell exploded about 50 metres from the hospital building as they waited.
Nour Hamid, 17, was hoping for news of her sister. As she attempted to comfort her terrified nephew, she said: "We were packing up to leave when the attack happened. We were standing outside when they started hitting us, some of the women holding their babies. My sister-in-law was one of the injured. There were bodies everywhere, most of them women and children."
Laila al-Shinbari told Reuters: "All of us sat in one place when suddenly four shells landed on our heads … Bodies were on the ground, [there was] blood and screams. My son is dead and all my relatives are wounded including my other kids."
Sabah Kafarna, 35, had also been sheltering at the school. "At about 11.30 someone from the municipality came to tell us that we were going to be moved because it was too dangerous. But the buses didn't come. That's why [there were] so many people all outside when the shells landed," she said. "The shells came one after the other. I was inside by the windows when they smashed."
Ayman Hamdan, medical director at Beit Hanoun hospital, told the Guardian that medical staff were treating multiple shrapnel injuries and damage to internal organs. "Some of the bodies were blown apart. Such a massacre requires more than one hospital to deal with it," she said.
Gaza school playgroundThe playground of the school, filled with displaced families when the shell hit. Photograph: Sameh Rahmi/NurPhoto/Corbis
The dead were ferried along with the most seriously injured in a fleet of ambulances to the relative safety of the Kamal Adwan hospital in Beit Lahia. Frantic relatives crowded the morgue looking for loved ones. The hospital's emergency room was plunged into chaos as doctors struggled to cope with the influx.
One father, his white singlet stained with blood, sat on the floor cradling the body of his injured daughter as another relative held a drip above her. Two more children were brought in – one girl injured by shrapnel, and another body whose torso was covered in blood.
Several UN schools have come under fire in the last week. On Tuesday, a school in Maghazi, central Gaza, sheltering about 1,000 people, was hit by Israeli shells as an UNRWA team inspected damage caused by an earlier strike. Thursday's strike occurred during a day of heavy fighting across the territory as Israel pressed ahead with its operation to halt rocket fire from Gaza and destroy a sophisticated network of cross-border tunnels.

  1. Stan, Heb je dit gehoord op Radio 1? (ik hoop dat je het kunt horen) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euVxMUwpkDY&feature=share

  2. Ik hoop dat deze het wel doet. Ze weten wel wie ze moeten vragen bij radio 1. Wat een stelletje sukkels.


    De strijd tussen Hamas en Israel wordt niet alleen op de grond uitgevochten maar wordt ook via sociale media verder opgevoerd. We kijken live mee en zien de meest gruwelijke foto's en filmpjes in onze timelines voorbij komen. Antropoloog Ginny Mooy noemt sociale media het slagveld van de propagandaoorlog . Zij is gespecialiseerd in extreme geweldpleging bij gewapende conflicten en social movements

  3. Zo wordt vandaag een VN-school in Gaza vol vluchtelingen geraakt door Israelische raketten, 15 doden en honderden gewonden,voornamelijk kinderen en vrouwen en doet staatsomroep NOS er kort kritiekloos verslag van eindigend met de woorden Hamas en Israel gaan gewoon door.........om vervolgens Israelische vrouwen ruimschoots aan 't wordt te laten hoe ze de Israelische soldaten vertroetelen............om misselijk van te worden. Een samenleving als Nederland moet wel erg ziek zijn dat niemand dit bekritiseerd..............

1 opmerking:

Ron zei

"Een dag rouw voor de slachtoffers van een fout, en geen seconde stilte voor de honderdduizenden door het Westen veroorzaakte slachtoffers".....
Westerlingen tegenover de rest van de mensheid..........

't Zal de geschiedenis ingaan als het geinstitutionaliseerde rascime van de 21e eeuwse westerse beschaving.........

"Kritiek op Israël staat niet gelijk aan antisemitisme. Sterker nog, met die koppeling brengen jullie ons, Nederlandse Joden, in gevaar

  Willem Maas Socialistische Partijen Ongecensureerd    ·  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1123969831733954/?multi_permalinks=16116341796341...