zaterdag 19 juni 2010

De Westerse Terreur 81

Anoniem heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "Leora Rosner. Confused. 22" achtergelaten:

Gevoel voor verhoudingen kwijt, zwak uitgedrukt

Report: Israel Police shot Palestinian instead of arresting him

East Jerusalem man who ran over Border Police officers was reportedly shot twice in the face from close range while lying on the ground.

Anoniem heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "Leora Rosner. Confused. 22" achtergelaten:

Gevoel voor verhoudingen kwijt, zwak uitgedrukt

Report: Israel Police shot Palestinian instead of arresting him

East Jerusalem man who ran over Border Police officers was reportedly shot twice in the face from close range while lying on the ground.

Amira Hass Haaretz 16.6.2010

Around the world and across the US, the firing squad execution in Utah has been met with a wave of criticism from those entirely opposed to the death penalty and those who say that shooting is not the most humane method of killing a prisoner.

In Salt Lake City, opponents held a multi-faith vigil. "I think we do not prefer to be associated with Iran, China, Saudi Arabia and the other countries who use the death penalty as we have used it," Nancy Appleby, chairwoman of the Utah Episcopal Diocese peace and Justice Commission.

The Independent/UK
Andrew Buncombe 19.6.2010


1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

De Pain Ray in Afghanistan. Het is er wel, maar voor Jan Doedel!! Wat ik begrijp is dat Israel zijn eigen draagbare Pain Ray aan het ontwikkelen is. Wie weet, over een aantal jaren ingezet bij demonstraties. The 'crowd' moet toch in bedwang gehouden worden en dat de 'crowd' zich steeds meer zal laten horen, zit er dik in.

Published on Saturday, June 19, 2010 by
U.S. Testing Pain Ray in Afghanistan
by Noah Shachtman

The U.S. mission in Afghanistan centers around swaying locals to its side. And there's no better persuasion tool than an invisible pain ray that makes people feel like they're on fire.

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