woensdag 2 juni 2010

Israel als Schurkenstaat 245

Statement on the Gaza Flotilla Tragedy: IPS Fellow Phyllis Bennis

June 1, 2010


Israel is now claiming a new international law, invented just for this purpose: the preventive “right” to capture any naval vessel in international waters if the ship was about to violate a blockade – in this case, the illegal, Geneva Convention-violating unilaterally imposed (though U.S.-backed) Israeli siege of 1.5 million Gazan civilians. That one just about matches George Bush’s claim of a preventive “right” to attack Iraq in 2003 because Baghdad might someday create weapons the U.S. might not like and might use them to threaten some country the U.S. does like…even if they didn’t really have any WMDs at all and the U.S. knew it all along.

For now, we mourn for our friends and colleagues. We continue to demand information on the victims and demand that the surviving activists and their ships with all their humanitarian cargo be immediately released so they can join the rest of the Flotilla already underway and continue to Gaza.

And as we mourn, our full demands must be for the immediate lifting of the criminal blockade of Gaza – the end of the blockade, not simply allowing a few additional items in under Israeli control. And then we must demand full international accountability, including criminal liability, for the Israeli officials, both political leaders and military commanders, who are responsible for the Flotilla Massacre. The United Nations, the International Criminal Court, and every national government should be prepared to investigate and to arrest those responsible.

5 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

De twitterende antisemiet Naftaniel

Prima, Nederland kan een aardig woordje meespreken over mensenrechten, nietwaar of ben je jouw stokpaardje vergeten

Nederland behoorde tot de 3 tegenstemmers tegen resolutie in VN #Mensenrechten Raad die alleen #Israel keihard veroordeelt. Prima #Verhagen


Anoniem zei

The ripple effects of Monday's bloody raid on the Gaza-bound flotilla could impact Israel's Under-21 team's quest to compete in next year's European Championships. Anti-Israel Demonstrators gathering at Sergelstorg Square in Stockholm.

Photo by: AP

The Swedish Football Association announced Tuesday that it will appeal to European soccer's governing body, UEFA, in a bid to cancel the scheduled appearance of Sweden's U-21 team for a game in Israel this week. Israel and Sweden are due to meet in a critical match on Friday in the qualifying round for the 2011 European Championships

Zie Haaretz


John zei

Nederland tegen opheffing blokkade Gaza http://bit.ly/aXXV2B. NL stemt samen met V.S. en Italie tegen VN-resolutie.

De resolutie is toch aangenomen (32 voor, 9 onthoudingen, 3 tegen waaronder ons kleine kutlandje), maar het geeft weer aan wat voor laag bij de grondse persoon die Maxime Verhagen is.

Sonja zei

NOT IN MY NAME! Ik schaam mij voor mijn land.

Anoniem zei

Wel, er moet iemand aan het kruis, desnoods een heel volk. Zal hij even mooi in de geschiedenisboeken komen. "Opa, je zei dat je opkwam voor mensenrechten, maar.....


Who Controls The Western Media?

  A British Newspaper puts the Israeli Eurovision singer on the front page instead of the British Eurovision candidate, or even the winner.....