zaterdag 11 juli 2009

De Israelische Terreur 908

Via Paul 2:

Chosen Words

How to Sell Americans on the Idea of Israeli "Settlements"

By Dan Ephron | Newsweek Web Exclusive

July 10, 2009"Newsweek" --- How do you sell the American public on the idea that Israel has the right to maintain or even expand Jewish settlements in the West Bank? Be positive. Turn the issue away from settlements and toward peace. Invoke ethnic cleansing.

Those are three of the recommendations made by Frank Luntz, a political consultant and pollster, in an internal study he wrote for the Washington-based group The Israel Project (TIP) on effective ways to talk to Americans about the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. The 117-page study, titled The Israel Project's 2009 Global Language Dictionary, was commissioned by the nonprofit group, which aims to promote Israel's side of the story, and leaked to NEWSWEEK. It includes chapters with such titles as "How to Talk About Palestinian Self Government and Prosperity" and "The Language of Tackling a Nuclear Iran."

The report is strewn with bolded examples of "Words That Work" and "Words That Don't Work," alongside rhetorical tips such as "Don't talk about religion" and "No matter what you're asked, bridge to a productive pro-Israel message." Taken together, the 18 chapters offer a fascinating look at the way Israel and its supporters try to shape the public debate in their favor.

Asked about the document, TIP's founder and president, Jennifer Laszlo-Mizrahi, told NEWSWEEK it was based on polling and work with focus groups and is used to formulate communications strategy. She said setting people straight about settlements is particularly important: "The idea that some have in Washington that unilaterally putting pressure on Israel to make concessions on settlements is going to lead to peace is unfortunately shortsighted."

The settlement issue has been the single biggest source of friction between the United States and Israel since Benjamin Netanyahu became Israel's prime minister in March. President Obama has said he wants to see a complete halt to housing construction in Jewish communities of the West Bank. About 300,000 Israelis live in settlements in the West Bank, not including East Jerusalem; Palestinians regard the area as the heart of their future state.

Luntz, who has advised mostly Republican candidates, appears to have tested a variety of messages on the focus groups. He concludes that "public opinion is hostile to the settlements," even among supporters of Israel. "Nothing is tougher to articulate effectively to neutral Americans than a message in favor of the settlements," Luntz writes. "Let me be clear about this conclusion. Plenty of Israeli and American Jewish leaders have tried, but American and European audiences rejected almost everything we tested." Luntz did not respond to NEWSWEEK's request for comment.

The report cites three particularly ineffective arguments Israeli officials often make in defense of settlements:

(1) The religious argument: "Quoting from the Bible in defense of the current settlements will have absolutely the opposite impact. Even your Jewish audiences will recoil at an attempt to use Biblical passages to justify the settlements."

(2) The ownership argument: "Some of those reading this document will reject this advice ideologically but to claim that Israel 'owns' the land that the settlements are on will cause most listeners to reject everything else you say. Semantics does matter, but if we correct Palestinians using the words 'disputed territory' when they say 'occupied territory,' we have to accept that the settlements are disputed territory as well."

(3) The scapegoat argument: "Claiming that Palestinians and other Arab groups are using the settlement issue to gain political advantage may be correct but it does nothing to legitimize Israeli policy."

In the report, Luntz describes the "best settlement argument" as one that draws a parallel between the Arab communities in Israel and the Jewish settlers in the West Bank—and refers to the idea of evacuating Jews as racist. "The idea that anywhere that you have Palestinians there can't be any Jews, that some areas have to be Jew-free, is a racist idea," he suggests saying. "We don't say that we have to cleanse out Arabs from Israel. They are citizens of Israel. They enjoy equal rights. We cannot see why it is that peace requires that any Palestinian area would require a kind of ethnic cleansing to remove all Jews. We don't accept it. Cleansing by either side against either side is unacceptable."

One line of argument that Luntz says actually harms the cause is Israel's policy of restricting Arab housing construction in East Jerusalem: "The arguments about demolishing Palestinian homes because they are not within the Jerusalem building code tested SO badly that we are not even going to dignify them with a Word's That Don't Work box. Americans hate their own local planning boards for telling them where they can and can't put swimming pools or build fences. You don't need to import that animosity into your own credibility issues. Worse yet, talking about 'violations of building codes' when a TV station is showing the removal of a house that looks older than the modern state of Israel is simply catastrophic."

© 2009 Newsweek

The full report can be viewed here.:

Opgelet Nederlandse collega's van me. Trap er ditmaal niet in. Land stelen van een ander mag niet volgens het internationaal recht, zo heeft het Internationaal Gerechtshof in 2004 nog eens expliciet gesteld. Dus ook de Joden in Israel mogen dit niet.

De christelijke cultuur mag dan wel millennia lang een verschil hebben gemaakt tussen joden en niet joden, en de commerciele journalistiek mag dan wel decennialang een verschil hebben gemaakt tussen joden en niet joden, maar het recht maakt goddank geen verschil tussen joden en niet-joden

Diplomatie a la Israel

Last update - 06:43 10/07/2009

Aide: Netanyahu told German FM West Bank cannot be 'Judenrein`

By Reuters

Tags: Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used the Nazi term 'Judenrein' in a recent meeting with the German foreign minister to condemn the Palestinian demand that West Bank settlements be removed, a confidant of the premier has said.

"Judea and Samaria cannot be Judenrein," the confidant quoted the prime minister as telling Frank-Walter Steinmeier earlier this week.

Asked how Germany's top diplomat responded to hearing the term used by the Nazis to refer to areas "cleansed of Jews", the confidant said, "What could he do? He basically just nodded.'

6 opmerkingen:

Sonja zei

Video Ni'lin gisteren - vermomde IDF-soldaten mishandelen en ontvoeren 2 jongens

Als jarenlang loopt het dorp Ni'lin uit voor een vreedzaam protest tegen de Israelische afscheiding die hun land en hun dorp inpikt. Later sloten zich Israelische en andere vredesactivisten aan. Ze schieten geen raketten af, maar ook een vreedzaam protest wordt door de bezetter niet getolereerd. 'Vredesproces' is ook hier een eufemisme voor land grab, bezetting en onderdrukking.

Gisteren bleken zich 10 vermomde Israelische soldaten bij de groep te hebben gevoegd. Op de video kunt u zien dat ze met veel geweld en onder bedreiging van pistolen twee jongens (17 en 18 jaar) ontvoeren, met hulp van Israelische soldaten met zwarte bivakmutsen. Op Palestijns land nota bene. En de wereld keek toe. In Nederland zijn de misdaden van Israel allicht weer niet boeiend genoeg voor de lezer. In tegenstelling tot één krijgsgevangen Israelische soldaat waarover jarenlang, tot op de dag van vandaag, in onze "kwaliteitskranten" met verontwaardiging en afkeuring wordt bericht.


Sam zei

ff tussendoor voor Anzi. Nou ik keek net naar t nos nieuws en ja hoor. 'n item over de doodgestoken zwangere vrouw in Duitsland. Het eindigt met "Iran en Egypte zijn boos, omdat de westerse media te weinig aandacht aan de zaak geeft". Nou NOS, goed gedaan hoor. Jullie hebben je plicht weer gedaan.

Sam zei

Het is duidelijk dat de zionisten studies kunnen verrichten naar hoe het beste te stelen, liegen, onderdrukken en moorden. Daar zijn ze intelligent genoeg voor. Maar geschiedenis heeft ons geleerd dat dit soort geintjes ze vroeg of laat niet in dank wordt genomen.

@Sonja, de video laat ook zien dat de Palestijnse jongens zelfs na tientallen jaren van bezetting, onderdrukking, intimidatie en moord nog steeds lef tonen en blijven vechten. De boodschap van deze jongens is duidelijk. We laten ons niet in stilte en zonder tegenstribbelen in kooien opsluiten.

Anoniem zei

Yes Sam, Iran en Egypte voeren een toneelstukje op!


Sam zei

t NOS voerde ook een aardige poppenkast op. Klonk erg welgemeend die berichtgeving over die moord (manieheus). Was eerder sarcastisch richting Egypte en Iran bedoeld.

Anoniem zei

Nou Sam, je kan het ook optimistisch bekijken, de moord is in ieder geval benoemd, eerder zou deze helemaal verzwegen zijn. Dat er verder hierover niet veel wordt uitgeweid, ligt aan de vermoorde zelf, d.w.z. dat zij geen onderdeel uitmaakte van de 'joods christelijke' cultuur en vanuit dat gezichtspunt heb je weinig verkoopwaarde Was het andersom geweest dan had de kassa stevig gerinkelt. Ook deze moord is te rechtvaardigen, nietwaar Slob? Liever had men gewelddadige moslims gezien en geen vrouw die netjes volgens democratische regels naar de rechtbank stapt. Past niet in het plaatje.
