donderdag 12 februari 2009

Nederland en Afghanistan 190

Nu de militaire strategie in Afghanistan failliet is gaat het Westen de milities van de drugsbaronnen annex krijgsheren bewapenen. Het effect zal zijn dat straks de heroineprijzen in Europa en de VS gaan dalen. Dat is dan weer een voordeel voor de gebruikers. Zo heeft elk nadeel een voordeel, om in de termen van Johan Cruyff te blijven.

'A leaked email acquired by the Huffington Post indicates just how far advanced the plans are to create local militias in Afghanistan.
A US-backed project called the Afghan Public Protection Force (APPF) has been established to help communities defend themselves against the Taliban. It has also been created with the hope that the communities then supply the US and NATO forces with important security information. Surely, there is no better way to confirm that the national police, the national army and NATO forces combined are losing the war in Afghanistan than the idea of creating citizen militias of untrained, armed men.
The email, which was marked as being highly confidential and not for public distribution, came from the office of the director of the Afghanistan National Security Office, which coordinates in-country security for international and national non-government organizations (NGOs) operating in Afghanistan.
It states that the Afghanistan Ministry of Interior made a secret presentation to a select audience about the establishment of tribal militias. The presentation covered "who will select them, who will control them, will they be armed & paid and what will they do."
Apparently the location of the first militias is secret, though the email does say "all eyes will be on Wardak" - a province in central Afghanistan for the pilot. (Date to be fixed).
NGOs have been concerned about the creation of militias - questions have been asked about how they will be controlled, directed and disbanded after their duties have been completed.
The confidential email then goes on to summarize parts of the meeting including points that all recruits must be between 25 and 45, fit, "non-drug using, no criminal record and actually be from the district they are recruited for. There is no overt tribal or ethnic dimension to selection. All recruits will be subjected to ... background check."
The citizen militia "will receive 3-week basic training including Values, Ethics, Police Law & Constitution, Use of Force, Human Rights and First Aid."
Each recruited member of the militia "will be equipped with 1 x Vz58 rifle (similar to AK-47), 90 rounds ammunition plus spare magazine. Approximately 180 rounds per (militia member) will be kept as reserve ammunition at District Centre."
(Afghanistan has spent years trying various means of controlling the huge amounts of guns in the country - now they are giving them out).'
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3 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Deze is ook erg, eh, vul maar in:

"A British citizen held at Guantanamo Bay who the Pentagon accused of plotting to build a dirty bomb had actually been reading a satirical article posted on the web, according to a British newspaper report."


p.s. er staan aardige jeugd/actiefoto's van u op de nationaal archief beeldbank (n.b.: "stan van houk")

Sonja zei

De Volkskrant meldt: Kinderen dood door gevecht Taliban en Australiërs
We moeten uit dit bericht begrijpen dat er een vuurgevecht 'met de Taliban' was (hoewel nog steeds geen feiten boven water zijn), en er opeens zomaar 5 kinderen dood waren.
Dezelfde manipulatie vinden we in De Telegraaf ('Kinderen dood door gevecht Taliban en Australiërs'), Novum/AP ('De kinderen kwamen in de vuurlinie terecht'), nog een keer Volkskrant ('Van onze verslaggever Bert Lanting').

NOS (onconventioneel): Australiërs doden kinderen Uruzgan
Radio Netherlands: Australian troops kill 5 Afghan children
The Age: Australian troops kill 5 Afghan children
Reuters: "URUZGAN - Australian Special Forces killed five children during a raid on several compounds in southern Uruzgan province on Thursday, 300 km (190 miles) southwest of Kabul, after coming under fire, the Australian Defence Force said."

Sonja zei

Kabul spreekt afkeuring uit over operatie van ISAF
Van onze verslaggever Bert Lanting


"De vijf kinderen werden gedood toen Australische militairen een dorp binnenvielen waar zich Talibanstrijders schuilhielden."
Alles is geschreven zonder bronvermelding.

"Woordvoerders van de ISAF en de VS erkennen dat er van tijd tot tijd burgerslachtoffers vallen als gevolg van hun militaire acties tegen de Taliban, maar volgens hen is slechts eentiende van de bijna 1.000 slachtoffers die vorig jaar gevallen zijn aan hen te wijten. De meeste burgers werden gedood bij terreuraanslagen van de Taliban.
Volgens de VN liggen de cijfers anders en komt ongeveer eenderde van de 2.100 burgerslachtoffers die in 2008 zijn gevallen, voor rekening van de internationale troepen."

Wikipedia: "The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) reported that more than 2,100 civilians were killed as a result of armed conflict in Afghanistan in 2008. This represents an increase of about 40 percent over its figure of 1,523 civilians killed in 2007."

The Guardian (16 October 2008): "By far the most comprehensive research into Afghan casualties over the past seven years has been carried out by Marc Herold, a US professor at the University of New Hampshire. In his latest findings, Herold estimates that the number of civilians directly killed by the US and other Nato forces since 2006, up to 3,273, is already higher than the toll exacted by the devastating three-month bombardment that ousted the Taliban regime in 2001. And over the past year civilian deaths at the hands of Nato forces have tripled, despite changes in rules of engagement.
It is that equation that makes a nonsense of US and British claims that their civilian victims are accidental "collateral damage", while the Taliban's use of roadside bombs, suicide attacks and classic guerrilla operations from civilian areas are a sign of their moral depravity. In real life, the escalating civilian death toll is not a mistake, but the result of a clear decision to put the lives of occupation troops before civilians; westerners before Afghans."

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