zaterdag 10 januari 2009

Boycot Israel 12

Naomi Klein

Naomi Klein

Israel: Boycott, Divest, Sanction
By Naomi Klein - January 8th, 2009
It's time. Long past time. The best strategy to end the increasingly bloody occupation is for Israel to become the target of the kind of global movement that put an end to apartheid in South Africa. In July 2005 a huge coalition of Palestinian groups laid out plans to do just that. They called on "people of conscience all over the world to impose broad boycotts and implement divestment initiatives against Israel similar to those applied to South Africa in the apartheid era." The campaign Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions—BDS for short—was born. Every day that Israel pounds Gaza brings more converts to the BDS cause, and talk of cease-fires is doing little to slow the momentum. Support is even emerging among Israeli Jews.
In the midst of the assault roughly 500 Israelis, dozens of them well-known artists and scholars, sent a letter to foreign ambassadors stationed in Israel. It calls for "the adoption of immediate restrictive measures and sanctions" and draws a clear parallel with the antiapartheid struggle. "The boycott on South Africa was effective, but Israel is handled with kid gloves.… This international backing must stop." Yet even in the face of these clear calls, many of us still can't go there. The reasons are complex, emotional and understandable. And they simply aren't good enough. Economic sanctions are the most effective tools in the nonviolent arsenal. Surrendering them verges on active complicity. Here are the top four objections to the BDS strategy, followed by counterarguments. 1. Punitive measures will alienate rather than persuade Israelis. The world has tried what used to be called "constructive engagement." It has failed utterly. Since 2006 Israel has been steadily escalating its criminality: expanding settlements, launching an outrageous war against Lebanon and imposing collective punishment on Gaza through the brutal blockade. Despite this escalation, Israel has not faced punitive measures—quite the opposite. The weapons and $3 billion in annual aid that the US sends to Israel is only the beginning. Throughout this key period, Israel has enjoyed a dramatic improvement in its diplomatic, cultural and trade relations with a variety of other allies. For instance, in 2007 Israel became the first non–Latin American country to sign a free-trade deal with Mercosur. In the first nine months of 2008, Israeli exports to Canada went up 45 percent. A new trade deal with the European Union is set to double Israel's exports of processed food. And on December 8, European ministers "upgraded" the EU-Israel Association Agreement, a reward long sought by Jerusalem. It is in this context that Israeli leaders started their latest war: confident they would face no meaningful costs. It is remarkable that over seven days of wartime trading, the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange's flagship index actually went up 10.7 percent. When carrots don't work, sticks are needed. 2. Israel is not South Africa. Of course it isn't. The relevance of the South African model is that it proves that BDS tactics can be effective when weaker measures (protests, petitions, back-room lobbying) have failed. And there are indeed deeply distressing echoes of South African apartheid in the occupied territories: the color-coded IDs and travel permits, the bulldozed homes and forced displacement, the settler-only roads. Ronnie Kasrils, a prominent South African politician, said that the architecture of segregation that he saw in the West Bank and Gaza was "infinitely worse than apartheid." That was in 2007, before Israel began its full-scale war against the open-air prison that is Gaza. 3. Why single out Israel when the United States, Britain and other Western countries do the same things in Iraq and Afghanistan? Boycott is not a dogma; it is a tactic. The reason the BDS strategy should be tried against Israel is practical: in a country so small and trade-dependent, it could actually work. 4. Boycotts sever communication; we need more dialogue, not less. This one I'll answer with a personal story. For eight years, my books have been published in Israel by a commercial house called Babel. But when I published The Shock Doctrine, I wanted to respect the boycott. On the advice of BDS activists, including the wonderful writer John Berger, I contacted a small publisher called Andalus. Andalus is an activist press, deeply involved in the anti-occupation movement and the only Israeli publisher devoted exclusively to translating Arabic writing into Hebrew. We drafted a contract that guarantees that all proceeds go to Andalus's work, and none to me. In other words, I am boycotting the Israeli economy but not Israelis. Coming up with our modest publishing plan required dozens of phone calls, e-mails and instant messages, stretching from Tel Aviv to Ramallah to Paris to Toronto to Gaza City. My point is this: as soon as you start implementing a boycott strategy, dialogue increases dramatically. And why wouldn't it? Building a movement requires endless communicating, as many in the antiapartheid struggle well recall. The argument that supporting boycotts will cut us off from one another is particularly specious given the array of cheap information technologies at our fingertips. We are drowning in ways to rant at one another across national boundaries. No boycott can stop us. Just about now, many a proud Zionist is gearing up for major point-scoring: don't I know that many of those very high-tech toys come from Israeli research parks, world leaders in infotech? True enough, but not all of them. Several days into Israel's Gaza assault, Richard Ramsey, the managing director of a British telecom specializing in voice-over-internet services, sent an email to the Israeli tech firm MobileMax. "As a result of the Israeli government action in the last few days we will no longer be in a position to consider doing business with yourself or any other Israeli company." Ramsey says that his decision wasn't political; he just didn't want to lose customers. "We can't afford to lose any of our clients," he explains, "so it was purely commercially defensive." It was this kind of cold business calculation that led many companies to pull out of South Africa two decades ago. And it's precisely the kind of calculation that is our most realistic hope of bringing justice, so long denied, to Palestine. This column was first published in The Nation Further Information:The only international news network covering every aspect of the war on Gaza is Al Jazeera English. The station isn't available in North America but you can watch it live in high-quality through (player download is required).Disengagement and the Frontiers of Zionism by Darryl LiBilbao Initiative
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6 opmerkingen:

Sonja zei

Eye openers:

Likud streeft nog steeds naar Eretz Yisrael, d.w.z. het bijbelse land, en daarbij horen ook Judea, Samaria en Gaza. De Palestijnen mogen nooit een eigen staat krijgen, en moeten dus eeuwig onder Israëlische bezetting leven. De kolonisten moeten blijven, en uitbreiding van de nederzettingen is hun recht.
Lees ook: Likud Handvest (gedeelte) Hier is Eretz Yisraël vertaald naar "Land of Israel".

Het streven is naar een gedemilitairiseerde Palestijnse staat. Dat is dus geen zelfstandige staat. Reden: to maintain a Jewish and democratic state.
Maar dat geldt niet voor Jeruzalem en de Westoever: "Jerusalem and large settlement blocks in the West Bank will be kept under Israeli control."

What does Kadima stand for?
The new party 'Kadima' is a call for creating a 'pure blooded' and 'democratic!' Jewish State; even-though it involves relinquishing part of the so-called land of Israel 'Eretz Yisrael' to the Palestinians as a part of the party's plan, which include support to the establishment of an independent Palestinian State as a means to resolve the Palestinian â?? Israeli conflict. But there is more; Kadima's objective is to make sure that Israel remains a Jewish predominant State at every cost with the major settlement blocs, which include 98 Israeli settlements accommodating approximately 375,000 settlers (83% of the 450.000 Israeli settlersâ?? population in the West Bank), located behind the Western Segregation Wall, in addition to continued dominance over the Jordan Valley area.
• Keep hold of the settlements blocs, 
• Continue building the Segregation Wall,
• Maintain Israeli control over the Jordan Valley area,     
• Maintain control of 'unified' Jerusalem under Israeli control,
• Maintain control of Palestinian's movement between West Bank and Gaza,
• Preserve the right to infiltrate Palestinian controlled areas under security pretext,
• Maintain corridors penetrating across the West Bank, linking Israel with the Jordan Valley area,
• Continue with the settlements expansion program,
• To establish a Palestinian State (The Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem)

Kortom, welke partij er ook regeert, het is en blijft een schurkenstaat met lak aan de internationale rechtsorde.

Sonja zei

Gezant bij VN: kabinet te mild over actie Gaza
New York, 10 jan. De Nederlandse diplomaat Robert Serry, die speciale VN-gezant voor het Midden-Oosten is, neemt afstand van de opvatting van het kabinet-Balkenende over de Gaza-oorlog. Volgens het kabinet is de actie van Israël legitiem. Serry verwijt Israël „excessief geweld” te gebruiken.
Serry benadrukt dat de secretaris-generaal van de Verenigde Naties, Ban Ki-moon, het „voortdurende geweld” van de Hamas-raketten bekritiseert. „Maar wij kunnen het excessieve gebruik van geweld van Israël ook niet billijken. Ban Ki-moon heeft ook dát geweld veroordeeld”. Serry voegt daaraan toe: „Nederland heeft daar kennelijk andere opvattingen over.”

Anoniem zei

Merken en bedrijven:

Sonja zei

Grote lading wapens VS naar Israël
10 januari 2009
LONDEN (ANP) - De Verenigde Staten willen een koopvaardijschip inhuren om honderden tonnen wapens vanuit Griekenland naar Israël te vervoeren. Dat blijkt uit gevoelige documenten waar persbureau Reuters inzage in heeft gehad.

Sonja zei

foutje, Grote lading wapens VS naar Israël

Sonja zei

WSWS: Gaza: The massacre in Zeitoun
What is particularly horrifying about the Zeitoun massacre—details of which continue to unfold—is the sadistic behavior of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). This is a mass killing that has unfolded over days.

De eerste verhalen, over waar we voor vrezen. Het is gebaseerd op ooggetuigenverslagen, verhalen van slachtoffers en hulpverleners.

The Enemy Is Among Us

  The Unz Review • An Alternative Media Selection Subscribe A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely E...