maandag 10 maart 2008

Salomon Bouman 7

Sonja wees me erop dat Salomon Bouman, 37 jaar lang correspondent van de NRC in Israel, wel degelijk weet dat wat hij voor zijn krant schrijft een absolute verdraaiing is van de werkelijkheid, en dus de lezers van de slijpsteen voor de geest bewust misleidt. Dat is ongetwijfeld de reden waarom hij weigert met mij in discussie te treden. Leest u zelf maar. En vergelijkt u dit eens met de zes vorige stukjes die ik aan het werk van Bouman besteedde. Oordeelt u zelf.

'Sonja heeft een nieuwe reactie op uw bericht "Salomon Bouman 6" achtergelaten:

Het rare is dat ik uit een emailcorrespondentie van Bouman met een Chinese vriend op het internet haal, dat hij soms donders goed lijkt te weten hoe de vork daar in de steel steekt.

Voorbeelden:"In the meantime, the small war between Israel and Hamas goes on, an end is not in sight. The problem is that Hamas won the elections in the Palestinian territories and was then faced with an international boycot which makes the daily life of the Palestinians a real hell. You know the USA insisted on free, democratic elections. The irony of the story is that the USA, Israel and the EU refused to acknowledge the result of the only really free elections ever held by the Palestinians. Sad and stupid, I think." (22 nov. 2006)

"The Palestinian president Abbas decided to call for new elections in order to "hear'' the voice of the people, hoping that the Palestians will listen to him. Hamas is very angry. For good reasons. Only a few months ago the won the elections. So why new ones ?""Israel keeps a low profile in this Palestinian power struggle. But let us say in secet Israel is helping president Abbas. How ? With weapons and other means." (19 dec. 2006)

"Let me be clear: the Israeli leadership is too weak to be able to accept leaving the West Bank, to dismantle two hundred settlements and give up East Jerusalem." (27 dec 2006)"The crux of the matter is however that it is for religious Jews a sin to leave the smallest piece of land from the promised land. You don’t insult God. Premier minister Yitzhak Rabin was shot by a Jewish nationalist because he considered peace with the Palestinians to be in the best interest of his country. Peace means to make room for a Palestinian state." (14 mei 2007)


'Salomon Bouman's letters (1) 上一篇 下一篇

发布者:钟翠花 浏览(1768) 评论 (7)
发布时间:2006-12-08 12:30:57 最后更新时间:2006-12-08 12:30:57.0

本作品所属分类:Correspondence wi..
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Preface: Salomon, having the same name as the wise Jewish king, is my another senior wise friend whose opinions are worth listening to. He is Jewish, and a Dutch expert on Israel, and had worked 36 years as a correpsondent for leading Dutch newspapers before retirement. He is still very active today in the Netherlands in the academic circle and our correspondence often touches upon the Middle East. It was he who told me that the modern-day Israeli founding father, the first Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion had propesied that peace in the Middle East "relies on China". This prophecy gave me a sense of mission when dealing with the issue of the Middle East.'

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