dinsdag 15 januari 2008

Het Neoliberale Geloof 79

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'Big Oil and the War on Drugs and Terrorism

The "Big Oil" chessgame, aided and abetted by the so-called wars on drugs and terrorism, has made most of humanity its pawns and has expanded corporate control over our lives.


The year 1859 saw the publication of The Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin as well as the founding of the Red Cross by Henry Dunant, after he'd experienced the suffering of the ordinary soldier during the Battle of Solferino (France and Sardinia under Napoleon III fought Austria under Francis Joseph I).1 This progressive humanitarian measure was paralleled by the founding of the conservative elitist Anthropological Society of Paris by Dr Paul Broca, who had started to "pickle" the brains of eminent deceased personalities. Strange things were happening in a world where artificial lighting had turned night into day and where man extended his effective life-span by some 30 per cent.2 The first oil-well near Titusville in Pennsylvania had been drilled; John Davison Rockefeller and Maurice Clark formed a trading company which would soon become Standard Oil, forming a huge monopoly by concentrating 96 per cent of the refining capacity of the USA in the one hand.3 In the beginning they profited from provisioning troops in the War of Union against the Confederates, then later from outfitting (arming) "pioneers" in their war against nature and humanity.4The year 1859 also saw the start of huge migration of Ashkenazi Jewry from what is now the region of Ukraine into western parts of Europe. The "Eastern Jews" swamped Europe and brought with them little else but the shirts on their backs as well as intellectual and artistic brilliance. Immediately these immigrants made their presence felt in all walks of life. Scientific research and discovery took a giant leap forward when Ashkenazim ability was seeded into the fertile soil of a continent which was still in the process of emerging out of the age of feudal reign. When in 1863 the carnage due to modern weapons had taken a huge toll on the largely volunteer forces of both combatants in the American War of Secession, conscription was introduced (first by the Confederates). Until then, the landowners of the South had been fighting for their "rights" while the soldiers of the North had been spilling their blood in order to maintain the tax income for the Union. The new Union President Abraham Lincoln5 had the "daring" idea to get motivated fresh blood into the reservoir of cannon-fodder by promising Blacks their freedom if they helped to defeat the South.6 In two years, the war was won for the North and the Negro was then nominally freed but still stayed a de facto slave. Almost 140 years later, one wonders whether emancipation was the same kind of labelling fraud as was the eventual outcome of the Civil Rights movement.It is now hardly ever commented on, but the American Civil War "happened" while the oil industry was being established. Some 600,000 lives were ruthlessly wasted between 1861 and 1865 for "ideals" which, when viewed today, were phoney (at best) and to no material effect (as in the betterment of people's lives). What had really happened was that a very few people had laid the foundations for very great wealth and dominance.


John D. Rockefeller was born in Richford, New York, on 8 July 1839 (d. 1937) and educated in the public schools of Cleveland, Ohio. He became a bookkeeper in Cleveland at the age of sixteen. In 1862, he went into business with entrepreneur Henry Flagler and Samuel Andrews, the inventor of an inexpensive process for the "refining" of crude petroleum. In 1870, their company was renamed as Standard Oil (of Ohio) Company. In 1872, J. D. Rockefeller founded the South Improvement Co., which by 1887 had amalgamated all but a few per cent of America's refining capacity in one hand and became a corporate giant of such vast might that it was, in effect, "running" America. The USA was fighting another brutal "War of Independence" (this time from Standard Oil), which it won in 1911 when the Rockefeller monopoly was dismantled. Just as in the case of the other War of Independence, victory was an elusive concept.The rest of the 20th century has been called by many in very simple terms as "Rockefeller's revenge". To all intents and purposes, this was a "re-volution", as it effectively re-established the dominance of the oil industry over American politics and the American people. What has changed is that not only have the American people been pushed around the chessboard, but most of mankind has been made into pawns in the game of "Big Oil".In 1823, US President Monroe declared (in wise prescience) the Americas "off-limits" to any other polity, and the world was divided into the "Western hemisphere" and the rest. Zischka7 gave a chronological account of the oil industry's early development. It turns out that in the early 20th century there were two major players on this stage, with an early contender for "second place": • John Davison Rockefeller, son of a Rabbi-cum-haberdasher and purveyor of comforts to the men in the Pennsylvanian oil fields, focused his attention on the "downstream" side of the oil industry and by the late 1880s established an almost total monopoly on transport and refining of crude oil. • Henry Deterding, an enterprising young Dutchman, was a clerk in a bank in Batavia (Jakarta) at the turn of the century when the Duri oil field in Sumatra was discovered. A fast learner, he became involved in the company holding the lease over this oil field and by 1902 had risen to the position of president of this company. Deterding was determined to seek domination over the oil industry via the ownership of concessions. The "side show" developed in the northern foothills of the Caucasus mountains. Ludwig Nobel (brother of the inventor of dynamite, Alfred Nobel) was sent by his father (who at this time was an arms manufacturer supplying the Imperial Russian Army with guns) into the Caucasus region to secure a supply of walnut wood to be turned into gun stocks. Instead, he came back with ownership of the oil concessions on what is now known as the Baku region of Azerbaijan.The House of Rothschild, through its various branches established in London, Paris and Vienna by the sons of Amschel Mayer8 (named "Rothschild" after the "red shield" sign on his house in the Frankfurt ghetto), financed: • the Rockefeller oil empire in America; • the emerging alliance (soon to be named Royal Dutch Shell) of the Dutch and English royal houses to take control over the oilfields in the Far East; and • the Russian oilfield operations controlled by the Nobel family.As always, the third player got mangled up in the tussle between the two stronger ones.9 After oil was discovered in the Persian Gulf region and the British secured control of it, the Nobel family was forced by a "no holds barred" price war between Rockefeller and Deterding to "sell out". In order to win this fight, Deterding teamed up with Lord Samuels of London, who had established the oil shipping industry. While it would be too cumbersome to detail this epic struggle here, just one fact should make the attentive reader sit up: Josef Stalin spent his early political life as organiser of the Oil Workers Union in and around Baku! Another fact to ponder: the Russian Revolution kept Russian oil off the world market for quite some time.


Lees verder: http://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/OilDrugsTerrorism.html

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Hm. En waarom zou ik dit rustig moeten lezen? Wat moeten die Joden daar?

Dit is een warhoofdig onsamenhangend verhaal. De schrijver is niet te vinden: de link aan het einde van het artikel funktioneert niet, setex01 blogt volkomen warrig onder http://setex01.wordpress.com/
en geen van de 4 universiteiten in Graz kent hem.

Kan het zijn, dat je ondertussen heel wild naar argumenten voor jouw visie zoekt, omdat niemand luistert? Minder is meer, zou ik in dit geval willen zeggen. En ik had van jou verwacht, dat je je bronnen verifieert.

stan zei

beste meneer steunenberg

de reden waarom u dit eens rustig kunt lezen, nergens stel ik dat u het moet lezen, niemand moet iets van mij, het blijft een voorstel, maar goed, de reden waarom u dit verhaal rustig kunt lezen, is dat het een opmerkelijk verhaal is, of u en ik eens zijn met de strekking ervan of juist niet is tamelijk onbelangrijk. ik zet wel meer stukken op mijn weblog waarmee ik het niet eens ben, of niet weet wat mijn standpunt precies is. dat houdt de hersenen soepel. wat die joden daar doen, lijkt me voor de hand liggend, het gaat om ingrijpende veranderingen in de wereld en de emancipatie van de joden was zo'n ingrijpende verandering voor de europese cultuur. de schrijver is in de oostenrijk geboren en zoals u weet was wenen vooral ook door de joodse schrijvers, denkers en musici uitgegroeid tot een van de belangrijkste vooroorlogse centra van de europese cultuur. dan uw kwalificatie: warhoofdig. dat is het voor mij ook soms, maar so what? eens per week leidt ik kinderen rond in de amsterdamse hortus. ik probeer ze te leren dat het geven van een kwalificatie zinloos is zolang ze er niet een verklaring bij geven. dankzij een verklaring is communicatie mogelijk. zonder verklaring is er geen sprake van communicatie, maar veelal van een scheldpartij of het ventileren van vrijblijvende meningen. dus ik weet niet wat ik met uw kwalificatie aanmoet. wat betreft mijn motieven: vanuit mijn buitenpost kijk ik met een zekere betrokkenheid naar de geleidelijke, maar onvermijdelijke ineenstorting van, ouderwets gezegd, het kapitalistische systeem. het is aan zijn eigen succes en begeerte aan het bezwijken. jammer, maar zo is het nu eenmaal. alles verandert op den duur in zijn tegendeel, het is een natuurwet. ik hoef niet te zoeken, de feiten liggen voor ons als men bereid is te kijken. wat betreft het verifieren. ik ga ervan uit dat u het begrip visiting professor anders begrijpt dan ik. een visiting professor is een man of vrouw die niet vast verbonden is aan een universiteit maar die daar wel 1 of meerdere gastcollege's kan geven op verzoek van een docent, wetenschappelijk medewerker of hoogleraar. het verbaast mij niets dat hij bij geen van de universiteiten vermeld staat.
vriendelijke groet
stan van houcke

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