vrijdag 26 januari 2007

De Israelische Terreur 148

Een van die honderden voorbeelden waarbij Israelische strijdkrachten Palestijnse kinderen doodschieten. De Nederlandse regering protesteert hier niet tegen. Integendeel, het Nederlands kabinet steunt de Israelische terreur zowel politiek, economisch als militair.

De New York Times bericht:

'Father of Dead West Bank Girl Seeks Peace With Israelis.
By Greg Myre
The New York Times

Anata, West Bank - Even as Bassam Aramin mourns his 10-year-old daughter, killed last week during a clash between stone-throwing Palestinian youths and the Israeli police, he says he wants to talk to Israelis about making peace.
It has been a long journey for Mr. Aramin, 38, a former Palestinian fighter. He spent seven years in Israeli jails, from 1986 to 1993, for weapons possession and for belonging to the Fatah movement, which was banned at the time.
But his views gradually changed, and for the past two years he has been an active member of Combatants for Peace, a group of former Palestinian militants and former Israeli soldiers who have teamed up to urge reconciliation to both sides.
With his Israeli partner, Zohar Shapira, a former member of an elite commando unit, Mr. Aramin has been speaking to students and community groups in Israel and the West Bank.
"Over time I became convinced that we couldn't solve our problem with weapons and we had to talk to the other side," said Mr. Aramin, who lives in Anata, on the outskirts of Jerusalem. "I want to keep talking to Israelis so they can understand what happened to my daughter."
His daughter, Abir, was in an upbeat mood last Tuesday after completing a math exam at the Anata Girls School. She walked out the front gate and crossed the dusty street, where she bought a small gift for her mother, Salwa, who had helped her study.
As Abir emerged from the store, a clash was erupting between stone-throwing Palestinian youths and the Israeli border police. A moment later Abir was hit in the back of the head, a blow that threw her headlong into the street, according to her sister, Areen, 12, who was with her. After three days in Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem, Abir died without ever regaining consciousness.
Israel's separation barrier, a towering concrete wall here, is just a few yards from the adjacent boys' and girls' schools, and the area was the scene of frequent confrontations during its construction. But work on the wall was finished several months ago, and the area was calm until the border police began patrolling neighborhoods on the West Bank side of the wall in recent days. Youths threw stones at the Israeli jeeps on several occasions, residents said.
Areen and other Palestinian witnesses say they have no doubt that Abir was hit by Israeli fire. Michael Sfard, a prominent Israeli lawyer representing the Aramin family, said he had received a rubber-coated steel bullet that witnesses said they had found at the scene, which he presented to the Israeli police.'

Lees verder:
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/23/world/middleeast/23mideast.html?_r=1&oref=slogin Of:

Ondanks het absurd groot aantal Nederlandse correspondenten in Israel heb ik niets over dit geval vernomen. Hoe zou dat komen? Zodra een joods-Israeli slachtoffer is dan wordt er wel aandacht aan besteed. En nooit zal een Nederlandse journalist aldaar het doodschieten van een onbewapend Palestijns kind door een zwaar bewapende Israelische militair een terreurdaad noemen. Maar zou dit met een onbewapend Joods Israelis kind zijn gebeurd dan werd dit terecht onmiddellijk een terreurdaad genoemd. Vanwaar die onevenwichtige Pro-Israel berichtgeving van de Nederlandse commerciele massamedia? Hoewel ik deze vraag herhaaldelijk aan mijn collega's heb gesteld, heb ik er nooit echt een antwoord op gekregen. Misschien kunt u het eens aan journalisten vragen.

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

Denkt u werkelijk dat de journalisten hier antwoord op zullen geven?

Deze lieden zullen hun broodheren niet tegen zich in het harnas jagen. Het is volgens mij een stille onuitgesproken dreiging waar ze angstig voor zijn. Bang om te worden buitengesloten, bang om hun baan te verliezen en daarom maar scrijven

Ik denk dat de volgende uitspraak van een met pensioen gaande journalist het goed samenvat:

“We are intellectual prostitutes.”
John Swinton, New York 1890.

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