maandag 23 oktober 2006

De Israelische Terreur 96

Israelische kinderen die onder het oog van hun lachende ouders raketten signeren met opschriften als: 'Van Israel. Met liefde.' Raketten die deze zomer vele Libanese burgers vermoordden.

Er zijn nogal wat Westerlingen die het bombaderen van burgers met fosforbommen geen terreur vinden. Dat wil zeggen: als Israel dat doet en het de Arabische bevolking betreft. In het geval van Saddam Hoessein zou dit natuurlijk onmiddellijk zijn betiteld als terreur en oorlogsmisdaden, zeker als de Israelische bevolking slachtoffer zou zijn geweest. En terecht, want het doden van burgers met fosfor is terreur, een oorlogsmisdaad. Desondanks steunt de Nederlandse regering de Israelische oorlogsmisdaden politiek, militair en economisch. Zonder dat de Nederlandse bevolking hier massaal tegen in opstand komt. Net zomin als de Nederlandse bevolking tijdens de oorlog massaal tegen de jodenvervolging in opstand kwam. Op een betrekkelijk klein deel na van de Amsterdamse arbeiders keek de rest de andere kant op. De veel geprezen Nederlandse tolerantie is voor een groot deel ook niets anders dan pure onverschilligheid.

De Israelische kwaliteitskrant Haaretz bericht:

'Israel admits using phosphorus bombs during war in Lebanon
By Meron Rappaport, Haaretz Correspondent

Israel has acknowledged for the first time that it attacked Hezbollah
targets during the second Lebanon war with phosphorus shells. White
phosphorus causes very painful and often lethal chemical burns to those
hit by it, and until recently Israel maintained that it only uses such
bombs to mark targets or territory.

The announcement that the Israel Defense Forces had used phosphorus bombs
in the war in Lebanon was made by Minister Jacob Edery, in charge of
government-Knesset relations. He had been queried on the matter by MK
Zahava Gal-On (Meretz-Yahad).

"The IDF holds phosphorus munitions in different forms," Edery said. "The
IDF made use of phosphorous shells during the war against Hezbollah in
attacks against military targets in open ground."

Edery also pointed out that international law does not forbid the use of
phosphorus and that "the IDF used this type of munitions according to the
rules of international law."

Edery did not specify where and against what types of targets phosphorus
munitions were used. During the war several foreign media outlets reported
that Lebanese civilians carried injuries characteristic of attacks with
phosphorus, a substance that burns when it comes to contact with air. In
one CNN report, a casualty with serious burns was seen lying in a South
Lebanon hospital.

In another case, Dr. Hussein Hamud al-Shel, who works at Dar al-Amal
hospital in Ba'albek, said that he had received three corpses "entirely
shriveled with black-green skin," a phenomenon characteristic of
phosphorus injuries.

Lebanon's President Emile Lahoud also claimed that the IDF made use of
phosphorus munitions against civilians in Lebanon.

Phosphorus has been used by armies since World War I. During World War II
and Vietnam the U.S. and British armies made extensive use of phosphorus.
During recent decades the tendency has been to ban the use of phosphorus
munitions against any target, civilian or military, because of the
severity of the injuries that the substance causes.'

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