donderdag 16 maart 2006

Collateral Damage?

Het resultaat van het gewelddadig ingrijpen van onze bondgenoot in de zogeheten 'war on terror.' 'Operation Enduring Freedom' kent nu in feite voor het merendeel alleen nog maar 'Collateral Damage.' Het persbureau Reuters bericht: 'Iraq: U.S. military kills five children, two men and four women. Eleven members of an Iraqi family were killed in a U.S. raid on Wednesday, police and witnesses said. The U.S. military said two women and a child died during the bid to seize an al Qaeda militant from a house.Television pictures showed 11 bodies in the Tikrit morgue -- five children, two men and four women. A freelance photographer later saw the bodies being buried in Ishaqi, the town 100 km (60 miles) north of Baghdad where the raid took place.The U.S. military said in a statement its troops had attacked a house in Ishaqi early on Wednesday to capture a "foreign fighter facilitator for the al Qaeda in Iraq network"."Troops were engaged by enemy fire as they approached the building," U.S. spokesman Major Tim Keefe said. "Coalition Forces returned fire utilising both air and ground assets."There was one enemy killed. Two women and one child were also killed in the firefight. The building ... (was) destroyed."Keefe said the al Qaeda suspect had been captured and was being questioned. Major Ali Ahmed of the Ishaqi police said U.S. forces had landed on the roof of the house in the early hours and shot the 11 occupants, including the five children."After they left the house they blew it up," he said.' Lees verder: Of:

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Did the terrorists care that their presence might result in the death of the people in whose home they ensconced themselves in? They were probably happy that they died so they could use their deaths as an excuse to launch more attacks and get more Al Jazerra headlines. If they truly cared for their fellow muslims a fourth as much as the Americans there would be no war. They'd be working hand in hand to try and make something out of their country rather than destroy it for spite.

stan zei

read this,chalmers johnson, a prominent american scholar in his book 'sorrows of empire': 'The only truly common elements in the totality of American foreign bases are imperialism and militarism - an impulse on the part of our elites to dominate other peoples largely because we have the power to do so, followed by strategic reasoning that, in order to defend the newly acquired outposts and control the region they are in, we must expand the areas under our control with still more bases.' ask yourself why the us is in iraq.

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