maandag 31 mei 2010

Israel als Schurkenstaat 188

Zweden en Spanje hebben de Israelische ambassadeur op het matje geroepen. Waarom doet Nederland dit niet? Want hoe dan ook Israel heeft westerlingen vermoord.

2 opmerkingen:

John zei


"Vriend van Israel" is in deze tijd zo iets als "vriend van eichmann"”

Van twitter

Paul zei

Aanpakken die hap.Hier op ander terrein

Washington's unprecedented backing for a UN resolution for a nuclear-free Middle East that singles out Israel has both angered and deeply worried the Jewish state although officials are cagey about openly criticising their biggest ally.

The resolution adopted by the United Nations on Friday calls on Israel to join the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and urges it to open its facilities to inspection.

It also calls for a regional conference in 2012 to advance the goal of a nuclear-free Middle East.

''Links'' Israël
''The left-leaning Haaretz daily said Israel had been "sacrificed by the US on the altar of a successful conference" in what constituted "a diplomatic victory for Egypt" which has campaigned against Israel's nuclear arsenal.''

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