zaterdag 16 februari 2019

Welk Land Profiteert van de Chaos in het Midden-Oosten?

Welk land of werelddeel heeft sinds de aanslagen op 11 september 2001 het meest geprofiteerd van de westerse interventies, onder aanvoering van de VS, die het Midden Oosten in een chaos hebben veranderd? Europa, dat een stroom vluchtelingen uit die regio kreeg te verwerken? De VS, dat biljoenen dollars aan belastinggeld verloor? Of Israel, dat op al die interventies heeft aangedrongen, en nu weer oproept Iran aan te vallen? 

Juni 1982 schreef de Joods-Israelische hoogleraar en humanist Israel Shahak, overlevende van het concentratiekamp Bergen-Belsen, over het zogeheten 'Yinon Plan' dat dit concept, geschreven door een Joods-Israelische oud adviseur van 'the butcher' Ariel Sharon: 

represents 'the accurate and detailed plan of the present Zionist regime (of Sharon and Eitan in Menachem Begin's Likud) for the Middle East which is based on the division of the whole area into small states, and the dissolution of ALL the existing Arab states.' 

De Britse Midden-Oosten deskundige Linda Heard, wierp in 2006 de vraag  op: 

Is the US Waging Israel's Wars? 

Zij antwoordde:

There is one thing that we do know. Oded Yinon's 1982 'Zionist Plan for the Middle East'  is in large part taking shape. Is this pure coincidence? Was Yinon a gifted psychic? Perhaps! Alternatively, we in the West are victims of a long-held agenda not of our making and without doubt not in our interests. 

De Amerikaanse onderzoeksjournalist Christopher Bollyn begint hoofdstuk IV van zijn boek The War On Terror. The Plot To Rule The Middle East (2017) met een fragment uit Israel Shahak's inleiding van het 'Yinon Plan':

The idea that all the Arab states should be broken down, by Israel, into small units, occurs again and again in Israeli strategic thinking. For example, Ze'ev Schiff, the military correspondent of Haaretz (and probably the most knowledgeable in Israel, on this topic) writes about the 'best' that can happen for Israeli interests in Iraq: 'The dissolution of Iraq into a Shi'ite state, a Sunni state and the separation of the Kurdish part.' Actually, this aspect of the plan is very old. 

Oded Yinon zette in zijn strategische 'Plan,' dat in februari 1982 verscheen in 'Kivunim, A Journal for Judaism and Zionism,' uiteen dat:

Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel. An Iraqi-Iranian war will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us. Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon.  In Iraq, a division into provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria during Ottoman times is possible. So, three (or more) states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, and Shi'ite areas in the south will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north, 

precies, zoals nu ook het geval is door de illegale Amerikaanse agressieoorlog tegen Irak, en net niet in Syrië lukte, doordat de Russische strijdkrachten tussenbeide kwamen en de door de VS en de NATO (inclusief Nederland) gesteunde islamitische terroristen versloegen.  Dat Israel hierbij een essentiële rol speelde, blijkt ondermeer uit het feit dat gewonde terroristen uit Syrië werden overgebracht naar veldhospitaals in Noord Israel, om daar te worden opgelapt zodat zij hun terreur konden hervatten. Het is ook niet vreemd dat de zelfbenoemde 'Joodse staat' nooit door ISIS of Jabhat Fateh al-Sham dan wel het Al-Nusra Front of welke in Syrië actieve terreur-organisatie dan ook werd aangevallen. Hoewel de Nederlandse mainstream-media zes jaar lang, tot medio 2018, bewust zwegen over het feit dat Nederlandse regeringen terroristen in Syrië steunden, berichtte al op 3 augustus 2012 de Franse journalist en Midden Oosten-deskundige Thierry Meyssan van Voltaire Network

No one doubts that terrorism in Syria is being sponsored by NATO and the GCC but until now it was being carried out behind a veil of hypocrisy. Unable to bombard and raze the country because of the Russian and Chinese double veto, the Western powers and their Arab partners decided to bleed the country while setting it up for an attack by mercenaries. Then on February 12 came the call to jihad issued by Ayman al-Zawahiri. Suddenly, NATO, the GCC (The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf. svh) and al-Qaeda found themselves pursuing the same objective. Notwithstanding, Brussels took the view that the Egyptian sheik’s declarations were his alone and were therefore unworthy of comment as if to underline that NATO doesn’t revise its positions in response to such fatwas. This rationale remained unconvincing because it ignored the issue of the common objectives shared by the self-proclaimed advocates of democracy, on the one hand, and Islamism, on the other. It did allow appearances to be preserved. The masks are now off. The Western powers have acknowledged their links with terrorists.  

Desondanks menen propagandisten in de sociale media, en vooral ook de mainstream-media, dat ze zo goed op de hoogte zijn dat zij overal onbekommerd hun mening over van alles en nog wat kunnen dumpen. Daarom de noodzaak om alles eens tegen het licht te houden, zoals Bollyn doet wanneer hij erop wijst dat:

[t]o understand why the United States is waging endless war in far-off nations across the Middle East, against people who pose little or no threat to the U.S., it is essential to understand that the operational plan being applied across the Middle East is something called the Yinon Plan. 

This plan was written in 1982 by an Israeli strategist named Oded Yinon and published (in Hebrew) by the World Zionist Organization's Department of Information in Jerusalem. 

Yinon's plan, entitled 'A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties' was then translated by Professor Israel Shahak of Hebrew University and published in English under the title The Zionist Plan for the Middle East. The Israeli plan calls for the destruction of the armies of the large Arab states and the Balkanization of their nations into ethnic mini-states, exactly as was done to Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Consider what U.S. intervention has done to the Arab nations of Iraq and Syria, and compare it with what the Israeli strategic plan called for in 1982: 

'The Western front, which on the surface appears more problematic, is in fact less complicated than the Eastern front, in which most of the events that make the headlines have been taking place recently. Lebanon's total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precedent for the entire Arab world including Egyp, Syria, Iraq, and the Arabian Peninsula, and is already following that track. The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israels primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target. Syria will  fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present Lebanon (dat de Israelische strijdkrachten van 6 June 1982 tot January 1985 bezet hielden. svh), so that there will be a Shi'ite Alawi state along its coast,  a Sunni state in the Aleppo area, another Sunni state in Damascus hostile to its northern neighbor, and the Druzes who will set up a state, maybe even in our Golan (door Israel bezet. svh), and certainly in the Hauran and in northern Jordan. This state of affairs will be a guarantee for peace and security in the area in the long run, and that aim is already within our reach today.’

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