maandag 1 juli 2024

Boycotts work - they stopped Apartheid South Africa

We don't need violence anymore. In a connected world, consumers can vote using their values. That should work, if our politicians didn't get in the way ...

This is a great story from Independent Media company Redacted. And here are the key excerpts. Watch the video with the link in the comments.

A) Boycotts work - they stopped Apartheid South Africa (in the early 1990s), they would have stopped Israel:
Companies around the world are boycotting Isr0el, and the media will not tell you about it. Look at this article from Israeli media Walla, saying that the economic boycott of Israel is already here, according to a banker inside of the Israeli government. Speaking from Tel Aviv, the banking executive observed that for now, Israeli-owned entities and companies are not transferring their funds abroad, though they are exercising extreme caution within their investments in Israeli firms and globally. He says, "We, Israeli business companies and owners, are becoming economically unwelcome, almost pariahs in some areas. Many companies are now at risk as international entities impose an informal boycott on Isr0eli companies and factories."

B) But our politicians try to stop consumers' rights
They came up with the BDS. Only US lawmakers think that it is their job to protect the Isroeli people, the Israeli government, not us, the Americans. So, they literally wrote legislation saying that it is illegal to boycott Isroel. Why can't you boycott Israel? Isn't that your right? Do you have to like Isroel?
Here is the Combating BDS Act of 2019. This never became law, but in many ways, the anti-Semitism bill is this bill in sheep's clothing.

C) We learned every Congress person has an 'AIPAC' guy (AIPAC is a pro-Isroel lobby group)
What does that mean, an AIPAC person?
"It's like your babysitter, your AIPAC babysitter, who is always talking to you for AIPAC. They're probably a constituent in your district, but they are firmly embedded in AIPAC, and every member has something like this. That's how it works on the Republican side. When they come to DC, you go have lunch with them, and they've got your cell number, and you have conversations with them."

Why have I never heard this before?
"It doesn't benefit anybody. Why would they want to tell their constituents that they've basically got a buddy system with somebody who's representing a foreign country? "

And so we see here an example of how corrupt politics, causes conflict, loss of life, and if you consider escalation, even world peace.

We openly see politicians obstructing basic civil rights (to boycott entities we don't agree with) due to lobbying. Had the movement been left unimpeded would so many lives have been lost?

We can boycott any other country btw, just not ....

Remember, money is energy. Your energy - the translation of your time and effort into savings - where you direct it, shapes the world you want.

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