zondag 27 augustus 2023

Intriguing map of “future Ukraine”.


Intriguing map of “future Ukraine”.
The map circulated in the Internet about one year ago. Who knows what to think about it may tell. It might well become reality…
Possibly Poland may during the current conflict occupy western Ukraine with the city of Lvov, territory which used to be Polish.
Russia may integrate the southern and eastern parts, where the majority of the people are Russian speakers with Russian culture. These people want to be part of Russia, whether the western powers like it or not.
Referenda have shown that they do not want to be part of Ukraine anymore. This is quite logical, because Ukraine bullied them around in quite nasty ways. Just imagine what would happen to them if the situation would be reversed again. The Russian people of Ukraine are totally fed up with the regime in Kiev, since 2014 shelling and killing innocent civilians. Ukraine also cut off the water supply of Crimea, which (one might say) is a blatant act of geopolitical terrorism.
The southern and eastern parts of Ukraine where called “Nova Russia” ever since the days of Catherine the Great, who also was the founder of Odessa. The interior may stay to be Ukrainian, with Kiev being the capital. By the way, the Ukrainians removed the statue of Catherine the Great in Odessa. That says it all.
Anyway, certainly Russia is not planning to capture Ukraine entirely. Too much trouble and not necessary either. One must be aware that Russia is an autarch nation possessing about all raw materials is needs. So why go any further? Western propaganda may spread whatever narratives it thinks fit to scare the people of Europe, but Russia is not interested in these territories.
Poland in its turn would be glad to have western Ukraine back. Russia would probably not mind at all, except that NATO would be there too in that case… But at least not in the major part of Ukraine. Russia will NEVER allow that to happen.

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