zaterdag 21 september 2019

Just Think!

Roaming Charges: Pompeo and Circumstance

Storefront mannikin, Astoria, Oregon. Photo: Jeffrey St. Clair.
+ The Saudis want to “fight the Iranians to the last American.”
— Secretary of Defense Bob Gates, February 2010
+ Who needs John Bolton, when you’ve got Pompeo Maximus declaring the attack on the Abqaiq refineries in Saudi Arabia: “An act of war.”
+ By Pompeo’s logic, the death of every Yemeni kid from cholera was “sponsored” by the USA…
+ As we await our real commander-in-chief MBS’s decision on whether to go to war against Iran, it may be worth reminding people that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia owns the entire 45th floor of Trump World Tower
+ Pompeo, Tuesday: “The president has made very clear he is prepared to meet with no preconditions.”
Trump, Sunday: “The Fake News is saying that I am willing to meet with Iran, ‘No Conditions.’ That is an incorrect statement (as usual!).”
+ Mike Pompeo: “I promise you as Secretary of State, I will do my best to be your senior diplomat and stay true to my Christian values every single day.” (How many drone strikes a day are consistent with Christian values?)
+ The rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the poisonous tree: Liz Cheney calls for “proportional military response” against Iran for the drone strike on Saudi oil facilities.
+ Seeing Liz Cheney salivating for war on Iran is not surprising. But it does show the superior parenting skills of the Nixons, Fords, Carters and Reagans, none of whose offspring have entered politics.
+ Erich Boehm in Reason: “A world in which John Bolton says mean things about the president during lunch is far safer than a world in which John Bolton speaks to the president over lunch.”
+ The NYTs Michael Crowley on the differences between Iraq and Iran: “Iraq, at least, was a country we were able to defeat and occupy fairly quickly.” (And, according to the Times’ social media editors, having penises thrust in your face at Yale parties might be considered harmless fun…)
+ It’s official. By deploying troops and weapons to Saudi Arabia, Trump’s doing more to protect Aramco’s oil fields, than children in US schools…
But as The Clash say:
It’s up to you, not to heed the call up
I don’t want to die
It’s up to you, not to hear the call up
I don’t want to kill
+ The last time the US based troops in Saudi Arabia, it became the basis for Osama Bin Laden’s 1996 fatwah,”Declaration of War against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places,” where he vowed to remove them with “a rain of bullets.”
+ With the human landfill of scandal known as Joe Biden, it seems implausible that Trump would need to bribe the Ukrainians to dig up dirt on Biden’s son, Hunter. But Trump plays by the Roy Cohn Rules, so the implausible is always possible, if not probable.
+ Eric Columbus: “The Ukraine bribes really knock me out, they leave the West behind.”
+ Q. Surely, this will be the scandal that breaks Trump’s back?
A. What if Trump has no back?
+ Rudy Giuliani is Trump’s go-to guy for the limited, brain-modified hang out..
+ If Sanders, Warren and/or that Andrew Yang play the Ukraine scandal right they could knock off both Biden and Trump.
+ Another “smart weapon” massacre in Afghanistan this where a US drone strike killed 30 civilians working on a pine nut farm. And you wonder why they hate us? I’ll wager Trump got more crap for inviting (and then cancelling) the Taliban to Camp David for peace talks, than the Pentagon will ever get in the US press for this war crime.
+ Trump said this week that when he first took office Gen. Mad Dog Mattis came to him and said, “Sir, we’re very low on ammunition.” Mattis advised Trump to delay military action (against a country Trump didn’t name) because of the ammunition shortage. This Trump tale is entirely plausible given the tonnage of bombs Obama dropped every day during his tenure in office. Of course, it didn’t take Trump and Mattis long to catch up and surpass Obama
+ Trump: “Our nuclear was getting very tired when I got in. Now it’s in tippy-top shape. Tippy top.”
+ Funny, I don’t feel any safer…
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Jeffrey St. Clair is editor of CounterPunch. His most recent books are Bernie and the Sandernistas: Field Notes From a Failed Revolution and The Big Heat: Earth on the Brink (with Joshua Frank) He can be reached at: or on Twitter  @JSCCounterPunch . 

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