dinsdag 18 juni 2019

Scott Ritter: US may start a war to appease the Israel lobby

Scott Ritter: US may start a war with Iran 'by mistake' to appease the Israel lobby

Gepubliceerd op 20 mei 2019


Interview with Scott Ritter, former US Marine Corps Major about this week's attack on oil tankers and a pipleine, threatening Persian Gulf oil supplies – he discusses US’s position on Iran at present: reasons for US demonising Iran; one Norwegian, two Saudi Persian Gulf oil tankers attacked; attack on pumping station on a Saudi Aramco oil pipeline; Iran nuclear deal US in non compliance; do Iran have nuclear weapons? Iran nuclear deal: Tehran to lift cap on uranium enrichment. A year after US pullout from agreement, Iran says it is no longer committed to parts of the deal with world powers. Nuclear weapons on black market; is Israel safe with nuclear weapons? End of the US empire? www.thisweek.org.uk - BCfm 93.2 Martin Summers Tony Gosling


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