woensdag 18 juli 2018

Naomi Klein: Disaster Capitalism

Dear Reader,
Ten months after Hurricane María made landfall, the worst natural disaster ever to hit Puerto Rico is still wreaking havoc. Swaths of the island remain without access to electricity and clean water, while the economic devastation caused by the storm continues to grow.
But far from being natural, much of the storm’s impact upon Puerto Rican residents was caused by political and economic decisions made by a small class of elites. The aftermath has been a classic example of “disaster capitalism” -- a term coined by the great writer and thinker Naomi Klein.
Now, Klein has a written a short, timely new book that documents the shock doctrine tactics that are being deployed upon Puerto Rico -- and the inspiring work of activists and organizers fighting to save the island from plunder.
In The Battle For Paradise: Puerto Rico Takes on the Disaster Capitalists, Naomi Klein documents how the ultra-rich are attempting to remake the island through privatization and the slashing of public services and assets, while dedicated residents fight for a just recovery. 
Carmen Yulín Cruz, the Mayor of San Juan, says of the book:
“We are in a fight for our lives. Hurricanes Irma and María unmasked the colonialism we face in Puerto Rico, and the inequality it fosters, creating a fierce humanitarian crisis. Now we must find a path forward to equality and sustainability, a path driven by communities, not investors. And this book explains, with careful and unbiased reporting, only the efforts of our community activists can answer the paramount question: What type of society do we want to become and who is Puerto Rico for?” 
In These Times has been shining light on the corporate barons attempting to profit off of Hurricane María long before the storm first crashed down on Puerto Rico. And we are committed to profiling the acts of resistance -- and resilience -- shown by brave Puerto Ricans unwilling to see the island turned into a playground for the super rich. 
Please, donate today to help fund our reporting and we’ll send you this important new book right away:
In solidarity,
Joel Bleifuss
Editor & Publisher
P.S. For readers outside the U.S., please make a contribution of $40 or more to cover international postage.

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