zondag 1 april 2018

Jewish Voice for Peace

Dear Stan,
It’s demoralizing and terrifying: new research shows 1 in 9 Facebook posts written about Palestinians contains a call for violence or a curse. And In Israel hate-filled ANTI-Palestinian posts go up every 71 seconds!1
Yet incredibly Facebook removes 10,000 Palestinian posts each year,1 through an extraordinary agreement with the Israeli government.
Its mission is to bring the world closer together -- but Facebook is actively pulling Israel/Palestine apart. That’s where we come in.
Mark Zuckerberg is under fire like never before and Facebook is vulnerable to being called on their hypocrisy.  So if we create a massive outcry we can get Facebook to stop blocking Palestine, and start taking on hate speech against Palestinians:
Just this month Facebook has shut down hundreds of Palestinian media and activists accounts, including the controversial Safa Palestinian Press Agency which has 1.3 million followers.
The justification for this muzzling is to stop “incitement” under an agreement where Facebook acts as the enforcer of Israel’s apartheid laws that lumps activists together with terrorists to shut down dissent. 
And the Israeli government isn’t shy about getting Facebook to do their dirty work: their own stats show they’ve asked for 12,000 posts to be taken down!
The internet is one of the few places Palestinians can be free — but that’s under attack like never before. Add your name and let’s get Facebook to stop blocking Palestine:
Ari Wohlfeiler
Deputy Director
Jewish Voice for Peace is a national membership organization inspired by Jewish tradition to work for the justice, equality, and dignity of all the people of Israel/Palestine. Become a JVP Member today.

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