zondag 11 maart 2018

Inside Climate News

In the 03/11/2018 edition:

Standing Rock: Dakota Access Pipeline Leak Technology Can't Detect All Spills

The Standing Rock Tribe argues in a report that thousands of barrels of oil a day could leak into the Missouri River and not be detected by the company's equipment. 
Nine months after oil starting flowing through the Dakota Access pipeline, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe continues to fight the controversial project, which passes under the Missouri River just upstream from their water supply.

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3 Dozen Shareholder Climate Resolutions Target Oil, Gas and Power Companies

Concerned investors want details on climate risk planning, methane and lobbying, but some executives see Trump’s embrace of fossil fuels as reason to say no. 
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When a group of investors asked Noble Energy, Inc., to report on the risks climate change poses to its business, the company's response put on display how the Trump administration's pro-fossil-fuel stance is swaying the perennial debate.

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InsideClimate News Wins National Business Journalism Awards

ICN reporters investigated the impact powerful fossil fuel interests have on ordinary Americans and ways they're trying to silence environmental activists. 
InsideClimate News has won two top honors from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers for its investigations into the ways the fossil fuel industry guards its profits and prominence at the expense of ordinary Americans and tactics it uses to fight environmental activism. It also won an honorable mention for reporting on past violations by a company planning to drill in the Arctic.

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