vrijdag 5 januari 2018

"The Truth Is, I Fought For Next To Nothing"

Stan, een treurige, maar eerlijke bekentenis:

Uit Zero Hedge. 4 jan 2018

An Officer's Path To Dissent: "The Truth Is, I Fought For Next To Nothing"

Profile picture for user Tyler Durden

Through it all was the guiding question: Has anything I’ve done - or we’ve done - made Americans’ lives any better? More importantly, has it measurably improved the world? What if we’ve made it worse?

The struggle of an American soldier to take the red pill and look the evil in the eyes. 

Uit de vele commentaren:
Baron von Bud  Beam Me Up Scotty Jan 4, 2018 8:31 PM
These wars were never meant to be won. They are meant to cause chaos. To spend a trillion dollars so the arms manufacturers back home make money and the military gets promotions and pensions. It's just a massive money game to enrich the bankers and the insiders. Our nation is totally lost. Now they're causing trouble in Iran. Another day, another dollar.

HardAssets  skidsmango1 Jan 4, 2018 8:08 PM
You’ve probably read USMC Maj Gen Smedley Butler. He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor twice. He got it; he said he wasn’t able to actually think for himself till after he left the Corps. He saw that he was muscle for the money interests.

skidsmango1  navy62802 Jan 4, 2018 7:30 PM
Why should this guy shut his f@#$% mouth? F#$ck you for being a pussy and not speaking your truth. Yes, I am retired USMC. And yes, you can have your f#$ing country, because it isn't the country I thought I was fighting for. It is a country in decay. And I watch the slow death of "your country" from a different country where I choose to live.

SixIsNinE  serotonindumptruck Jan 4, 2018 8:17 PM
By the 1950s it was clear that 20 to 40% of the population could easily be hypnotised.  Add in trauma - based hypnotism and TeeVee and control of the media narrative and the numbers increase to over 60%. 
Add a 9/11 type event and it succeeded beyond their wildest dreams of success as more than 80% of the population fell for the hoax. 
What was exceptionally astonishing was how New Yorkers fell for it.  Usually a group above average in NOT falling for scams fell for it. 
To this day,  it is beyond belief that at our fingertips anyone can call up video of the obvious controlled demolition - yet it still remained beyond the grasp of the majority - they do NOT care. 
they do NOT care.  even if their brother would have to go to "war" - because of the false flag they do NOT care.
we had the Mark Twain / aka Sam Clemens article the other day - his other quote which is important to remember is, iirc :  85% of people don't think.  10% of people "think" they think and 5% of people are actual thinkers.

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