vrijdag 6 januari 2017


Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange 
By Fox News 


Assange addresses the FBI, DHS report on Russian hacking

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange told Fox News' Sean Hannity that a teenager could have hacked into Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta's computer.
Posted January 05, 2017

Ted Cruz and Tim Kaine Quiz Director Clapper on Russian Hacking (1-5-17) 

DNI Chief Clapper Takes Swipe at Trump, Assange as He Defends Russia Hack Intel: Clapper told the Senate Armed Services Committee that Russia had stepped up its cyber espionage operations, but stopped short of declaring the Russian election hacking an "act of war"
Donald Trump Plans Revamp of Top U.S. Spy Agency: Trump is working with top advisers on a plan that would restructure and pare back the nation’s top spy agency, people familiar with the planning said.
Trump voices new doubts about Russian efforts to sway U.S. vote; Trump also quoted Assange as telling Fox News that U.S. media coverage of the matter was "very dishonest."
Assange, Wikileaks Have Put Intel Officers in Danger: Clapper; Video -When asked about Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper says, “I don’t think those of us in the intelligence community have a whole lot of respect for him.”
Clapper: RT reporting on US problems part of 'multifaceted' Russian campaign to undermine elections : “RT was very active in promoting a particular point of view, disparaging our system, our alleged hypocrisy about human rights, etc. "

1 opmerking:

  1. “RT was very active in promoting a particular point of view, disparaging our system, our alleged hypocrisy about human rights, etc. ".

    Precies dus wat goede journalistiek moet doen. Kom er eens om.

    Clapper, de gluurder achter het gordijn, de gaatjesboorder in de meisjestoiletten,
    de betaster in het duister, de man die de constituties van zijn land aan alle kanten
    op elk moment aan zijn totalitaire laars lapt.
