woensdag 7 januari 2015

NATO Supports Terrorists. Blowback

Blowback In Paris
Armed Terrorists Kill 12 People

By Tony Cartalucci 

January 07, 2015 "
ICH" - "Land Destroyer"-   France, as part of a NATO-led coalition, has been arming, funding, aiding, and otherwise perpetuating Al Qaeda terrorists for years, beginning, on record in Libya with the overthrow of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and continuing until today with NATO's arming, harboring, and backing of Al Qaeda terrorists including the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS) within and along Syria's borders.
With the recent attack in Paris likely the work of the very terrorists France has been arming and backing across North Africa and the Middle East, the French government itself stands responsible, guilty of the continued material support of a terrorist organization that has now killed French citizens, including two police officers, not only on French soil, but within the French capital itself.

In the New York Times article, "Terror Attack on Charlie Hebdo Newspaper in Paris Kills 12," it was reported that:

Masked gunmen with automatic weapons opened fire in the offices of a French satirical newspaper on Wednesday in Paris, the police said, killing 12 people and then escaping in a car. 
President François Hollande said the attack on the weekly, Charlie Hebdo, was “without a doubt” an act of terrorism and raised the nationwide terror alert to its highest status. He said that several terrorist attacks had been thwarted in recent weeks.
However, despite Hollande's feigned concern and outrage over the attack, it was the French government who had advocated and presided over the arming of terrorist groups across the Arab World in the West's bid to overthrow nation after nation and reorder the entire region according to their own geopolitical and economic interests starting with the "Arab Spring" in 2011.

The Washington Post would report in 2011 in an article titled, "France sent arms to Libyan rebels," that:
Image: British-French leaders tour decimated Libya in wake of  2011 NATO
intervention on behalf of "rebels" composed primarily of Al Qaeda terrorists. 
French officials announced Wednesday that they had armed rebels in Libya, marking the first time a NATO country has said it was providing direct military aid to opponents of the government in a conflict that has lasted longer than many policymakers expected.
While Hollande's predecessor, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy would be the one to set foot in decimated Libya in the wake of NATO's intervention there - which included in addition to French arms sent to terrorists, French planes providing these terrorists air cover as they carried out atrocities and genocide - Hollande would continue policies enacted under Sarkozy, both in Libya, and currently in Syria.

Attack Was Carried Out By Professional "Gladio-Style" Operators 

Video that has emerged from the recent attack in Paris shows heavily armed militants expertly handling their military-grade weapons with precision and discipline - clearly the recipients of military training. Whichever flavor of "Al Qaeda" they hail from, they are a product of the global network of terrorism the West has purposefully created and perpetuates to this day in order to carry out a war of terror upon their own citizenry, as well as proxy wars against their enemies overseas.

French complicity in arming militants in Syria especially, has long been a point of contention and fear among critics who have for years warned about "blowback." However, it is unlikely that France, or its partners amongst this vast network of state sponsored global terror, did not anticipate such "blowback," and were somehow unable to prevent such attacks if desired. In other words, what the attacks in Paris appears to be, is another of NATO's "Operation Gladio" style attacks on the European people in an insidious bid to manipulate public perception as well as the regional political landscape.

Funded by the US, trained in Britain and maintained as paramilitary extremist groups throughout Europe during the Cold War, NATO's so-called "stay behind networks" were supposedly created to activate in the wake of a full-scale Soviet invasion of Western Europe. Instead, they were used to stage false-flag attacks, killing and maiming hundreds of Europeans with their atrocities blamed on the Soviet Union and their European sympathizers. The attacks and assassinations were used by NATO to manipulate public perception and reverse gains by political groups operating beyond NATO's control.

Image: French President Hollande in Saudi Arabia - among the most prolific
state-sponsors of global terrorism on Earth and an irreplaceable partner in
NATO's bid to reorder the Arab World.  
Likewise, Al Qaeda and its various franchises including its most recent and notorious, ISIS, is being used simultaneously as a domestic menace and a foreign expeditionary mercenary force.

Indeed, out of one side of President Hollande's mouth he would condemn the attacks in Paris, and out of the other, continue calling for the arming and backing of the very networks this attack originated from in order to continue the campaign of violence and terror in Syria.

Regardless of whatever investigation yields whatever conclusion, the fact that NATO has engineered such attacks in the past against the very people it claims to exist to protect, makes NATO and the various political leaders at the head of its respective member states prime suspects - both incapable of conducting an impartial investigation of the recent attack, and incapable of preventing another attack, likely engineered not from enemies beyond Europe's borders, but exceptionally dangerous enemies within them. 

Land Destroyer.blogspot.com (CC) 2009-2014

Charlie Hebdo - The Chickens Come Home To Roost

By Moon Of Alabama
January 07, 2015 "ICH" - "Moon Of Alabama"- Twelve people, including two police, were killed in France when unknown gunmen attacked the office of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo today.
Some forty people were killed in Saana, Yemen, today in a bomb attack on people who were hoping to enlist with the police. These forty people and the many more wounded in the attack will get much less headlines than those killed in France.
Videos (12) from the attack in Paris show the attackers in black clothing and behaving as if they had at least some military training. They were armed with automatic weapons and, according to the police, with a rocket launcher. At least two attackers are still on the run. We do not yet know the motive of the attackers, but I consider the following more likely than a false flag attack.
In 2011 the magazine Charlie Hebdo was one of those that printed the Mohammed caricatures, a crude and insulting attempt to smear the prophet and all Muslim as terrorists. In 2012 the magazine continued the campaign depicting the prophet Mohammed as naked, attention seeking gnome.
Unlike U.S. "liberals" most of the world does not consider free speech as an absolute right. Indeed like screaming "fire" in a filled theater, insulting the believe of other people is likely to get you hurt in most parts of the world. To claim such insults should not matter is itself an insult in that it declares one culture, that of absolute free speech rights, to be superior to other values. It is indecent.
That the Charlie Hebdo satire was indecent and insulting does not justify the murderous attack, but explains the probable motivation of the attackers. It is deeply wrong to kill people for their speech. But it is also wrong to insult others for no good reasons, be it profit or "free speech" worship.
The attackers in Paris are believed to be militants who pretend to be true Muslims fighting for their believes. The state of France under its presidents Sarkozy and Hollande has empowered and supported such pretenders in their attacks on the people and governments of Libya and Syria. In Syria Jihadi fighters of the Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra are using U.S. supplied anti-tank missiles. A German air defense regiment is defending their areas of retreat in Turkey against Syrian government attacks. While it supports Jihadis in Syria France is now deploying an air craft carrier to the Persian Gulf to attack the Islamic State in Iraq. The last  point could also be the actual motive of today's attack.
The fundamentalists were cheered on by "western" politicians when they attacked civilians in Tripoli and Aleppo. When they attack in countries which cater to "western interests" or within "western" countries these attacks are seen as hostile and used to justify another lurch to the extreme right, to war and towards more totalitarian states.
Unless they push for saner, less aggressive policies the average people in the middle, no matter their believes, are the ones losing in this war.

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