zondag 19 oktober 2014

Obama 'Catering To Wall Street'

Boom Bust: Paul Craig Roberts on the revolving door in Washington and Martenson on the collapse in

Published on Oct 14, 2014

Over the weekend, US Senator Elizabeth Warren admonished President Obama for 'catering to Wall Street and dismissing Main Street' following the 2008 recession. In an interview with Salon, Senator Warren argued the Obama Administration protected Wall Street. Not families who were losing their homes. Shes certainly right on the housing front, considering 32% of working-age adults are living in doubled-up households. Erin weighs in.

Then, Erin sits down with Paul Craig Roberts chairman of the Institute for Political Economy and former assistant secretary to the Treasury in the Reagan Administration to talk about bank fraud and the revolving door between Washington and Wall Street.

After the break, Erin talks to Chris Martenson co-founder of PeakProsperity.com to discuss the recent drop in oil prices. Martenson believes oil is only temporarily headed lower because he says cheap oil is in short supply.

And in The Big Deal, Erin is joined by Edward Harrison to further the discussion 

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