woensdag 30 juli 2014

Zionist Fascism 106

The Israeli attack on Gaza isn't just ongoing - it's accelerating. Where are the leaders of major Jewish organizations?

Jerry Silverman, Rabbi David Saperstein, and Rabbi Steve Gutow. If they acted for justice, they could make a real difference.
Tell Jewish leaders to stand up for justice.Take Action!

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Dear Stan,
I am outraged.
As of today, 1,300 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since July 8th. In just a 14-hour stretch Monday, 100 people were killed. The only working power plant in Gaza was destroyed by the Israeli military yesterday. Seven children were killed while playing on a swingset. On Sunday, the army shelled a UN-run school after specifically hearing from staff people there that they needed more time to evacuate.
It is beyond horrendous. Beyond heartbreaking. Beyond anything I can imagine.
And yet, the response from institutional Jewish community leaders hasn't just been utter silence with regard to the suffering of Palestinians. It has included an appalling degree of outright war-mongering and victim-blaming. As though the occupation and illegal siege of Gaza simply didn't exist.
So please - sign our letter today to these three major Jewish organizational heads: Jerry Silverman at the Jewish Federations of North American, Rabbi David Saperstein at the Religious Acton Center, and Rabbi Steve Gutow at the Jewish Council on Public Affairs. These supposed leaders of our community need to know that their unbending support for Israeli aggression is simply wrong.
I want Jewish leaders who honor the value of Jewish and Palestinian lives as inherently, unequivocally equal. I want Jewish leaders who will speak in passionate opposition to US policies that fund a human rights catastrophe committed in our names.
I love my friends and family in Israel - and never want them to have the terrifying experience of rockets overhead. And I also want Jewish leaders who understand killing Palestinians and imposing an occupation and siege on Gaza will never, ever make them safer.
In the hopes that can one day be true, we drafted an email to send to the leadership of some of these Jewish communal organizations that are shamefully silent as Israel attacks basic Palestinian infrastructure and kills hundreds of Palestinian children.  
Jewish communal leaders need to know that we want moral leadership that values all lives.  We'd love you to add your name to our letter, so we can reach out goal of 18,000 signatures. Here’s the core of the letter:
In the spirit of tochecha, sacred rebuke, we urge you to take a public stand not just for an immediate ceasefire, but for an end to the underlying conditions of siege that makes life unbearable for Palestinians in Gaza.
These leaders have real power. They are actively influencing US policy in our names - policies that include unanimous Congressional votes in support of this attack, increased military aid to fund it, and US obstructionism at the United Nations. Click here to add your name.
I really believe that hearing from thousands of US Jews will be hard for them to ignore. It is time we speak up and encourage others to—especially those in the Jewish community who haven’t raised their voices before in this way—-and not let mainstream American Jewish leaders’ silence confuse the opposition from the Jewish community to Israel’s assault on Gaza.
We will deliver this letter to each of these leaders next week. But we want your name on it first.
Rabbi Alissa Wise
Director of Organizing

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