maandag 18 november 2013

Fukushima 8

Published on Oct 29, 2013
Please share/remix this video. And if you do so, please include the information given below. And if you could give a link through to my original, that would be appreciated. Thanks.

*UPDATE* The following are the words of RadChick (Christina Consolo). I respect her opinion, so please add what she says into the equation. But of course, please do your own research.

"I do want to mention that the estimation from Tepco that 300 tons of contaminated water are flowing into the Pacific each day is way too low. Anywhere from 1000-4000 tons flow through the site daily, along with 3-400 tons that Tepco is pouring. How does the bulk of that water magically avoid the corium lava-field underground? I don't think it does. So the worst case, which should ALWAYS be assumed in a radiological accident with wide implications for public health, and in this case contamination of the entire Pacific Ocean, is that 10x more contaminated water than what Tepco states is flowing into the Pacific. Possible as much as 4000 tons, not 300 as indicated in this video or the 'official story". Imo. No one else is talking about this MAJOR discrepancy. We need ground penetrating radar to formulate a plan and get a handle on what is happening"

For more info about the current status of Fukushima and the Pacific Ocean, watch this:
Status of Fukushima & the Pacific Ocean (enhanced edited version)…

Dit berichtte Karel Knip van de 'kwaliteitskrant' NRC na de ramp:

Er dreigt hoe dan ook geen kernramp in Japan

Zelfs als er in het ergste geval een meltdown plaats heeft in een kerncentrale in het door de aardbeving getroffen gebied in Japan hoeft dat geen groot gevaar op te leveren, zegt wetenschapsredacteur Karel Knip van NRC Handelsblad.

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