dinsdag 10 september 2013

Syria 250

De New York Times stelt het zoals het is:


Russian Proposal Could Offer Obama Escape From Bind...

John M. Broder
The Syrian foreign minister said Tuesday that his government has accepted Russia’s proposal to place its chemical weapons under international control for ultimate destruction, according to reports from Moscow.
The Syrian official, Walid al-Moallem said after meeting with a Russian Parliament speaker that his government quickly “agreed to the Russian initiative,” wire services said.
He said Syria had taken the step to “uproot U.S. aggression.”
Mr. Moallem made similar remarks on Monday, although it was unclear whether Syria was willing to cede full control of its chemical weapons arsenal. It also is not clear that he has authority to speak for the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, without returning to Damascus for consultations.

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